var font, highscore : int
highscore := 0
font := Font.New ("Palatino:24:Bold") %sets font
var f : string (1)
Font.Draw ("The rock paper scissors game!!!", 70, 375, font, red) %nice lettering
locate (4, 17)
put "To play just type (r)ock, (s)cissors, (p)aper!"
locate (5, 1)
getch (f)
locate (6, 1)
if f = "r" then
put "You chose rock ; the computer chose paper"
put "You lose!"
put "" %I know; i could make this a procedure or something and shorten it but i rather not
put ""
highscore := highscore + 1 %Unbeatable AI
elsif f = "s" then
put "You chose scissors ; the computer chose rock"
put "You lose!"
put ""
put ""
highscore := highscore + 1
elsif f = "p" then
put "You chose paper ; the computer chose scissors"
put "You lose!"
put ""
put ""
highscore := highscore + 1
elsif f = "d" then
put "You chose dynamite ; the computer chose toilet" %just added this lol
put "You light the switch, but it is too late..."
put "The fuse burns out in the tiolets murky waters"
put "You lose!"
highscore :=highscore +1
put "please enter a valid command" %in case user enters something other than r p or s
put "" %to make it not say "you lose" (clears that part of the screen)
put ""
end if
locate (10, 1)
put "SCORE : 0/", highscore %the highscore; always set to 0 out of highscore
end loop