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 Help On My RPG
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PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:27 pm   Post subject: Help On My RPG

I'm just wondering if I am doing everything right so far in making an RPG game. Controls are abit messy, I'll give a quick outline here:

When in the outside world, ESC to enter the menu, then BACKSPACE to exit that menu. I tried having ESC to exit that menu, but it glitches.

When in a battle, ESC for an alternate escape method, and ENTER to attack, item, etc.

If there's any help please post some.

PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2006 5:45 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

The best advice I can offer is to learn Object Oriented Programming. It's a very powerful concept that will make a large project such as an RPG a lot easier to make and more logical to code.

If not that, then you should use parameters more. You've got procedures like "Attack". Attack what? Who is attacking? You are assuming that your hero is the one attacking, but why should the Attack procedure care who is attacking? So long as the thing (I want to say object, here) that is doing the attacking has the appropriate capabilities (I want to say methods, here), then the Attack procedure should be okay with it.
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