%variable declaration
View.Set ("graphics:500;400,title:Uncle Worm Score: 0,nocursor")
var foodx, foody, foodSize : int %food variables
var makeFood : boolean := true %when food boolean is true, food is drawn
var boxx : int := 0 %variable for box surrounding the screen
var boxy : int := 0 %variable for box surrounding the screen
var countdown : int := 5
var snakesize : int := 5
var move, move2, move3, move4 := false
var key : array char of boolean
var ring : int := 0
var answer : string
move3 := true %starting direction of snake
var newMaxX : int := 500 %innitial screen dimensions (x co-ords)
var newMaxY : int := 400 %innitial screen dimensions (y co-ords)
var levelUpX : int := 50 %decrease in screen dimensions (x co-ords) upon completion of level
var levelUpY : int := 40 %decrease in screen dimensions (y co-ords) upon completion of level
var scoreLevel : int := 50
var score : int := 0 %score
var exitFont : int
exitFont := Font.New ("arial:14")
type snakeDat :
x : int
y : int
end record
var snake : flexible array 1 .. 2 of snakeDat
snake (1).x := maxx div 2
snake (1).y := maxy div 2
snake (2).x := (maxx div 2) - 10
snake (2).y := maxy div 2
colour (0)
colourback (7)
%gives time for user to get ready
locate (12, 25) %locates the count down test
put "Starting in...", countdown %starts the countdown
delay (300) %delay between each consecutive decreasing number
countdown := countdown - 1 %decreasing increments
cls %erases the countdown text when countdown reaches 0
exit when countdown = 0 %game begins when countdown hits 0
end loop
%creates food in random locations
procedure food
if makeFood then %makeFood:=true
randint (foodx, 1, newMaxX - 10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (foody, 1, newMaxY - 10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (foodSize, 2, 10) %random food size
drawfilloval (foodx, foody, foodSize, foodSize, 2) %draws the food
end if
end food
%point of contact upon death
procedure ringEnd
drawoval (snake (1).x, snake (1).y, snakesize + ring, snakesize + ring, ring) %ring expands around the ball at the point of collision
ring += 2 %increments of the rings
delay (10) %delay between each ring increment
exit when ring = 100 %game ends when ring incremeent hits 100
end loop
end ringEnd
%draws food
%snake movement
drawbox (boxx, newMaxY - 1, newMaxX - 1, boxy, 14)
drawfilloval (snake (1).x, snake (1).y, snakesize, snakesize, 12)
if move then
snake (1).y += 10
elsif move2 then
snake (1).y -= 10
elsif move3 then
snake (1).x += 10
elsif move4 then
snake (1).x -= 10
end if
for decreasing i : upper (snake) .. 2 %set each of the snake's sections to equal the one before it
snake (i) := snake (i - 1)
end for
delay (100)
Input.KeyDown (key)
if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and move2 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. up arrow is pressed 2. move2 = false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move := true
elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and move = false then %Two Conditions: 1. down arrow is pressed 2. move = false
move := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move2 := true
elsif key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and move4 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. right arrow is pressed 2. move4 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move4 := false
move3 := true
elsif key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and move3 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. left arrow is pressed 2. move3 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := true
end if
for i : 1 .. upper (snake) %redraw snake
Draw.FillOval (snake (i).x, snake (i).y, 5, 5, 12)
end for
%wall collision detection
if snake (1).x = 4 or snake (1).x = maxx - 4 or snake (1).y = 4 or snake (1).y = maxy - 4 then %collision detection to detect whether the ball has hit the walls
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score) + " You Lose!") %if balls hits the wall, you lose!
ringEnd %fancy death
exit %game ends
end if
%food collision detection
if score < scoreLevel %additional check to make sure the level isnt completed
and whatdotcolour (foodx + foodSize, foody + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (foodx - foodSize, foody - foodSize) = 12
new snake, upper (snake)+1
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %if food eaten, score added to total at the top of the screen
snake (upper (snake)) := snake (upper (snake) - 1) %set new element's coordinates
drawfilloval (foodx, foody, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
food %continue to make food if its still the same level
exit when whatdotcolour (foodx, foody) = 7 %make sure food is not drawn on the snake
for i : 1 .. upper (snake) %redraw snake
Draw.FillOval (snake (i).x, snake (i).y, 5, 5, 12)
end for
end if
if score >= scoreLevel %ready to enter next level
/*then drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, maxy, (maxx div 2) + 10, maxy - 5, 0)*/
Font.Draw ("EXIT", (maxx div 2) - 25, maxy - 20, exitFont, 0) %level's exit point
makeFood := false %once exit appears, no more food is drawn
end if
if whatdotcolour (snake (1).x + snakesize, snake (1).y + snakesize) = 0 %if the snake reaches the exit (detects the WHITE(whatdotcolour) exit point)
cls %clears the screen for the scoring updates
%scoring system (after each completed level)
put "Your score is: ", score %score with out additional time bonus
var bonus : int := 60000 div 1000 %1 min to get bonus (bonus = 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds =1 min)
var timeBonus : int := bonus - Time.Elapsed div 1000 %1 min timer (Time.Elapsed = 1000 milliseconds = 1 min)
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus %time bonus
score := score + timeBonus %updated score = score as of to that point + time bonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score %score as of to that point + time bonus
put "[press enter to continue to next round]" %gives the user time to read the score
Input.Pause %waits for a button to be pressed before entering the next level
/*getch (ch)
if ch =(KEY_ENTER)
%variable reset
newMaxX := newMaxX - levelUpX %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 50
newMaxY := newMaxY - levelUpY %updated screen dimensions = screen dimensions - 40
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score)) %displaying new screen dimensions and score
new snake, 2 %set snake's length to 2
snake (1).x := newMaxX div 2 %new x co-ords for the start of a new level
snake (1).y := newMaxY div 2 %new y co-ords for the start of a new level
colour (0) %reset the colour of any writing
colourback (7) %reset the colour of the background
cls %paints the background specified colour
makeFood := true %makign it possible to draw food
food %start redrawing food
scoreLevel := score + 50 %next level will be completed after an additional 50 points
end if
end loop