setscreen ("graphics:800,600")
var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
font1 := Font.New ("Courier:32")
font2 := Font.New ("Courier:16")
font3 := Font.New ("times new roman:16")
font4 := Font.New ("times new roman:8")
var gry, dgry, c : int
%tree, 99 tall, 12 wide always%
var trgr, trtp, trlft, trght : int
var fnsh : string (1)
var schoice : string (1)
var bchoice : string (3)
var x, y, jmp, flsh : int
var kp : string (1)
var posit : boolean
kp := "z"
x := 210
y := 281
gry := 30
dgry := 28
jmp := 0
flsh := 0
fnsh := "F"
posit := false
var charsa : array char of boolean
colorback (black)
process character
var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 5, y + 26)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 5, y + 26)
if c not= dgry then
y := y + 3
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, white)
delay (10)
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, black)
jmp := jmp + 1
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x + 2
end if
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x - 2
end if
end if
end if
exit when jmp = 28
end loop
jmp := 0
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x + 2
end if
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x - 2
end if
end if
end if
y := y - 2
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, white)
delay (10)
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, black)
c := whatdotcolor (x - 5, y - 1)
if c = dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 5, y - 1)
if c = dgry then
end if
end if
end loop
end if
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 5, y - 1)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 5, y - 1)
if c not= dgry then
y := y - 2
end if
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x + 2
end if
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x - 6, y + 25)
if c not= dgry then
x := x - 2
end if
end if
end if
c := whatdotcolor (x - 5, y - 1)
if c not= dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 5, y - 1)
if c not= dgry then
y := y - 2
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, white)
delay (10)
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, black)
end if
end if
c := whatdotcolor (x - 5, y - 1)
if c = dgry then
c := whatdotcolor (x + 5, y - 1)
if c = dgry then
end if
end if
end loop
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, white)
delay (10)
drawfillbox (x - 5, y, x + 5, y + 25, black)
if x > 798 then
posit := true
end if
end loop
end character
x := 8
y := 301
drawfillbox (0, 290, 800, 300, dgry)
trgr := 301
trtp := 400
trlft := 200
trght := 212
drawfillbox (trlft, trgr, trght, trtp, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft - 30, trgr + 20, trght, trgr + 32, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft + 12, trgr + 30, trght + 30, trgr + 42, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft - 20, trgr + 56, trght, trgr + 68, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft + 12, trgr + 74, trght + 12, trgr + 86, gry)
fork character
if posit = true then
x := 8
y := 301
drawfillbox (0, 290, 800, 300, dgry)
trgr := 301
trtp := 400
trlft := 350
trght := 362
drawfillbox (trlft, trgr, trght, trtp, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft - 30, trgr + 20, trght, trgr + 32, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft + 12, trgr + 30, trght + 30, trgr + 42, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft - 20, trgr + 56, trght, trgr + 68, gry)
drawfillbox (trlft + 12, trgr + 74, trght + 12, trgr + 86, gry)
end if
exit when posit = true
end loop
posit := false