Traffic light program, animation speeding up for no reason!
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Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 9:45 am Post subject: Traffic light program, animation speeding up for no reason! |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
I'm trying to make a traffic light program with 2 sets of lights that are tied to eachother, and two cars that stop at the intersection if the light for that lane is red.
What is the problem you are having?
It works fine for a few loops (car reaches the end and redraws at the beginning) but after a few loops the cars start to freak out; running red lights, speeding up, drawing weird shapes etc.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I tried extending the range in which the cars will stop when they see a red light, and i tried resetting the speed variable at the end of the loop
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Here is a pastebin link to the full code:
The code for just the car:
Turing: |
process Hcar () %The horizontal car
drawfillbox ((xI - 10), yI, (xI2 - 4), yI2, grey) %Removes the previous drawn shape
drawfillbox (xI, yI, xI2, yI2, blue)
xI := xI + speed
xI2 := xI2 + speed
if xI2 < 335 and xI2 > 320 then %When the car is near the end of the intersection
if statusII = "red" or statusII = "yellow" then
delay (10)
exit when statusII = "green" %exit when green
end loop
end if
end if
if xI2 >= 800 then
drawfillbox (1, 355, 799, 395, grey)
xI := 10
xI2 := 85
yI := 360
yI2 := 390
delay (50)
end if
%View.UpdateArea (0, 350, 800, 450)
delay (50)
%drawfillbox (1, 355, 799, 395, white) (OLD VERSION)
speed: = 4
end loop
end Hcar
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Help is greatly appreciated! |
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Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 5:41 pm Post subject: Re: Traffic light program, animation speeding up for no reason! |
You're using processes. That in and of itself is cause for concern. It would be best if you rewrote your program to avoid using processes (seriously).
I don't really know what is causing your problem, but you might want to check how many Hcar and Vcar processes you have running at any given time. |