From the topic my friend made:
Yeah. lol
Since we don't have that chip (forgot the name of it) which its purpose is to connect 2 or more seven-segment displays, and simply do parallelput (34) and outputs 34 on the display.
We only have 2 seven-segment and 2 decoders.
I made an alternate:
var input : string
var n1_string, n2_string : string
var n1_stringbin, n2_stringbin : string
var n1_int, n2_int : int
put "Please enter 2 digits: " ..
get input
if length (input) < 2 then
input := "0" + input
end if
%split it
n1_string := input (1)
n2_string := input (2)
n1_int := strint (n1_string, 10)
n2_int := strint (n2_string, 10)
%n1 binary conversion
n1_stringbin := intstr (n1_int, 0, 2)
if length (n1_stringbin) not= 4 then
n1_stringbin := "0" + n1_stringbin
end if
exit when length (n1_stringbin) = 4
end loop
%put n1_stringbin
%n2 binary conversion
n2_stringbin := intstr (n2_int, 0, 2)
if length (n2_stringbin) not= 4 then
n2_stringbin := "0" + n2_stringbin
end if
exit when length (n2_stringbin) = 4
end loop
%put n2_stringbin
%put strint (n1_stringbin + n2_stringbin, 2)
parallelput (strint (n1_stringbin + n2_stringbin, 2))
It requires 2 seven-segment display and 2 decoder chips.
One decoder for each seven-segment.
Connect the first decoder to the parallel port (which uses pins 2-5)
And the second decoder (which uses pins 6-9).
The limitation with this is the max seven-segments you can use are two.