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 Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:10 pm   Post subject: Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?

Does UTSC offers Co-op like UW does or it's just PEY like UTSG?

By checking back the old threads, I thought Ryerson and McMasters would be good options too? What are other decent universities for CS Co-op, job wise? What about Western?

I'm currently a Gr.12 student, hopefully I will get into Waterloo. If not, UTSG would be my second option, and I'm unsure about any other universities that is good for CS Co-op..

Also my dad is unemployed for almost 2 years now..and since I'm in a single parent family..I had to cook and doing laundry by myself for the past four years...and I wonder what kind of bursaries or scholarship should I apply?

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors if there are any..

Thank you for your time to read this thread...or sorry to waste your time...

Any advice would be appreciated....

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:26 pm   Post subject: Re: Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?

The quality of education for CS or any other program at the undergrad level should be pretty equivalent at any school in Ontario since there are standards that have to be met by degree granting institutions and I believe a lot (maybe all?) of the schools follow ACM guidelines, but please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Why you should choose one school over another will probably come down types of specializations offered, differences or amount of courses offered in the area that interests you most, and co-op or work opportunities. Not to mention lifestyle factors, such as big school versus small, nightlife, transportation, recreation facilities etc.

That said, I'd recommend you look at the course calendars for every school and find some schools that offer curriculum that interest you. Do some research on the job markets in the area of those schools to find potential employers for co-op and try to determine if the characteristics of that school are for you (i.e. its size, location, culture, etc.). Choosing the right school for you is a very personal choice, or at least it should be.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:29 pm   Post subject: Re: Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?

The quality of education for CS or any other program at the undergrad level should be pretty equivalent at any school in Ontario since there are standards that have to be met by degree granting institutions and I believe a lot (maybe all?) of the schools follow ACM guidelines, but please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Why you should choose one school over another will probably come down types of specializations offered, differences or amount of courses offered in the area that interests you most, and co-op or work opportunities. Not to mention lifestyle factors, such as big school versus small, nightlife, transportation, recreation facilities etc.

That said, I'd recommend you look at the course calendars for every school and find some schools that offer curriculum that interest you. Do some research on the job markets in the area of those schools to find potential employers for co-op and try to determine if the characteristics of that school are for you (i.e. its size, location, culture, etc.). Choosing the right school for you is a very personal choice, or at least it should be.


PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:33 pm   Post subject: RE:Any other top universities for CS Co-op besides UW and UT ?

Um. Yo, dude just a tip. It doesn't matter what university you go to for undergraduate. What matters are the connections you can make. If you want to go to UoW, your undergraduate degree will be slightly harder to get than other universities, but you'll make lots of friends that share your goals and interests.

On the other hand, if you want to have an easier time during your undergraduate degree, you can go to a close-by university, and then switch to Waterloo for your masters or phD.

tl;dr It's the friends you make, not the university itself that matters if you're going for an undergraduate degree. For masters+ it's a different story, however.
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