Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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 Sports fan animation
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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:18 pm   Post subject: Sports fan animation

This is a project I had to do for class. It's a football and hockey animation and it even has O Canada! Enjoy! By the way i did this several months ago. I am now a little more experienced! 8)


% Hacker 101
% Ms. D***
% March 17, 2005
% This program is my original creation

setscreen ("graphics")
var font, font2, font3, font4, font5, font6, font7, font8, loop1, loop2 : int
loop1 := 0
loop2 := 0

% Draws the Background

for x : 0 .. 640
    drawline (x, 0, x, 400, 43)
end for

% Opening Credits

for x : 0 .. 350
    font := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("Hacker 101 Presents", 75, x - 1, font, 43)
    Draw.Text ("Hacker 101 Presents", 75, x, font, 12)
    delay (7)
end for

for x : 0 .. 275
    font2 := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("TURING HOCKEY", 90, x - 1, font2, 43)
    Draw.Text ("TURING HOCKEY", 90, x, font2, 9)
    delay (7)
end for

for x : 0 .. 200
    font3 := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("AND", 250, x - 1, font3, 43)
    Draw.Text ("AND", 250, x, font3, 48)
    delay (7)
end for

for x : 0 .. 125
    font4 := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("FOOTBALL", 175, x - 1, font4, 43)
    Draw.Text ("FOOTBALL", 175, x, font4, 9)
    delay (7)
end for

% Flying Puck and Football

for x : -100 .. 125
    drawfillarc (x - 1, 50, 60, 30, 0, 180, 43)
    drawfillarc (x - 1, 50, 60, 30, 180, 360, 43)
    drawline (x - 31, 50, x + 30, 50, 114)
    drawline (x + 29, 45, x + 30, 55, 114)
    drawline (x + 19, 45, x + 20, 55, 114)
    drawline (x + 9, 45, x + 10, 55, 114)
    drawline (x - 1, 45, x, 55, 114)
    drawline (x - 11, 45, x - 10, 55, 114)
    drawline (x - 21, 45, x - 20, 55, 114)
    drawline (x - 31, 45, x - 30, 55, 114)
    drawfillarc (x, 50, 60, 30, 0, 180, 114)
    drawfillarc (x, 50, 60, 30, 180, 360, 114)
    drawline (x - 30, 50, x + 30, 50, 0)
    drawline (x + 30, 45, x + 30, 55, 0)
    drawline (x + 20, 45, x + 20, 55, 0)
    drawline (x + 10, 45, x + 10, 55, 0)
    drawline (x, 45, x, 55, 0)
    drawline (x - 10, 45, x - 10, 55, 0)
    drawline (x - 20, 45, x - 20, 55, 0)
    drawline (x - 30, 45, x - 30, 55, 0)
    delay (4)
end for

for decreasing x : 740 .. 525
    drawfilloval (x + 1, 60, 50, 50, 43)
    drawfillmapleleaf (x - 39, 20, x + 40, 100, 16)
    drawfilloval (x, 60, 50, 50, 16)
    drawfillmapleleaf (x - 40, 20, x + 40, 100, 40)
    delay (4)
end for

delay (3000)


% Football introduction

for x : 0 .. 640
    drawline (x, 0, x, 400, 16)
end for

for x : 0 .. 15
    font5 := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("FOOTBALL TIME", x - 1, 200, font5, 16)
    Draw.Text ("FOOTBALL TIME", x, 200, font5, 0)
    delay (2)
end for

% My "TUNE"

play ("2e gg <1c> 2defga 1d")
play ("2e 4f+ 4f+ 2g >4abbaa 2g<") 
play ("8de 4fed 8ef 4gfe 8fg 4agfe 2d") 
play ("8de 4fed 8ef 4gfeedg 8gf+ef+ 1g")
play ("2e 4gg 2c 2f 4aa 1d")
play ("2g 4g+g+ afed <2c> 4d 2e")
play ("2g 4>cc4a<fc<b> 2g 2b 1>c<")

delay (3500)


% Brown Field

for x : 0 .. 400
    drawline (0, x, 640, x, 112)
end for

% Green Field

for x : 75 .. 325
    drawline (50, x, 590, x, 118)
end for

% Lines

for x : 1 .. 5
    drawline (x + 50, 75, x + 50, 325, 0)
    drawline (x + 590, 75, x + 590, 325, 0)
    drawline (51, x + 320, 595, x + 320, 0)
    drawline (51, x + 70, 595, x + 70, 0)
    drawline (x + 100, 75, x + 100, 325, 0)
    drawline (x + 540, 75, x + 540, 325, 0)
end for

% Right Endzone Team Symbol

% 1st Layer
drawmapleleaf (57, 80, 98, 125, 40)
drawmapleleaf (57, 128, 98, 173, 40)
drawmapleleaf (57, 224, 98, 269, 40)
drawmapleleaf (57, 272, 98, 317, 40)
% Second Layer
drawmapleleaf (65, 84, 90, 116, 40)
drawmapleleaf (65, 134, 90, 164, 40)
drawmapleleaf (65, 231, 90, 260, 40)
drawmapleleaf (65, 279, 90, 308, 40)

% Left Endzone Team Symbol

% 1st Layer
drawstar (545, 75, 590, 120, 14)
drawstar (545, 125, 590, 170, 14)
drawstar (545, 225, 590, 270, 14)
drawstar (545, 275, 590, 320, 14)
% 2nd Layer
drawstar (555, 85, 580, 110, 14)
drawstar (555, 135, 580, 160, 14)
drawstar (555, 235, 580, 260, 14)
drawstar (555, 285, 580, 310, 14)

% Fans
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (320 + x, 330, 320 + x, 350, 234)
    drawline (x + 330, 330, 330 + x, 350, 234)
end for
for x : 1 .. 17
    drawline (x + 320, 350, x + 320, 370, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawoval (329, 378, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (313, 363 + x, 344, 363 + x, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (306 + x, 364, 306 + x, 370, 90)
    drawline (344 + x, 364, 344 + x, 370, 90)
end for

% Fan 2
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (200 + x, 330, 200 + x, 350, 40)
    drawline (x + 210, 330, 210 + x, 350, 40)
end for
for x : 1 .. 17
    drawline (x + 200, 350, x + 200, 370, 189)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawoval (209, 378, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (193, 363 + x, 224, 363 + x, 189)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (186 + x, 364, 186 + x, 370, 90)
    drawline (224 + x, 364, 224 + x, 370, 90)
end for

% Fan 3
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (80 + x, 330, 80 + x, 350, 245)
    drawline (x + 90, 330, 90 + x, 350, 245)
end for
for x : 1 .. 17
    drawline (x + 80, 350, x + 80, 370, 13)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawoval (89, 378, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (73, 363 + x, 104, 363 + x, 13)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (66 + x, 364, 66 + x, 370, 90)
    drawline (104 + x, 364, 104 + x, 370, 90)
end for

% Fan 4
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (440 + x, 330, 440 + x, 350, 9)
    drawline (x + 450, 330, 450 + x, 350, 9)
end for
for x : 1 .. 17
    drawline (x + 440, 350, x + 440, 370, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawoval (449, 378, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (433, 363 + x, 464, 363 + x, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (426 + x, 364, 426 + x, 370, 90)
    drawline (464 + x, 364, 464 + x, 370, 90)
end for

% Fan 4
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (560 + x, 330, 560 + x, 350, 49)
    drawline (x + 570, 330, 570 + x, 350, 49)
end for
for x : 1 .. 17
    drawline (x + 560, 350, x + 560, 370, 52)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawoval (569, 378, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (553, 363 + x, 584, 363 + x, 52)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (546 + x, 364, 546 + x, 370, 90)
    drawline (584 + x, 364, 584 + x, 370, 90)
end for

% Stationary Players

for x : 1 .. 10
    drawoval (105 + 220, 200, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 150, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 250, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 200, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 175, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 225, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 320 - 70, 235, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 321 - 60, 200, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 320 - 70, 165, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 300, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 220, 100, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 320, 225, x, x, 12)
    drawoval (105 + 320, 175, x, x, 12)
end for

for x : 1 .. 10
    drawoval (80 + 220, 200, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (80 + 220, 150, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (80 + 220, 250, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (80 + 220, 175, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (80 + 220, 225, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (75 + 220, 300, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (75 + 220, 100, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (-40 + 320 - 50, 225, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (-40 + 320 - 50, 200, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (-40 + 320 - 50, 175, x, x, 9)
    drawoval (70 + 205 - 18, 200, x, x, 9)
end for

% Moving Fans and Players

process fansplayers
        for x : 1 .. 7
            drawfillbox (307, x + 370, 312, x + 380, 90)
            drawfillbox (345, x + 370, 350, x + 380, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (306 + x, 377, 306 + x, 387, 112)
            drawfillbox (344 + x, 377, 344 + x, 387, 112)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 7
            drawfillbox (547, x + 370, 552, x + 380, 90)
            drawfillbox (585, x + 370, 590, x + 380, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (546 + x, 377, 546 + x, 387, 112)
            drawfillbox (584 + x, 377, 584 + x, 387, 112)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 7
            drawfillbox (67, x + 370, 72, x + 380, 90)
            drawfillbox (105, x + 370, 110, x + 380, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (66 + x, 377, 66 + x, 387, 112)
            drawfillbox (104 + x, 377, 104 + x, 387, 112)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 7
            drawfillbox (427, x + 370, 432, x + 380, 90)
            drawfillbox (465, x + 370, 470, x + 380, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (426 + x, 377, 426 + x, 387, 112)
            drawfillbox (464 + x, 377, 464 + x, 387, 112)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 7
            drawfillbox (187, x + 370, 192, x + 380, 90)
            drawfillbox (225, x + 370, 230, x + 380, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (186 + x, 377, 186 + x, 387, 112)
            drawfillbox (224 + x, 377, 224 + x, 387, 112)
        end for
        loop1 := loop1 + 1
        exit when loop1 = 2
    end loop

    for decreasing x : 80 .. 80
        drawfillarc (180 + x, 210, 10, 5, 0, 180, 118)
        drawfillarc (180 + x, 210, 10, 5, 180, 360, 118)
        drawfillarc (179 + x, 210, 10, 5, 0, 180, 112)
        drawfillarc (179 + x, 210, 10, 5, 180, 360, 112)
        delay (15)
    end for

    for x : 80 .. 90
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 200, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 200, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 150, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 150, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 250, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 250, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 175, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 175, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 225, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 225, 10, 10, 9)
        delay (15)
    end for

    for decreasing x : 105 .. 100
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 200, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 200, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 150, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 150, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 250, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 250, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 200, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 200, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 175, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 175, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 221, 225, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 225, 10, 10, 12)
        delay (15)
    end for

    for x : 75 .. 225
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 300, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 300, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfilloval (x + 219, 100, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 220, 100, 10, 10, 9)

        drawfilloval (x + 249, 300, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 250, 300, 10, 10, 12)
        drawfilloval (x + 249, 100, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x + 250, 100, 10, 10, 12)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 200 .. 300
        drawfilloval (258, x - 1, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (258, x, 10, 10, 9)
        drawfillarc (260, x + 9, 10, 5, 0, 180, 118)
        drawfillarc (260, x + 9, 10, 5, 180, 360, 118)
        drawfillarc (260, x + 10, 10, 5, 0, 180, 112)
        drawfillarc (260, x + 10, 10, 5, 180, 360, 112)
        delay (15)
    end for

    for x : 260 .. 445
        drawfillarc (x - 1, 310, 10, 5, 0, 180, 118)
        drawfillarc (x - 1, 310, 10, 5, 180, 360, 118)
        drawfillarc (x, 310, 10, 5, 0, 180, 112)
        drawfillarc (x, 310, 10, 5, 180, 360, 112)
        delay (7)
    end for

    drawfilloval (258, 300, 10, 10, 118)
    drawfilloval (258, 300, 10, 10, 9)

    for decreasing x : 300 .. 200
        drawfilloval (225 + 220, x + 1, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (225 + 220, x, 10, 10, 9)

        drawfillarc (445, x + 11, 10, 5, 0, 180, 118)
        drawfillarc (445, x + 11, 10, 5, 180, 360, 118)
        drawfillarc (445, x + 10, 10, 5, 0, 180, 112)
        drawfillarc (445, x + 10, 10, 5, 180, 360, 112)

        drawfilloval (225 + 250, x + 1, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (225 + 250, x, 10, 10, 12)

        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 445 .. 545
        drawfilloval (x - 1, 200, 10, 10, 118)
        drawfilloval (x, 200, 10, 10, 9)

        drawfillarc (x - 1, 210, 10, 5, 0, 180, 118)
        drawfillarc (x - 1, 210, 10, 5, 180, 360, 118)
        drawfillarc (x, 210, 10, 5, 0, 180, 112)
        drawfillarc (x, 210, 10, 5, 180, 360, 112)
        delay (10)
    end for

    font7 := Font.New ("Impact:30")
    Draw.Text ("HE RAN HIM OVER!", 150, 100, font7, 14)

end fansplayers
fork fansplayers

delay (20000)


% Hockey Introduction

for x : 0 .. 640
    drawline (x, 0, x, 400, 16)
end for

for x : 0 .. 15
    font6 := Font.New ("Arial:40")
    Draw.Text ("HOCKEY TIME", x - 1, 200, font6, 16)
    Draw.Text ("HOCKEY TIME", x, 200, font6, 0)
    delay (2)
end for

delay (1000)


%Screen 2 - Hockey Rink

% Background

for x : 0 .. 400
    drawline (0, x, 640, x, 157)
end for

%Rink (Ice,Boards)

for x : 1 .. 100
    drawarc (125, 150, x, x, 180, 270, 30)
    drawarc (125, 250, x, x, 90, 180, 30)
    drawarc (515, 150, x, x, 270, 360, 30)
    drawarc (515, 250, x, x, 0, 90, 30)
end for

for x : 99 .. 100
    drawarc (125, 150, x, x, 180, 270, 14)
    drawarc (125, 250, x, x, 90, 180, 14)
    drawarc (515, 150, x, x, 270, 360, 14)
    drawarc (515, 250, x, x, 0, 90, 14)
end for

for x : 50 .. 350
    drawline (120, x, 515, x, 30)
end for
for x : 25 .. 615
    drawline (x, 150, x, 255, 30)
end for

for x : 50 .. 52
    drawline (120, x, 515, x, 14)
    drawline (120, x + 300, 515, x + 300, 14)
end for
for x : 25 .. 27
    drawline (x, 150, x, 255, 14)
    drawline (x + 590, 150, x + 590, 255, 14)
end for

% Lines on Ice
process lines3
        for x : 1 .. 10
            drawline (x + 315, 53, x + 315, 347, 12)
            drawline (x + 235, 53, x + 235, 347, 32)
            drawline (x + 395, 53, x + 395, 347, 32)
        end for
    end loop
end lines3

fork lines3

% Circles on Ice

process circles
        for x : 50 .. 53
            drawoval (320, 200, x, x, 12)
            drawoval (135, 285, x, x, 32)
            drawoval (500, 285, x, x, 32)
            drawoval (500, 115, x, x, 32)
            drawoval (135, 115, x, x, 32)
        end for
        for y : 1 .. 5
            drawoval (320, 200, y + 3, y + 3, 12)
            drawoval (135, 285, y, y, 32)
            drawoval (500, 285, y, y, 32)
            drawoval (500, 115, y, y, 32)
            drawoval (135, 115, y, y, 32)
        end for

    end loop
end circles
fork circles

% Net (Left)

drawline (60, 175, 60, 225, 12)
drawline (60, 175, 80, 175, 12)
drawline (60, 225, 80, 225, 12)

% Net (Right)

drawline (580, 175, 580, 225, 12)
drawline (580, 175, 560, 175, 12)
drawline (580, 225, 560, 225, 12)

%% Moving Players and Fans (Green Team)

% Fans
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (320 + x, 354, 320 + x, 374, 234)
    drawline (x + 330, 354, 330 + x, 374, 234)
end for
for x : 1 .. 16
    drawline (x + 320, 370, x + 320, 385, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 5
    drawoval (329, 392, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (313, 378 + x, 344, 378 + x, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (307 + x, 379, 307 + x, 385, 90)
    drawline (344 + x, 379, 344 + x, 385, 90)
end for

% Fan 2
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (200 + x, 354, 200 + x, 374, 40)
    drawline (x + 210, 354, 210 + x, 374, 40)
end for
for x : 1 .. 16
    drawline (x + 200, 370, x + 200, 385, 189)
end for
for x : 1 .. 5
    drawoval (209, 392, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (193, 378 + x, 224, 378 + x, 189)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (186 + x, 379, 186 + x, 385, 90)
    drawline (224 + x, 379, 224 + x, 385, 90)
end for

% Fan 3
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (80 + x, 354, 80 + x, 374, 245)
    drawline (x + 90, 354, 90 + x, 374, 245)
end for
for x : 1 .. 16
    drawline (x + 80, 370, x + 80, 385, 13)
end for
for x : 1 .. 5
    drawoval (89, 392, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (73, 378 + x, 104, 378 + x, 13)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (66 + x, 379, 66 + x, 385, 90)
    drawline (104 + x, 379, 104 + x, 385, 90)
end for

% Fan 4
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (440 + x, 354, 440 + x, 374, 9)
    drawline (x + 450, 354, 450 + x, 374, 9)
end for
for x : 1 .. 16
    drawline (x + 440, 370, x + 440, 385, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 5
    drawoval (449, 392, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (433, 378 + x, 464, 378 + x, 145)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (426 + x, 379, 426 + x, 385, 90)
    drawline (464 + x, 379, 464 + x, 385, 90)
end for

% Fan 4
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (560 + x, 354, 560 + x, 374, 49)
    drawline (x + 570, 354, 570 + x, 374, 49)
end for
for x : 1 .. 16
    drawline (x + 560, 370, x + 560, 385, 52)
end for
for x : 1 .. 5
    drawoval (569, 392, x, x, 90)
end for
for x : 1 .. 7
    drawline (553, 378 + x, 584, 378 + x, 52)
end for
for x : 1 .. 6
    drawline (546 + x, 379, 546 + x, 385, 90)
    drawline (584 + x, 379, 584 + x, 385, 90)
end for

for x : 1 .. 10
    drawoval (124 + 220, 200, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (124 + 220, 125, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (124 + 220, 275, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (150 + 320 - 50, 225, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (150 + 320 - 50, 175, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (75 + 220, 200, x, x, 48)
    drawoval (75 + 220, 125, x, x, 48)
    drawoval (75 + 220, 275, x, x, 48)
    drawoval (-50 + 320 - 50, 225, x, x, 48)
    drawoval (-50 + 320 - 50, 175, x, x, 48)
    drawoval (555, 200, x, x, 43)
    drawoval (85, 200, x, x, 48)
end for

% Moving Fans and Players

process fansplayers2
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (308, x + 385, 312, x + 395, 90)
            drawfillbox (345, x + 385, 350, x + 395, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (306 + x, 392, 306 + x, 402, 157)
            drawfillbox (344 + x, 392, 344 + x, 402, 157)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (547, x + 385, 552, x + 395, 90)
            drawfillbox (585, x + 385, 590, x + 395, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (546 + x, 392, 546 + x, 402, 157)
            drawfillbox (584 + x, 392, 584 + x, 402, 157)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (67, x + 385, 72, x + 395, 90)
            drawfillbox (105, x + 385, 110, x + 395, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (66 + x, 392, 66 + x, 402, 157)
            drawfillbox (104 + x, 392, 104 + x, 402, 157)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (427, x + 385, 432, x + 395, 90)
            drawfillbox (465, x + 385, 470, x + 395, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (426 + x, 392, 426 + x, 402, 157)
            drawfillbox (464 + x, 392, 464 + x, 402, 157)
        end for

        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (187, x + 385, 192, x + 395, 90)
            drawfillbox (225, x + 385, 230, x + 395, 90)
            delay (100)
        end for
        for x : 1 .. 6
            drawfillbox (186 + x, 392, 186 + x, 402, 157)
            drawfillbox (224 + x, 392, 224 + x, 402, 157)
        end for
        loop2 := loop2 + 1
        exit when loop2 = 2
    end loop

    for x : 200 .. 325
        drawfilloval (x + 119, x - 1, 3, 3, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 120, x, 3, 3, 16)
        delay (14)
    end for

    for decreasing x : 344 .. 334
        drawfilloval (x + 1, 200, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x, 200, 10, 10, 43)
    end for
    for x : 294 .. 306
        drawfilloval (x - 1, 200, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x, 200, 10, 10, 48)
    end for

    for x : 150 .. 200
        drawfilloval (x + 319 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 320 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 43)
        drawfilloval (x + 319 - 50, 175, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 320 - 50, 175, 10, 10, 43)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : -50 .. -12
        drawfilloval (x + 319 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 320 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 48)
        drawfilloval (x + 319 - 50, 175, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 320 - 50, 175, 10, 10, 48)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 275 .. 335
        drawfilloval (295, x - 1, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (295, x, 10, 10, 48)
        drawfilloval (345, x - 1, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (345, x, 10, 10, 43)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 295 .. 375
        drawfilloval (x - 1, 335, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x, 335, 10, 10, 48)
        drawfilloval (x + 49, 335, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 50, 335, 10, 10, 43)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for decreasing x : 335 .. 310
        drawfilloval (375, x + 1, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (375, x, 10, 10, 48)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 375 .. 425
        drawfilloval (x - 1, 310, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x, 310, 10, 10, 48)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for decreasing x : 325 .. 200
        drawfilloval (445, x + 1, 3, 3, 30)
        drawfilloval (445, x, 3, 3, 16)
        delay (14)
    end for

    for x : -12 .. 160
        drawfilloval (x + 319 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (x + 320 - 50, 225, 10, 10, 48)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for decreasing x : 225 .. 215
        drawfilloval (430, x + 1, 10, 10, 30)
        drawfilloval (430, x, 10, 10, 48)
        delay (10)
    end for

    for x : 445 .. 570
        drawfilloval (x - 1, 200, 3, 3, 30)
        drawfilloval (x, 200, 3, 3, 16)
        delay (2)
    end for

    font8 := Font.New ("Arial:30")
    Draw.Text ("CUT HIM RIGHT IN HALF!!", 25, 15, font8, 9)

    delay (2000)

end fansplayers2

fork fansplayers2

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