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 Parallel LED Game
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:58 pm   Post subject: Parallel LED Game

Hello,i am creating a program that will allow users to first enter which LED they will try to stop the cycle on (LED 1, 2, 3, or 4 from left to right). If user input is not valid, then program should exit. If the user is successful in stopping the program on the correct LED, the program should say ?YOU DID IT!?. If they are off by one LED the program should say ?YOU JUST MISSED!?. If they are off by 2 or more LED?s the program should say ?YOU?RE WAY OFF!?. After displaying the result, the program will return to the point where the user has the opportunity to select which LED to stop on. The program must still wait for user to push button before the cycle restarts and cycle will still restart from the beginning. I will have to use the parallel commands so that it will work on a breadboard.

I am not that good at turing and hopefully someone could help me! it would appreciate it alot!
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