Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:19 am Post subject: What country / ethnic group has been most successful?
We're not starting a racist flame war, and we aren't going to have a poll. Inspired by the interesting debate over Indian history... I'm curious whether we can debate the historical / social merits of various ethnic groups. This is somewhat akin to the UN's "best country in the world" ranking, except I don't expect we'll crown a champion.
I realise that race or nationality is not a determinant factor for success in and of itself. However, the living environment; the social views and cultural values of a group often inhibit or ensure the achievement of their goals.
To keep it honest, you can not vote for your own ethnicity or country of heritage. You must justify your answer. For example:
Saudi Arabians.
With only one national resource, they've built up an incredible service, commerce & finance economy. They own an impressive amount of the world economy. They have an excellent social welfare system including health & education. They have all sorts of bonuses, grants and bursaries for education, getting married, having children, etc. Given that their region is politically unstable, they've done quite well for themselves in carving out a peaceful corner of arabia.
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Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:23 am Post subject: (No subject)
so efficient
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:21 am Post subject: (No subject)
CompWiz333 wrote:
eer, wheres your justification? ... are you nominating the Saudis and saying so because they are arabian? lol
His justification was in the following paragraph. The one that consisted of multiple sentences. The ones that were made up of more than two words each.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:41 am Post subject: (No subject)
hah, wow ... i must have thought that was his sig
and mazer ... it just goes to show that two words suffice
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:23 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i would say recently the UAE because of the money they are making from oil and etc. i visited dubai, and it was WOW , so hats off to them,
oh and in case someone believes im voting for my background, im actually jewish
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:58 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:04 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Persoanly i find this topic a bit to much like my race/cultucher is better then yours but for the sake of arugment....
I think this realy depends on what we juge successful as. If it is just based on money and power, whould it not have to be the USA. Being the curent super power of the world. But i do not think this alone should be a jugement of succesfullness, i think other factors like the social sturcher, clutcher and peoplep of the country/ethic gorup should also be takeing in to acount.
But then how dose one juge somthing so realtive and difrent as clutercher over another one? I think the awaser is simpley that you don't. I blive that all ehtick gorups have there own postive aspects that no other group has and each are unique. So i do not blive one is "best" or more succesfull then another in thess terms.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'd have to vote against Japan.
Sure they have sushi, anime, and cool gadgets, but they also have crazy work hours. From my understanding it's not uncommon to find someone working for 60 hours a week (without claiming over-time). I believe there were studies that concluded that North American workers are actually more productive than Japanese due to better working conditions.
Though really we should be asking Martin about all the inside information
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
This definitely seems like a bad idea...
I don't consider middle east to be a very successful area of the world; because tehy only have one resource. It just so happens that it is rather highly in demand and so they have been able to make some money. Were the oil industry to dry up much of the middle east economy would instantly go up in smoke.
Being Canadian and all I'd have to say that Canada is the best country. A wide range of natural resources, an industrious population; and to top it all off we are one of if not the most respected nations in the world.
If we're talking historical greatness then I really gotta go with great britan here. I mean, controlling 25% of the physical world, and significantly more of it's wealth seems like it might be a good thing.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I would say, lets just close this thread because sooner it will convert into one of the threads I posted (not gonna say which one)
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Cornflake wrote:
Being Canadian and all I'd have to say that Canada is the best country. A wide range of natural resources, an industrious population; and to top it all off we are one of if not the most respected nations in the world.
He explicitly said don't comment about your own country.
Cornflake wrote:
If we're talking historical greatness then I really gotta go with great britan here. I mean, controlling 25% of the physical world, and significantly more of it's wealth seems like it might be a good thing.
They were great conqurers, but that's not the deciding factor for a great empire / country. OK they were huge, but their own people (those who were conquered) didn't like it. If your own people are dissatisfied, then you are not really all that great.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:41 pm Post subject: (No subject)
@ rizzix, what makes a great country is subjective.
Anyways I am a Chinese Canadian so I can't vote for the two countries I would, if anyone at compsci isnt canadian wanna nominate us? lol not much hope, we are a ".ca" site.
Anyways, I have two opinions. I agree with Dan, that the U.S. of A. i the most successful, as of now. Nobody can deny their success, in science, medicine, military, and every other sector you can think of. Great people have come out of USA, and more will come.
Another nomination, is Germany! Sure they have that whole WW1, WW2 thing, but you know, they are a pretty succesful people. They have produced some of the greatest physicists, composers, etc.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
CompWiz333 wrote:
so efficient
Japan and efficient in the same sentence? Hahahahahahaha. Good one CompWiz333. National debt at 150% of the GDP and the least productive work force of the G8. You're quite a joker. Maybe if Toyota were a country...
Although obviously the US has been the most successful up to now (half of the money in the world is in America, which has 5% of the world's population), my vote for the most human progress goes to Sweden. They seem to be on the front of human rights and welfare. My hat's off to them.
Honourable mention goes to China. In spite of their very questionable politics, they manage to do a lot of good. They feed a sixth of the world's population on only 7% of its farm land. Then again, breathing the air in Shanghai is apparently the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day...
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:34 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Martin wrote:
In spite of their very questionable politics, they manage to do a lot of good.
Yes, like inflating World of Warcraft's economy by selling gold over eBay.. oh wait.
Switzerland is pretty awesome - it has Geneva and cheese.
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i ... well ... uum ... damn ... probly should have gone with canada ... uum thats the end of me using stereotypes. isnt MY face red! .... this thread really isnt showing my best side.