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 N Queen's Puzzle Solver
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:25 pm   Post subject: N Queen's Puzzle Solver

Anyone remember those puzzles I made a while back? Today I made a program that will determine and output the winning combinations for the N Queens puzzle.

For those who are unfamiliar with the puzzle, it goes like this: You've got a chess board (or any square board) and eight queens (or as many queens as the board is wide). You must position all the queens on the board so that each queen is safe from the others. That is, no two queens can be in the same row, column, or diagonal.

Attached are two files. The first is the program that will go ahead and solve the puzzle. This second is a program to try to solve the puzzle yourself. (I know I've got one like this in my puzzles thread [link above], but I had to redo most of it anyways, so I figured I'd make it look nice[r].)

In the solver: If you want to speed things up, comment out the delay on line 266. You may also want to comment out the Input.Pause on line 273. The only reason you would want to keep the delay is to see how the program works. If you're looking for solutions, ditch the delay, because the first solution on an 8 by 8 grid is 876 moves in.

With no delay and no Input.Pause, it takes my computer 121 seconds to find 86 winning combinations, in 13186 moves on an 8x8 grid.
This page says theres 92 solutions. Wierd. Well, good enough, right? Laughing

The program will crash on anything under a 3x3 grid.

solve n queens.t
Solve the puzzle.

 Filename:  solve n queens.t
 Filesize:  7.33 KB
 Downloaded:  282 Time(s)

N Queens.t
Try it yourself!

 Filename:  N Queens.t
 Filesize:  3.62 KB
 Downloaded:  251 Time(s)


PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:53 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Not bad. Your method is very straightforward and blunt. Naturally, this works. I've heard of a lot more complex algorithms that foresee problems with certain sets of moves, thus cutting down on runtime significantly. Couldn't say how they work...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:23 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

i think straight forward recursion is the simplest solution to this problem... although it takes a while for larger values of N...

my proggy finds 92 solutions for 8x8 grid in 0.5 seconds on my crappy computer and 724 solutions for a 10x10 grid in 15 seconds.

setscreen ("offscreenonly,graphics:500;500,nobuttonbar")

const N := 5
const gridSize := maxx div (N + 2)
var grid : array 1 .. N, 1 .. N of boolean
var solutions : int := 0
colorback (grey)

fcn clearSpot (x, y : int) : boolean
    for k : 1 .. N
        if grid (k, y) then
            result false
        elsif x + k <= N and y + k <= N and grid (x + k, y + k) then
            result false
        elsif x - k > 0 and y - k > 0 and grid (x - k, y - k) then
            result false
        elsif x + k <= N and y - k > 0 and grid (x + k, y - k) then
            result false
        elsif x - k > 0 and y + k <= N and grid (x - k, y + k) then
            result false
        end if
    end for
    result true
end clearSpot

proc drawGrid
    drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, grey)
    for x : 1 .. N
        for y : 1 .. N
            if grid (x, y) then
                drawfillbox (x * gridSize, y * gridSize, x * gridSize + gridSize, y * gridSize + gridSize, black)
                drawfillbox (x * gridSize, y * gridSize, x * gridSize + gridSize, y * gridSize + gridSize, white)
            end if
            drawbox (x * gridSize, y * gridSize, x * gridSize + gridSize, y * gridSize + gridSize, black)
        end for
    end for
end drawGrid

proc Solve (col : int)
    if col > N then
    end if
    for y : 1 .. N
        if clearSpot (col, y) then
            grid (col, y) := true
            if col = N then
                solutions += 1
                %/* <- take out '%' to comment this block (may need to hit F2)
                put "SOLUTION!!! (", solutions, ")"
            end if
            %/* <- take out '%' to comment this block (may need to hit F2)
            delay (250)
            Solve (col + 1)
            grid (col, y) := false
        end if
    end for
end Solve

for x : 1 .. N
    for y : 1 .. N
        grid (x, y) := false
    end for
end for

Solve (1)
put "Solutions: ", solutions, " Time: ", Time.Elapsed / 1000

[edit] solved 12x12 in just over 500 seconds... 14200 solutions.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:53 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Wow. Very nice program, zylum. I wish I was better with recursion, myself. Confused

Your computer can't be that crappy, however, because I found all 92 solutions with your program in 0.48 seconds (without drawing anything, of course). With drawing and no delay and no Input.Pause, it took 5.6 seconds. I'm on a P4 1.6 ghz.

Also, is it just me, or did you forget to check the rows in your clearSpot function? Shouldn't there be a:

        elsif grid (i, k) then
            result false

after the code to check columns? Or is that not necessary, for some funky reason?
Finally, it sure would be nicer if i was x and j was y! 8)
Great job.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:24 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

im glad you like my program Smile

the reason i dont check if the column is valid is because i already know its valid. in the recursive function i place queens on empty columns (the functions parameter tells it what column its on).. once a queen is placed on the Nth column on a valid square then we know we have a solution..

btw to solve 8x8 *with* drawing, it took my computer 13.3 seconds lol.. im on a p3 733mHz
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