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 The Maze Game 2004! More Challenging And Fun Then U Think!!!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:30 pm   Post subject: The Maze Game 2004! More Challenging And Fun Then U Think!!!

its come.. (This is funner and more chanllenging then u think! try it!)

The Maze Game 2004!

u are the green dot.... make ur way thru the mazes uses the arror keys... run over the yellow dot to win.. their is currently 5 levels.. and the 5th one is HARDEST!

heres the catch (that makes it fun and challenging..

you can only see 50 -> 150 pixels around u.!

3 difilculties..

1 (50 pixels around u)
2 (100 pixels around u)
3 (150 pixels around u)

Known Bug: it is posible to see the whole map for a second.. temporarily, if you mess with the window in a certain way... please dont exploit this.. its funner if u dont! < not my fault.. its turing...

the main game file is only 73 lines of code!(MAZES ARE SEPERATE)

YAY! first GAME under 75... im getting close to 1337 amount of under 50!

Try It Out! And Tell Me What You Think! and/or any bugs..

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:52 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Hmm...5 levels...and level 5 is the hardest!!! OMG! That's so freakin original!

Hehe...just kiddin short1.

It was good. The controls actually work on my computer! Which is surprising, considering that you have a sux0ring computer, even compared to mine! Usually, the delays() involved w/ your programmes render them such that they run crazy fast on computers faster that yours.


I'm sure this wasn't intentional, but your whole Clip. effect you have going on there (that is what you used right?) leaves this sort of RGB-type-of-circle-fill-effect thing...each time you move, the background does not refresh, so you're left with these grey circles everywhere...that and each time you move over part of the grey cicle (which actually looks rather nifty) a black spot is left behind in your stead.

The mazes are good. I found the parts that are 'filled' to be rather odd...I see not much use for them, but hey, I'm no maze expert.

Surprise flashy, epilepsy-inducing intro screen this time. Melikes.

How about a timer?
Or a customizable background image (will have to fix the Clip. problem then).
Or a target that moves?

Good work.

I'd give you bits, but you have enough already.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:48 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I liked the flashlight effect. nice use of RGB

one of the things I found on my computer was gaps between the circles of the light. perhaps you could remedy this with fillovals.

if i'm correct, you used View.ClipSet? if so, you could easily modify that.

you know what would be awesome? if turing had transparency.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:57 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Transparency eh?

Well, it does exist to a limited level. As you know, there is a certain colour colourbg, that is considered the background colour. This can be manipulated so as to give a pseudo-transparent effect...more of just a see through thingy...

Take two pictures, then merge them together thusly:


setscreen ("offscreenonly")

var forePic, bgPic : int

forePic := Pic.FileNew ("pic1.bmp")
bgPic := Pic.FileNew ("pic2.bmp")

Pic.Draw (forePic, 0, 0, picCopy)
for i : 1 .. Pic.Width (forePic)
    for j : 1 .. Pic.Height (forePic)
        if i mod 2 = 0 and j mod 2 = 0 then
            drawdot (i, j, colourbg)
            % This clause draws the colourbg colour at alternating points,
            % but this colour itself is entirely transparent!
        end if
    end for
end for

forePic := Pic.New (0, 0, Pic.Width (forePic), Pic.Height (forePic))

Pic.Draw (bgPic, 0, 0, picCopy)
Pic.Draw (forePic, 20, 20, picMerge)
% Merge the pictures together.

%Pic.Draw (forePic, 20, 20, picXor)
% For a spooooky effect.


This will give the effect of transparency...sort of...hmm...I wonder if I should post this in Source?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:16 am   Post subject: (No subject)

EDIT: AISKAN's race game with View.ClipSet still boggles my mind...i did not use that command... i know how to use RGB but i didn't to save coding lines...


I'm sure this wasn't intentional, but your whole Clip. effect you have going on there (that is what you used right?) leaves this sort of RGB-type-of-circle-fill-effect thing...each time you move, the background does not refresh, so you're left with these grey circles everywhere...that and each time you move over part of the grey cicle (which actually looks rather nifty) a black spot is left behind in your stead.

was fully intensionall..

its tunel vision..

see the cool ways to clear u screen thread (source code section) for my full remake of it..)

basically... i redrawthe maze everyrepetition of loop....

EDIT: nvm... illl keep my ways of hidding rest of maze secrete Smile

then i was going to use RGB... instead i just used colors 16 > 31 sicne that worked the same and with less coding. (i wanted to keep under 75 lines of code) b so it shades from dark to lite.. so its more acurately depicted vision...(using drawovals)< i had it drawing dots in that range (using quadratic formula).. but it looked like shit and was WAY to laggy.. even for me... . yea the last maze had to be hard..

timer/... can do... WILL DO IT... Smile thx for suggestion!

yea... turing does messed up stuff when it comes to spacing ovals... sometimes it leaves blank rings...

glad it worked good delos.. that was my aim..

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:21 am   Post subject: (No subject)

most dificult part..
writing the word 'Maze' i kept writing mazer by acident Laughing
speaking of which.. he prob will like this.. hahah...

some links:
has the tunnel vision thingy!
how i made all my mazes!
see i can use RGB

thought i would save u guys tiem from lookin them up.. Smile enjoy!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 6:02 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

loved the animation


make an animation for the dot moving.

items or trap doors or w/e to make it more interesting.

u cant really tell when u finish all 5 levels, altho it says so on the title bar
maybe u could write it in huge letters "you won!!!"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:49 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Nice job short... +20 bits

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:54 pm   Post subject: (No subject)


Stupid Caps.... what kind of items???

trap doors eh... well i could add that..

if u go to (x,y) coords it brings u back to start or something?

thx delta...
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