Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:53 am Post subject: War card game: WHAT TO DO NEXT?
%Nathan Johnston ---Show me a programmer, I'll show you a serial killer.
%May 29, 2006
% Declare the twos
var twoc : int := Pic.FileNew ("2c.jpg")
var twod : int := Pic.FileNew ("2d.jpg")
var twoh : int := Pic.FileNew ("2h.jpg")
var twos : int := Pic.FileNew ("2s.jpg")
% Declare the threes
var threec : int := Pic.FileNew ("3c.jpg")
var threed : int := Pic.FileNew ("3d.jpg")
var threeh : int := Pic.FileNew ("3h.jpg")
var threes : int := Pic.FileNew ("3s.jpg")
% Declare the fours
var fourc : int := Pic.FileNew ("4c.jpg")
var fourd : int := Pic.FileNew ("4d.jpg")
var fourh : int := Pic.FileNew ("4h.jpg")
var fours : int := Pic.FileNew ("4s.jpg")
% Declare the fives
var fivec : int := Pic.FileNew ("5c.jpg")
var fived : int := Pic.FileNew ("5d.jpg")
var fiveh : int := Pic.FileNew ("5h.jpg")
var fives : int := Pic.FileNew ("5s.jpg")
% Declare the sixes
var sixc : int := Pic.FileNew ("6c.jpg")
var sixd : int := Pic.FileNew ("6d.jpg")
var sixh : int := Pic.FileNew ("6h.jpg")
var sixs : int := Pic.FileNew ("6s.jpg")
% Declare the sevens
var sevenc : int := Pic.FileNew ("7c.jpg")
var sevenh : int := Pic.FileNew ("7h.jpg")
var sevend : int := Pic.FileNew ("7d.jpg")
var sevens : int := Pic.FileNew ("7s.jpg")
% Declare the eights
var eights : int := Pic.FileNew ("8s.jpg")
var eighth : int := Pic.FileNew ("8h.jpg")
var eightd : int := Pic.FileNew ("8d.jpg")
var eightc : int := Pic.FileNew ("8c.jpg")
% Declare the nines
var nined : int := Pic.FileNew ("9d.jpg")
var nines : int := Pic.FileNew ("9s.jpg")
var nineh : int := Pic.FileNew ("9h.jpg")
var ninec : int := Pic.FileNew ("9c.jpg")
% Declare the tens
var tenc : int := Pic.FileNew ("10c.jpg")
var tend : int := Pic.FileNew ("10d.jpg")
var tenh : int := Pic.FileNew ("10h.jpg")
var tens : int := Pic.FileNew ("10s.jpg")
% Declare the jacks
var jacks : int := Pic.FileNew ("js.jpg")
var jackd : int := Pic.FileNew ("jd.jpg")
var jackh : int := Pic.FileNew ("jh.jpg")
var jackc : int := Pic.FileNew ("jc.jpg")
% Declare the queens
var queens : int := Pic.FileNew ("qs.jpg")
var queend : int := Pic.FileNew ("qd.jpg")
var queenh : int := Pic.FileNew ("qh.jpg")
var queenc : int := Pic.FileNew ("qc.jpg")
% Declare the kings
var kings : int := Pic.FileNew ("ks.jpg")
var kingd : int := Pic.FileNew ("kd.jpg")
var kingh : int := Pic.FileNew ("kh.jpg")
var kingc : int := Pic.FileNew ("kc.jpg")
% Declare the aces
var aces : int := Pic.FileNew ("as.jpg")
var aced : int := Pic.FileNew ("ad.jpg")
var aceh : int := Pic.FileNew ("ah.jpg")
var acec : int := Pic.FileNew ("ac.jpg")
var p1deck : array 1..52 of int
So that's what I have. It only loads the picture files for the cards. So...I don't know what to do next.
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Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:40 pm Post subject: (No subject)
And neither do we. Please post a descriptive explanation of your problem, your thoughts on how to solve it, and where you suspect the problem lies. I'm not even sure what you're trying to do here, other than load a whole bunch of pictures.
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:41 pm Post subject: (No subject)
My god that's a violent picture!
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:52 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I have that as an MSN emote! Now I got the real gif! Yay =)