View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var font1, font2 : int
var x, y : int %locates the x and y coords and the clicking of the mouse
var btn : int := 0
var picID : int := 0
var picIDgp, picIDgp1, picIDflipgp1 : int %the whole process to create the gamepiece
var picIDgp2, picIDgp3, picIDflipgp2 : int
var plyr1 : int := 0 %player one
var plyr2 : int := 0 %player 2
var click : int := 0 %when btn is pressed
var grid1, grid2, grid3 : int := 0
%, f, g, h, i, j, k
font1 := Font.New ("Verdana:10") %text font is changed
assert font1 > 0 %checks if font changed
font2 := Font.New ("BankGothic Lt BT:28") %text font is changed
assert font2 > 0 %checks if font changed
proc ticgrid
Draw.ThickLine (175, 75, 175, 375, 5, blue) %tic-tac toe grid
Draw.ThickLine (275, 375, 275, 75, 5, green) %tic-tac toe grid
Draw.ThickLine (75, 275, 375, 275, 5, red) %tic-tac toe grid
Draw.ThickLine (75, 175, 375, 175, 5, brown) %tic-tac toe grid
Draw.DashedLine (75, 75, 375, 75, drawDashDotDot, brightblue) %part of outer box
Draw.DashedLine (375, 375, 75, 375, drawDashDotDot, brightblue) %part of outer box
Draw.DashedLine (75, 75, 75, 375, drawDashDotDot, brightblue) %part of outer box
Draw.DashedLine (375, 375, 375, 75, drawDashDotDot, brightblue) %part of outer box
Font.Draw ("TIC-TAC TOE ", 100, 430, font2, black) %text font in BankGothic
Font.Draw ("CLASSIC ", 130, 400, font2, black) %text font in Verdana
Font.Draw ("name: ", 410, 330, font1, black) %text font in Verdana
Font.Draw ("score: ", 410, 310, font1, black) %text font in Verdana
Font.Draw ("name:", 410, 200, font1, black) %text font in Verdana
Font.Draw ("score:", 410, 180, font1, black) %text font in Verdana
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, 450, 75, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, 450, -75, picMerge)
% locate (10,40)
% put f ..
% locate (10,50)
% put g ..
% locate (10,60)
% put h ..
% locate (10,70)
% put i ..
% locate (10,80)
% put j ..
% locate (20,10)
% put k ..
end ticgrid
proc gamepiece
drawline (0, 10, 20, 50, red) %... main body
drawline (40, 10, 20, 50, red) %... main body
drawline (0, 10, 20, 20, red) %... main body
drawline (40, 10, 20, 20, red) %... main body
for i : 1 .. 15
drawline (0, 10, 20, 20 + i, blue) %... engine
drawline (40, 10, 20, 20 + i, blue) %... engine
drawline (13, 35, 27, 35, green) %... engine
drawline (20, 20 + i, 13, 35, green) %...weapon type
drawline (27, 34, 20, 20 + i, green) %...weapon type
end for
end gamepiece
proc gamepiece2
drawline (0, 10, 20, 50, black) %... main body
drawline (40, 10, 20, 50, black) %... main body
drawline (0, 10, 20, 20, black) %... main body
drawline (40, 10, 20, 20, black) %... main body
for i : 1 .. 15
drawline (0, 10, 20, 20 + i, red) %... engine
drawline (40, 10, 20, 20 + i, red) %... engine
drawline (13, 35, 27, 35, blue) %... engine
drawline (20, 20 + i, 13, 35, blue) %...weapon type
drawline (27, 34, 20, 20 + i, blue) %...weapon type
end for
end gamepiece2
% draws the character
picIDgp := Pic.New (0, 8, 42, 50) % allows the character to move
picIDgp1 := Pic.New (0, 8, 42, 221) % draws unaltered version of boss
picIDflipgp1 := Pic.Flip (picIDgp1) % flips the pic
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, 20, 20, picMerge)
picIDgp1 := Pic.Scale (picIDflipgp1, 3 * 50, 3 * 150)
picIDgp2 := Pic.New (0, 8, 42, 50) % allows the character to move
picIDgp2 := Pic.New (0, 8, 42, 221) % draws unaltered version of boss
picIDflipgp2 := Pic.Flip (picIDgp2) % flips the pic
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, 20, 20, picMerge)
picIDgp2 := Pic.Scale (picIDflipgp2, 3 * 50, 3 * 150)
%plyr to click icon
mousewhere (x, y, btn)
ticgrid %draws the grid
% if btn = 1 then
% loop
% mousewhere (x, y, btn)
% locate(10,20)
% put x ..
% put y ..
% View.Update
% exit when btn = 0
% end loop
% end if
put btn .. %shows if the button is pressed
put click .. % also shows the btn being pressed used to show the gamepiece
%comand to draw the gamepiece to follow the mouse
if x > 450 and x < 490 and y > 240 and y < 290 and btn = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, -20 + x, -200 + y, picMerge)
picID := picIDflipgp1
plyr1 := 1
click := 1
end if
if picID = picIDflipgp1 and click = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, -20 + x, -200 + y, picMerge)
click := 1
end if
%comand to draw the gamepiece to follow the mouse
if x > 440 and x < 490 and y > 90 and y < 140 and btn = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, -20 + x, -200 + y, picMerge)
picID := picIDflipgp2
plyr2 := 2
click := 2
end if
if picID = picIDflipgp2 and click = 2 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, -20 + x, -200 + y, picMerge)
click := 2
end if
%... the code for placement of game pieces on grid 1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PROBLEM AREA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if x > 80 and x < 170 and y > 280 and y < 370 and btn = 1 and plyr1 = 1 and grid1 = 0 then
grid1 := 1
end if
if x > 80 and x < 170 and y > 280 and y < 370 and btn = 1 and plyr2 = 2 and grid1 = 0 then
grid1 := 2
end if
if grid1 = 1 and plyr1 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, 105, 130, picMerge)
end if
if grid1 = 2 and plyr2 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, 105, 130, picMerge)
end if
%... the code for placement of game pieces on grid 2
if x > 180 and x < 270 and y > 280 and y < 372 and btn = 1 and plyr1 = 1 and grid2 = 0 then
grid2 := 1
end if
if x > 180 and x < 270 and y > 280 and y < 372 and btn = 1 and plyr2 = 2 and grid2 = 0 then
grid2 := 2
end if
if grid2 = 1 and plyr1 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, 205, 130, picMerge)
end if
if grid2 = 2 and plyr2 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, 205, 130, picMerge)
end if
%... the code for placement of game pieces on grid 3
if x > 280 and x < 370 and y > 280 and y < 372 and btn = 1 and plyr1 = 1 and grid3 = 0 then
grid3 := 1
end if
if x > 280 and x < 370 and y > 280 and y < 372 and btn = 1 and plyr2 = 2 and grid3 = 0 then
grid3 := 2
end if
if grid3 = 1 and plyr1 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp1, 305, 130, picMerge)
end if
if grid3 = 2 and plyr2 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (picIDflipgp2, 305, 130, picMerge)
end if
end loop