var rank : string
var abilities : string
var name : string
var strength : int := 1
var health : int := 100
var Def : int := 1
var agility : int := 1
var coins : int := 10
var direction : string
var answer : string
delay (2500)
put "Whats your name?"
get name
put "What rank do you want?"
put "Soldier"
put "Wizard"
put "Thief "
get rank
%The Soldiers Abilities.
if rank = "soldier" then
put "Your abilities are,"
put ""
put "Rage."
put "Super Attack."
put "Heal."
put ""
put "Your strength is, ", strength + 3
put "Your defence is, ", Def + 2
put "Your agility is, ", agility + 1
put "Your Health is, ", health
%The Wizards Abilities.
rank = "wizard" then
put "Your abilities are,"
put ""
put "Fire."
put "Lighting."
put "Ice."
put "Heal."
put ""
put "Your strength is, ", strength + 1
put "Your defence is, ", Def + 1
put "Your agility is, ", agility + 2
put "Your Health is, ", health
%The Thief's Abilities.
rank = "Thief " then
put "Your abilities are,"
put ""
put "Steal Wepon."
put "Assassination."
put ""
put "Your strength is, ", strength
put "Your defence is, ", Def
put "Your agility is, ", agility + 4
put "Your Health is, ", health
end if
put "Hit any key to start the game..."
var ch : string (1)
getch (ch)
put "You are now entering the final battle. Have fun!"
delay (4000)
put skip
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put skip
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put "*************************************************"
put skip
put "Wake up stranger."
put "Hey, what's your name??"
put "My name is ", name, "."
put skip
delay (1000)
put "Your health is," ,health
put "Well lets get started with your journey."
put "Do you want to go North, East, South or West??"
get direction
if direction ="east" then
put"You see a bar in the distance. Do you want to go there??"
get answer
end if
if answer ="yes" then
put"You go into the bar and you see an elf. The elf asks you, ''Do you want a drink yong adventurer?''"
get answer
end if
if answer="yes" then
put"That will be 5 coins, thank you. You now have,",coins-5," coins left."
end if