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 Could I get some help to make this better??
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:06 pm   Post subject: Could I get some help to make this better??

Ok, I made this game, and thanks to Cameron Gazey for making a great video to go with it (note I changed a couple of things in the video). I was wondering if anyone out there could help me make this game any better.

This is the Game:

% The Alien Assault: The Edited Version %

% Author: Cameron Gazey aka SkaarjSlayer
% Filename: island_edited.t
% Original Date Completed: Friday, April 18th, 2008
% Edited: Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
% A graphics cinematic portraying an alien attack on a city.

% background including the moon, sky, ocean, and island
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)

% the city
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% for loop for the moving and attacking alien ships
for i : 1..100
Draw.FillOval (200+i,350,150,25,gray)
Draw.FillOval (150+i,370,50,15,darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (350+i,300,30,10,darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (50+i, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
delay (200)
Draw.FillOval (200+i,350,150,25,black)
Draw.FillOval (150+i,370,50,15,black)
Draw.FillOval (350+i,300,30,10,black)
Draw.FillOval (50+i, 280, 30, 10, black)
end for
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% lasers Smile
for a : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 200, 120, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 200, 120, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (430, 270, 320, 225, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (430, 270, 320, 225, drawDot, black)
end for

% redrawn ships and city to eliminate black dashed lines left over from the lasers
% redrawn ships
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% more lasers Smile
for l : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 400, 150, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 400, 150, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 300, 150, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 300, 150, drawDot, black)
end for

% more redrawing Sad
% redrawn ships...again
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city...again Razz
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% aren't lasers just fun?
for o : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 245, 130, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 245, 130, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, black)
end for

% MORE redrawing -_-
% redrawn ships...again...again
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city...again...again
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% big laser XD
for z : 1..150
delay (25)
Draw.FillBox (304, 300-z, 310, 325, green)
end for
Draw.FillBox (300, 165, 310, 325, black)

% city explosions, explosions are put into 5 seperate for-loops executing 3 explosions each
% explosion set 1
for g : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (320, 125, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (200, 150, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (275, 125, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 2
for f : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (290, 130, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (360, 150, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (305, 125, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 3
for e : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (285, 120, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (320, 140, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (205, 120, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 4
for u : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (340, 180, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (235, 140, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (370, 135, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

%explosion set 5
for r : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (220, 145, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (295, 150, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (205, 130, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% big explosion
for x : 1 .. 900 by 10
Draw.FillOval (325 - x, 200 + x, 75, 75, red)
delay (10)
Draw.FillOval (325 + x, 200 + x, 75, 75, red)
delay (10)
Draw.FillOval (325 + x, 200 - x, 75, 75, red)
delay (10)
Draw.FillOval (325 - x, 200 - x, 75, 75, red)
Draw.FillOval (325, 200, 75 - x, 75 + x, yellow)
delay (10)
Draw.FillOval (325, 200, 75 + x, 75 - x, brightred)
end for

% the aftermath, basically everything redrawn without the city
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

Draw.Text ("The End", 300, 200, defFontID, white)
View.Set ("title: StormNexus (The Turing RPG), position: middle, middle, nobuttonbar")

if key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and x1 > 0 then
xx1 := x1 -22
yy1 := y1 -8
xx2 := x1 -22
yy2 := y1 +12

x1 -= 1
sd1 :=15
sd2 :=15
sdd1 :=10 % sd's change direction of shoes
sdd2 := 10
end if

if key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and x1 < maxx then
xx1 := x1 + 22
yy1:= y1 + 5
yy2 := y1 - 15

x1 +=1
sd1 :=15
sd2 :=15
sdd1 :=10 % sd's change direction of shoes
sdd2 := 10

end if

drawfilloval (xx2,yy2, sd1,sdd1,2) %shoes
drawfilloval (xx1,yy1, sd2,sdd2,2) %shoes
drawfilloval(x1,y1,22,22,7) %body

delay (10)

end loop

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:24 pm   Post subject: Re: Could I get some help to make this better??

I messed that one up

This is the one I actually want your input on.

import GUI


GUI.SetBackgroundColour (white)

procedure Start 
end Start

var b1 := GUI.CreateButton (100, 270, 00, "Start Game", Start )
    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
% The Alien Assault: The Edited Version %

% Author: Cameron Gazey aka SkaarjSlayer
% Filename: island_edited.t
% Original Date Completed: Friday, April 18th, 2008
% Edited: Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
% A graphics cinematic portraying an alien attack on a city.

% background including the moon, sky, ocean, and island
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)

% the city
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% for loop for the moving and attacking alien ships
for i : 1..100
Draw.FillOval (200+i,350,150,25,gray)
Draw.FillOval (150+i,370,50,15,darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (350+i,300,30,10,darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (50+i, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
delay (200)
Draw.FillOval (200+i,350,150,25,black)
Draw.FillOval (150+i,370,50,15,black)
Draw.FillOval (350+i,300,30,10,black)
Draw.FillOval (50+i, 280, 30, 10, black)
end for
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% lasers :)
for a : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 200, 120, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 200, 120, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (430, 270, 320, 225, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (430, 270, 320, 225, drawDot, black)
end for

% redrawn ships and city to eliminate black dashed lines left over from the lasers
% redrawn ships
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% more lasers :)
for l : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 400, 150, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 400, 150, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 300, 150, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 300, 150, drawDot, black)
end for

% more redrawing :(
% redrawn ships...again
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city...again :P
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

% aren't lasers just fun?
for o : 1..50
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 245, 130, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (150, 280, 245, 130, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, black)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, yellow)
delay (25)
Draw.DashedLine (450, 300, 330, 140, drawDot, black)
end for

% MORE redrawing -_-
% redrawn ships...again...again
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)
% redrawn city...again...again
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% big laser XD
for z : 1..150
delay (25)
Draw.FillBox (304, 300-z, 310, 325, green)
end for
Draw.FillBox (300, 165, 310, 325, black)

% city explosions, explosions are put into 5 seperate for-loops executing 3 explosions each
% explosion set 1
for g : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (320, 125, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (200, 150, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (275, 125, 0+g, 0+g, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 2
for f : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (290, 130, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (360, 150, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (305, 125, 0+f, 0+f, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 3
for e : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (285, 120, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (320, 140, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (205, 120, 0+e, 0+e, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

% explosion set 4
for u : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (340, 180, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (235, 140, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (370, 135, 0+u, 0+u, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

%explosion set 5
for r : 1..10
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (220, 145, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (295, 150, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
delay (50)
Draw.FillOval (205, 130, 0+r, 0+r, brightred)
end for
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillBox (310, 130, 300, 160, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 240, 155, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 120, 190, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (400, 120, 390, 150, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 340, 180, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (320, 125, 340, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (290, 125, 300, 140, gray)
Draw.FillBox (300, 125, 320, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (350, 125, 370, 150, gray)
Draw.FillBox (370, 125, 400, 140, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (200, 124, 220, 130, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 210, 160, gray)
Draw.FillBox (270, 125, 280, 170, darkgray)
Draw.FillBox (250, 125, 300, 135, gray)
Draw.FillBox (220, 125, 240, 135, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

delay (1000)

% big explosion
for x : 1 .. 900 by 10
    Draw.FillOval (325 - x, 200 + x, 75, 75, red)
    delay (10)
    Draw.FillOval (325 + x, 200 + x, 75, 75, red)
    delay (10)
    Draw.FillOval (325 + x, 200 - x, 75, 75, red)
    delay (10)
    Draw.FillOval (325 - x, 200 - x, 75, 75, red)
    Draw.FillOval (325, 200, 75 - x, 75 + x, yellow)
    delay (10)
    Draw.FillOval (325, 200, 75 + x, 75 - x, brightred)
end for

% the aftermath, basically everything redrawn without the city
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,400,black)
Draw.FillOval (300,80,200,50,brown)
Draw.FillBox (0,0,800,100,blue)
Draw.FillOval (500,300,50,50,white)
Draw.FillOval (300, 350, 150, 25, gray)
Draw.FillOval (250, 370, 50, 15, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (450, 300, 30, 10, darkgray)
Draw.FillOval (150, 280, 30, 10, darkgray)

Draw.Text ("The End", 300, 200, defFontID, white)
View.Set ("title: StormNexus (The Turing RPG), position: middle, middle, nobuttonbar")

var Name : string

%Input for Name
put "Enter A Name, Any Name: " ..
get Name : *

%Declare Variables
var Gender : string

%Input for Gendre
put "Enter Your Gender (Male/Female): " ..
get Gender

%Declare Variable
var Proffession : string

%Checks Gendre then displays possible proffessions
if Gender = "Male" then
    put "Choose Your Proffession......Wisely:"
    put "Fighter"
    put "Barbarian"
    put "Bard"
    put "Cleric"
    put "Wizard"
    put "Sorcerer"
    put "Palidan"
    put "Monk"
    put "Druid"
    put "Ranger"
    put "Rogue"
    put "Choice: " ..
    get Proffession
end if

if Gender = "Female" then
    put "Choose Your Proffession......Wisely:"
    put "Fighter"
    put "Barbarian"
    put "Bard"
    put "Cleric"
    put "Witch"
    put "Sorceress"
    put "Palidan"
    put "Monk"
    put "Druid"
    put "Ranger"
    put "Rogue"
    put "Choice: " ..
    get Proffession
end if

%Declare Variable
var Alliance : string

%Choosing Alliance
put "Choose Your Alliance......Wisely:"
put "Dark Alliance"
put "Free Alliance"
put "Nothern Alliance"
put "Unallied"
put "Choice: " ..
get Alliance : *

%Declare Variables
var weapon : string
var shield : string
var movement : string
var hitpoints : int := 0
var distance : int := 0
var ac : int := 0
var level : int := 1
var experience_points : int := 0
var heal : int := 0

%Checks Proffession inputed, and makes bio for char
if Proffession = "Fighter" then
    weapon := "Longsword"
    shield := "Tower Shield"
    ac := 15
    hitpoints := 13
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 11
end if

if Proffession = "Palidan" then
    weapon := "Greatsword"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 13
    hitpoints := 13
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 11
end if

if Proffession = "Wizard" or Proffession = "Witch" or Proffession = "Sorcerer" or Proffession = "Sorceress" then
    weapon := "Mage Staff"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 10
    hitpoints := 7
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 5
end if

if Proffession = "Cleric" then
    weapon := "Mace"
    shield := "Tower Shield"
    ac := 15
    hitpoints := 10
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 8
end if

if Proffession = "Barbarian" then
    weapon := "Greataxe"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 13
    hitpoints := 14
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 12
end if

if Proffession = "Bard" or Proffession = "Rogue" then
    weapon := "Short Sword"
    shield := "Small Shield"
    ac := 12
    hitpoints := 8
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 6
end if

if Proffession = "Druid" then
    weapon := "Quarterstaff"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 11
    hitpoints := 9
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 7
end if

if Proffession = "Monk" then
    weapon := "Unarmed"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 14
    hitpoints := 10
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 8
end if

if Proffession = "Ranger" then
    weapon := "Longbow"
    shield := "Nothing"
    ac := 13
    hitpoints := 11
    level := level
    experience_points := experience_points
    heal := 9
end if

View.Set ("graphics:800,600,offscreenonly")
var x1,y1,x2,y2,a,b,xx1,yy1, yy2, xx2:int:=0
var sd2,sd1,sdd1,sdd2 : int :=0 %shoe dircection
var c,csq:real:=0
var key : array char of boolean
sd1 :=15
sd2 :=15 % shoe irection
sdd1 :=10
 sdd2 := 10

if 50+22>c then
put "collide"
end if

Input.KeyDown (key)

if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and y1 < maxy then %makes sure the character won't go past the top of the screen
xx1 := x1 +10
yy1 := y1 +23
xx2 := x1 -10
yy2 := y1 +23

y1 +=1
sd1 :=10
sd2 :=10 % all sd's change direction of shoes
sdd1 :=15
 sdd2 := 15
end if

if key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and y1 > 0 then
xx1 := x1 + 10
yy1 := y1 - 23
xx2 := x1 - 10
yy2 := y1 -23

y1 -=1
sd1 :=10
sd2 :=10 % all sd's change direction of shoes
sdd1 :=15
 sdd2 := 15

end if

if key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and x1 > 0 then
xx1 := x1 -22
yy1 := y1  -8
xx2 := x1 -22
yy2 := y1 +12

x1 -= 1
sd1 :=15
sd2 :=15
sdd1 :=10  % sd's change direction of shoes
 sdd2 := 10
end if

if key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and x1 < maxx then
xx1 := x1 + 22
yy1:= y1 + 5
yy2 := y1 - 15

x1 +=1
sd1 :=15
sd2 :=15
sdd1 :=10  % sd's change direction of shoes
 sdd2 := 10

end if

drawfilloval (xx2,yy2, sd1,sdd1,2) %shoes
drawfilloval (xx1,yy1, sd2,sdd2,2) %shoes
drawfilloval(x1,y1,22,22,7) %body

delay (10)

end loop[/syntax]


 Filename:  RPG1.T
 Filesize:  17.91 KB
 Downloaded:  44 Time(s)

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