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 Two more programs...
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:39 pm   Post subject: Two more programs...

Okay from now on ill just update these. I gotta stop making new programs and finish my other ones. Im learning a lot so its all good.

This zip contains 2 DIFFERENT programs as follows;
Smileyslayer is a "grided" game. All you can do is move (W A S D) and use your sword (ENTER). Its grided in that there is 30 across and 21 high. You can only move in that grid. You cannot even leave the window so ha! I like the sword because it kinda looks like a sword. Notice he always slices with his right arm : D I will have a shield on the other arm, or mabey you have to get the shield? I dunno I havn't decided yet. Throw ideas at me Very Happy (And yes this guy will have armour ext, wont just like like a cricle lolz)

Now this is the ACTUAL movement of my Zombi Mass'Acres. Notice that you have a sword looking thing. Really it will be a gun, but for your enjoyment I drew a sword! I like to go from on side of the screen and run to the other and pretend like im slicing something in half Razz

Oh yes. Notice energy at the top left. Hold right click and you will sprint. Hold it while you move. It makes you run faster. If you are not running then your energy will increase. I know of a bug, which is when you are standing there and holding right click then your energy will not increase. I will fix it.

Hope you all enjoy. Please post if you download Very Happy

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:33 am   Post subject: (No subject)

um first reply
I donno
it doesnt sem to work for me
the sword, and the sprint thingy.
ummmmmm Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes 8)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:35 am   Post subject: (No subject)

i really dont get the sprinting part

the movement for smiley slayer is sort of weird

the movement for the movement game should be incorporated into the smiley one

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:16 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

um first reply
I donno
it doesnt sem to work for me
the sword, and the sprint thingy.

What exactly happened?

i really dont get the sprinting part

the movement for smiley slayer is sort of weird

the movement for the movement game should be incorporated into the smiley one

The sprinting makes you run faster (Not by much)
Smiley slayer I was thinking making into one of those old style text rpgs but with smileys thats why it has slow movement and it is crap. Its meant to be that way.

For the movement I like to use 50 as a sword. The sword doesn't look all that good but I like it for only a phew lines of coe (no pics woot). I can also easily change it for different guns and knifes, bats ext to fight the zombies.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:54 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

nice beginings so far, the only thing is, in the movement, i think that you should loose energy if you move without sprinting, just slower than if you were sprinting, mayb u meant to do that, dunno

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:36 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I donno, my computer probably
cause all your program does on my comp is to move around, nothing else happened Confused Confused 8)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:21 am   Post subject: (No subject)

ssr wrote:
I donno, my computer probably
cause all your program does on my comp is to move around, nothing else happened Confused Confused 8)

Really thats strange? So all you see is a Yellow circle that you can move?

nice beginings so far, the only thing is, in the movement, i think that you should loose energy if you move without sprinting, just slower than if you were sprinting, mayb u meant to do that, dunno

I was going to add that in but it makes people want to use run all the time instead of saving it for emergancies (ei in the main game, this is just part of the movement engine). I might add it in but bigger chance that I won't.

In between getting help with the firing I think ill start making the different guns (All built in, no pictures will be nessisary for the player, except mabey the player).
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