Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 12:22 pm Post subject: Frogger |
ok guys this is my greatest game of all time frogger. only no pics i used turing based shapes to do this.
this is a long one but i can't make exe files at school
import GUI
setscreen ("graphics:800;500,nobuttonbar,title:Frogger")
var win, cd : boolean := false
var music : boolean := true
var x, y, f, s : int
var chars : array char of boolean
var font, font2 : int
var a, b, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, a5, b5, a6, b6, c : int
var a7, b7, a8, b8, a9, b9, a10, b10, a11, b11, a12, b12 : int
var level : int := 1
var score, score2 : int := 0
var name, answer : string
var Delay : int := 30
var lives, timer := 10
var window : int := Window.GetSelect
font := Font.New ("comic sans ms:50")
font2 := Font.New ("comic sans ms:15")
process song
if music = false then
end if
if music = true and cd = false then
randint (f, 1, 4)
if f = 1 then
Music.PlayFile ("Faint.wav")
elsif f = 2 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:5")
elsif f = 3 then
Music.PlayFile ("Smells.wav")
elsif f = 4 then
Music.PlayFile ("blah.wav")
end if
end if
if music = true and cd = true then
randint (s, 1, 10)
if s = 1 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:1")
elsif s = 2 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:2")
elsif s = 3 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:3")
elsif s = 4 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:4")
elsif s = 5 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:5")
elsif s = 6 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:6")
elsif s = 7 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:7")
elsif s = 8 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:8")
elsif s = 9 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:9")
elsif s = 10 then
Music.PlayFile ("cd:10")
end if
end if
end loop
end song
procedure Game
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
drawfillbox (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy, white)
drawfillbox (maxx - 300, 0, maxx, 150, blue)
Font.Draw ("FINISH", maxx div 2, maxy - 20, font2, brightblue)
Font.Draw (name, 700, 130, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Lives:", 500, 20, font2, white)
Font.Draw (intstr (lives), 575, 20, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("LVL:", 500, 110, font2, white)
Font.Draw (intstr (level), 575, 110, font2, white)
Font.Draw ("Score:", 500, 70, font2, white)
Font.Draw (intstr (score), 575, 70, font2, white)
x := maxx div 2
y := 10
win := false
var fileNo : int
if level > 30 then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
Font.Draw ("YOU WIN", maxx div 2 - 400, maxy - 300, font, magenta)
delay (2000)
%high scores
open : fileNo, "High Scores", read, write, mod, seek
assert fileNo > 0
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 200, maxy - 50, font, brightgreen)
colorback (black)
color (white)
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 150)
put "Name" : 10, "Level" : 10, "Score" : 10
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 190)
put "----" : 10, "-----" : 10, "-----" : 10
seek : fileNo, *
write : fileNo, name, level, score
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 130)
put name : 10, level : 5, score : 10
close : fileNo
delay (5000)
elsif lives = 0 then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
Font.Draw ("YOU Lose", maxx div 2 - 300, maxy - 300, font, magenta)
delay (2000)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 200, maxy - 50, font, brightgreen)
colorback (black)
color (white)
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 180)
open : fileNo, "High Scores", read, write, mod, seek
assert fileNo > 0
put "Name" : 10, "Level" : 10, "Score" : 10
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 190)
put "----" : 10, "-----" : 10, "-----" : 10
seek:fileNo, *
write : fileNo, name, level, score
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 150)
put name : 10, level : 5, score : 10
close : fileNo
delay (6000)
end if
if level >= 10 then
Delay := 15
%starting co-ord for 1st line
randint (a, 100, maxx div 2)
randint (b, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 2nd line
randint (a2, -1000, 10)
randint (b2, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 3rd line
randint (a3, -1000, 10)
randint (b3, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 4th line
randint (a4, -500, 10)
randint (b4, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 5th line
randint (a5, -150, 0)
randint (b5, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 6th line
randint (a6, -2000, 10)
randint (b6, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 1st line
randint (a7, maxx - 150, maxx)
randint (b7, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 2nd line
randint (a8, maxx + 1000, maxx + 5000)
randint (b8, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 3rd line
randint (a9, maxx, maxx + 1000)
randint (b9, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 4th line
randint (a10, maxx + 500, maxx + 1000)
randint (b10, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 5th line
randint (a11, maxx div 2, maxx)
randint (b11, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 6th line
randint (a12, maxx, maxx + 2000)
randint (b12, 150, maxy - 100)
colorback (blue)
color (white)
%move square
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
y += 10
elsif chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
y -= 10
elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
x -= 10
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x += 10
elsif chars ('n') then
randint (s, 1, 10)
fork song
end if
if y > maxy - 20 then
win := true
%can't go off screen
elsif x > maxx - 350 and y < 175 then
x := 0
elsif y > 175 and x > maxx then
x := 0
elsif x < 0 and y < 175 then
x := maxx - 350
elsif y > 175 and x < 10 then
x := maxx
elsif y < 5 then
y := 5
end if
% losing
if x > a - 30 and x < a + 30 and y > b - 15 and y < b + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a2 - 90 and x < a2 + 30 and y > b2 - 15 and y < b2 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a3 - 90 and x < a3 + 30 and y > b3 - 15 and y < b3 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a4 - 90 and x < a4 + 30 and y > b4 - 15 and y < b4 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a5 - 90 and x < a5 + 30 and y > b5 - 15 and y < b5 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a6 - 90 and x < a6 + 30 and y > b6 - 15 and y < b6 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a7 - 30 and x < a7 + 90 and y > b7 - 15 and y < b7 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a8 - 30 and x < a8 + 90 and y > b8 - 15 and y < b8 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a9 - 30 and x < a9 + 90 and y > b9 - 15 and y < b9 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a10 - 30 and x < a10 + 90 and y > b10 - 15 and y < b10 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a11 - 30 and x < a11 + 90 and y > b11 - 15 and y < b11 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a12 - 30 and x < a12 + 90 and y > b12 - 15 and y < b12 + 15 then
win := false
end if
%draws square
drawfillbox (x, y, x + 10, y + 10, white)
delay (Delay)
drawfillbox (x + 15, y, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x - 15, y, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x, y + 15, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x, y - 15, x + 10, y + 10, black)
randint (c, 0, maxcolor)
%moves and draws 1st line
a += 5
drawfilloval (a, b, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a - 90, b, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a + 10, b, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 2nd line
a2 += 15
drawfilloval (a2, b2, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a2 - 90, b2, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a2 + 10, b2, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 3rd line
a3 += 15
drawfilloval (a3, b3, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a3 - 90, b3, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a3 + 10, b3, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 4th line
a4 += 15
drawfilloval (a4, b4, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a4 - 90, b4, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a4 + 10, b4, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 5th line
a5 += 30
drawfilloval (a5, b5, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a5 - 90, b5, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a5 + 10, b5, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 6th line
a6 += 15
drawfilloval (a6, b6, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a6 - 90, b6, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a6 + 10, b6, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 7th line
a7 -= 5
drawfilloval (a7, b7, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a7 + 90, b7, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a7 - 10, b7, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 8th line
a8 -= 15
drawfilloval (a8, b8, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a8 + 90, b8, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a8 - 10, b8, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 9th line
a9 -= 30
drawfilloval (a9, b9, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a9 + 90, b9, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a9 - 10, b9, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 10th line
a10 -= 15
drawfilloval (a10, b10, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a10 + 90, b10, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a10 - 10, b10, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 11th line
a11 -= 15
drawfilloval (a11, b11, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a11 + 90, b11, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a11 - 10, b11, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 12th line
a12 -= 15
drawfilloval (a12, b12, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a12 + 90, b12, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a12 - 10, b12, 5, 5, black)
if a > maxx + 90 then
a := -10
elsif a2 > maxx + 90 then
a2 := -10
elsif a3 > maxx + 90 then
a3 := -10
elsif a4 > maxx + 90 then
a4 := -10
elsif a5 > maxx + 90 then
a5 := -10
elsif a6 > maxx + 90 then
a6 := -10
elsif a7 < -90 then
a7 := maxx
elsif a8 < -90 then
a8 := maxx
elsif a9 < -90 then
a9 := maxx
elsif a10 < -90 then
a10 := maxx
elsif a11 < -90 then
a11 := maxx
elsif a12 < -90 then
a12 := maxx
end if
end loop
elsif level < 10 and level > 0 and timer >= 0 then
%starting co-ord for 1st line
randint (a, 100, maxx div 2)
randint (b, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 2nd line
randint (a2, -1000, 10)
randint (b2, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 3rd line
randint (a3, -500, 10)
randint (b3, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 4th line
randint (a4, 1, 10)
randint (b4, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 5th line
randint (a5, -5000, -1000)
randint (b5, 150, maxy - 100)
%starting co-ord for 6th line
randint (a6, -50, 100)
randint (b6, 150, maxy - 100)
colorback (blue)
color (white)
%move square
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
y += 10
elsif chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
y -= 10
elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
x -= 10
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x += 10
elsif chars ('n') then
randint (s, 1, 10)
fork song
end if
if y > maxy - 20 then
win := true
%can't go off screen
elsif x > maxx - 350 and y < 175 then
x := 0
elsif y > 175 and x > maxx then
x := 0
elsif x < 0 and y < 175 then
x := maxx - 350
elsif y > 175 and x < 0 then
x := maxx
elsif y < 0 then
y := 10
end if
% losing
if x > a - 90 and x < a + 30 and y > b - 15 and y < b + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a2 - 90 and x < a2 + 30 and y > b2 - 15 and y < b2 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a3 - 90 and x < a3 + 30 and y > b3 - 15 and y < b3 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a4 - 90 and x < a4 + 30 and y > b4 - 15 and y < b4 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a5 - 90 and x < a5 + 30 and y > b5 - 15 and y < b5 + 15 then
win := false
elsif x > a6 - 90 and x < a6 + 30 and y > b6 - 15 and y < b6 + 15 then
win := false
end if
%draws square
drawfillbox (x, y, x + 10, y + 10, white)
delay (Delay)
drawfillbox (x + 15, y, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x - 15, y, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x, y + 15, x + 10, y + 10, black)
drawfillbox (x, y - 15, x + 10, y + 10, black)
randint (c, 0, maxcolor)
%moves and draws 1st line
a += 5
drawfilloval (a, b, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a - 90, b, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a + 10, b, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 2nd line
a2 += 15
drawfilloval (a2, b2, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a2 - 90, b2, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a2 + 10, b2, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 3rd line
a3 += 15
drawfilloval (a3, b3, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a3 - 90, b3, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a3 + 10, b3, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 4th line
a4 += 15
drawfilloval (a4, b4, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a4 - 90, b4, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a4 + 10, b4, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 5th line
a5 += 15
drawfilloval (a5, b5, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a5 - 90, b5, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a5 + 10, b5, 5, 5, black)
%moves and draws 6th line
a6 += 30
drawfilloval (a6, b6, 5, 5, c)
drawfilloval (a6 - 90, b6, 5, 5, black)
drawfilloval (a6 + 10, b6, 5, 5, black)
if a > maxx + 90 then
a := -10
elsif a2 > maxx + 90 then
a2 := -10
elsif a3 > maxx + 90 then
a3 := -10
elsif a4 > maxx + 90 then
a4 := -10
elsif a5 > maxx + 90 then
a5 := -10
elsif a6 > maxx + 90 then
a6 := -10
end if
end loop
end if
if win = true then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Font.Draw ("You win!! Next LVL", maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2, font, brightgreen)
var NextButton := GUI.CreateButton (100, 200, 0, "Next LVL", Game)
var QuitButton := GUI.CreateButton (100, 100, 0, "QUIT", GUI.Quit)
GUI.SetDefault (NextButton, true)
level += 1
Delay -= 2
score += 10
score2 := score
if score2 = 50 then
score2 := 0
lives += 1
end if
elsif win = false then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
Font.Draw ("You lose!! Try again", maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2, font, brightgreen)
var TryButton := GUI.CreateButton (100, 200, 0, "TRY AGAIN", Game)
var QuitButton := GUI.CreateButton (100, 100, 0, "QUIT", GUI.Quit)
GUI.SetDefault (TryButton, true)
score -= 5
lives -= 1
end if
end Game
delay (100)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
colorback (black)
color (white)
put "Enter your Name: " ..
get name : *
if length (name) > 9 then
put "That name is too long try again!"
elsif length (name) < 2 then
put "That name is too short try again!"
end if
exit when length (name) < 9 and length (name) > 2
end loop
put "Sound on/off: " ..
get answer
if answer = "On" or answer = "on" then
music := true
elsif answer = "Off" or answer = "off" then
music := false
put "On/Off"
end if
exit when answer = "On" or answer = "on" or answer = "Off" or answer = "off"
end loop
put "Soundtrack-game or own: " ..
get answer
if answer = "Game" or answer = "game" then
cd := false
elsif answer = "Own" or answer = "own" then
cd := true
put "Enter a cd to play from"
put "Push the 'n' key to change songs"
delay (1000)
put "On/Off"
end if
exit when answer = "Game" or answer = "game" or answer = "Own" or answer = "own"
end loop
colorback (blue)
color (white)
fork song
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
var fileNo : int
%high scores
open : fileNo, "High Scores", read, write, mod, seek
assert fileNo > 0
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
Font.Draw ("High Scores", 200, maxy - 50, font, brightgreen)
colorback (black)
color (white)
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 200)
put "Name" : 10, "Level" : 10, "Score" : 10
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 190)
put "----" : 10, "-----" : 10, "-----" : 10
seek : fileNo, *
write : fileNo, name, level, score
locatexy (maxx div 2 - 300, maxy div 2 + 180)
put name : 10, level : 5, score : 10
close : fileNo |