const NUM_OF_BLOCKS := 100 % this is needed throughout most of prog
procedure Block_Start (var X, Y : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS of int)
var YR : nat := maxy - 45
var XR : nat := 15
for Block : 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS
if XR + 30 > maxx then
YR := YR - 30
XR := 1
end if
X (Block) := XR
Y (Block) := YR
XR := XR + 30
end for
end Block_Start
procedure Pause
var P : char
P := getchar
end Pause
%sound effect(s)
process Bump_Sound (Frequency, Length : int)
sound (Frequency, Length)
end Bump_Sound
const B_C := 7 % background colour (7 is black)
const SIZE := 40 % size of paddle / 2
const COLOUR_OF_PLAYER := 0 % paddle's colour
const SPEED_OF_P := 4 % paddle's speed
const SIZE_OF_BALL := 3 % radius of the ball
const MAX_LEVELS := 3 % number of levels
% Set up screen
setscreen ("graphics:max,max,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly")
const MID_X := maxx div 2
const MID_Y := maxy div 2
var HitCount : int
var NumberOfHits : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS of nat1
var Hit : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS of boolean % draw block or not
var XB, YB : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS of int % co-ordinates for each block
var COfB : array 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS of int % the color of each block
% each block
var XP, YP : int % co-ordinates for the player's paddle
var X, Y : int % the co-orninates of the ball
var DX, DY : int1 % the direction that the ball is moving in
% ball if the ball hits a puck
var BallsLeft : int % the number of balls the user still has
var Key : array char of boolean % input key var
var Serve : boolean % used to see if ball should move or not
var Score : int % user's score (oviously)
% level var
var Level : int
% display fonts
var Font1 : int := Font.New ("Avenida LET:30")
var Font2 : int := Font.New ("Avenida LET:50")
var IntToString : string % used for puting numbers into a string so
% that the Font.Draw command will work with them
%initilization of vars
Score := 0
Level := 1
BallsLeft := 3
colorback (B_C)
% Tittle screen
Font.Draw ("Block Buster!", 100, 300, Font2, 12)
Font.Draw (" (Press any key to resume)", MID_X - 200, 100, Font1, 12)
Font.Draw (" (Made by Peter)", MID_X - 200, 1, Font1, 12)
color (0)
put "The point of this game is to hit all the blocks with your ball."
put "You bounce the ball around with your paddel."
put "To clear a level make all the blocks disapear."
put " The higher you get in levels the more hits it will take" ..
put " for a block to vanish."
put ""
put "Controls: "
put "Left : Left arrow key"
put "Right : right arrow key"
put "Pause : enter"
put "serve ball : spacebar"
put ""
put "Press any key to continue"
HitCount := 0
Serve := false
YP := 10
X := MID_X
Y := YP + SIZE_OF_BALL + 1
DX := SPEED_OF_P - 2
DY := SPEED_OF_P + 1
% block stuff
Block_Start (XB, YB) % co-ordinates
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS
randint (COfB (Index), 1, 15)
exit when COfB (Index) not= B_C
end loop
Hit (Index) := false
NumberOfHits (Index) := 0
end for
BallsLeft := 3
cls % clear screen
%player movement
Input.KeyDown (Key)
if Key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) or XP - SIZE < 1 then
XP := XP + SPEED_OF_P % move right
end if
if Key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) or XP + SIZE > maxx then
XP := XP - SPEED_OF_P % move left
end if
% this next section is for ball movement and bouncing
if Serve = true then
% bouncing
if X < 1 or X > maxx then
DX := -DX
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
end if
if Y > maxy then
DY := -DY
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
end if
if Y <= 1 then
Serve := false
Y := YP + SIZE_OF_BALL + 1
DY := SPEED_OF_P + 1
BallsLeft := BallsLeft - 1
end if
% movement
X := X + DX
Y := Y + DY
% ball interaction with paddle
if X < XP + SIZE and X > XP - SIZE and Y - SIZE_OF_BALL < 10 then
DY := -DY
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
end if
% player Serve
if Serve = false and Key (' ') then
Serve := true
end if
% ball follows player if it is't served
if Serve = false then
X := XP
end if
end if
%drawblocks and block ball colision
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_BLOCKS
if Hit (Index) = false then
drawfillbox (XB (Index) - 15, YB (Index) - 15, XB (Index) + 15,
YB (Index) + 15, COfB (Index))
drawbox (XB (Index) - 15, YB (Index) - 15, XB (Index) + 15,
YB (Index) + 15, B_C)
% collision
if X > XB (Index) - 15 and X < XB (Index) - 13 and
Y > YB (Index) - 15 and Y < YB (Index) + 15 then
NumberOfHits (Index) := NumberOfHits (Index) + 1
if NumberOfHits (Index) >= Level then
Score := Score + 1
Hit (Index) := true
HitCount := HitCount + 1
end if
DX := -DX
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
elsif X > XB (Index) + 13 and X < XB (Index) + 15 and
Y > YB (Index) - 15 and Y < YB (Index) + 15 then
Score := Score + 1
NumberOfHits (Index) := NumberOfHits (Index) + 1
if NumberOfHits (Index) >= Level then
HitCount := HitCount + 1
Hit (Index) := true
end if
DX := -DX
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
elsif X > XB (Index) - 15 and X < XB (Index) + 15 and
Y > YB (Index) - 15 and Y < YB (Index) - 10 then
Score := Score + 1
NumberOfHits (Index) := NumberOfHits (Index) + 1
if NumberOfHits (Index) >= Level then
HitCount := HitCount + 1
Hit (Index) := true
end if
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
DY := -DY
elsif X > XB (Index) - 15 and X < XB (Index) + 15 and
Y > YB (Index) + 10 and Y < YB (Index) + 15 then
NumberOfHits (Index) := NumberOfHits (Index) + 1
Score := Score + 1
if NumberOfHits (Index) >= Level then
HitCount := HitCount + 1
Hit (Index) := true
end if
DY := -DY
fork Bump_Sound (100, 100)
end if
end if
end for
% drawplayer
drawfillbox (XP - SIZE, 10, XP + SIZE, 3, COLOUR_OF_PLAYER)
% draw ball
% Output stats
IntToString := intstr (Score)
Font.Draw ("Score: " + IntToString, 1, maxy - 30, Font1, 12)
IntToString := intstr (BallsLeft)
Font.Draw ("Balls Left: " + IntToString, 200, maxy - 30, Font1, 12)
IntToString := intstr (Level)
Font.Draw ("Level: " + IntToString, 400, maxy - 30, Font1, 12)
exit when BallsLeft < 0 or HitCount = NUM_OF_BLOCKS
if Key (KEY_ENTER) then
Font.Draw ("Paused (Press any key to resume)", MID_X - 200, 100,
Font1, 12)
end if
end loop
exit when Level >= MAX_LEVELS or BallsLeft < 0
Level := Level + 1
end loop
if BallsLeft < 0 then
Font.Draw ("You Lose!", 100, 100, Font2, 12)
Font.Draw ("You Win!", 100, 100, Font2, 12)
end if