Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:29 pm Post subject: Life Jepeordy Game |
I just made this up 4 fun!
%By Dann Westman
%May 30 2005
%Life Jepeordy
%The game where your life is actually in Jepeordy!
%graphics screen settings
setscreen ("graphics:300,300")
colourback (black)
colour (white)
var age, bang, tnt : int
tnt := Font.New ("Arial:7:Bold")
bang := Font.New ("Arial:30:Bold")
age := Font.New ("Arial:100:Bold")
var fontcredit : int
fontcredit := Font.New ("Arial:25:Bold")
var fontboard, number : int
number := 0
var pick, answer, answer2, answer3, answer4 : string
fontboard := Font.New ("Arial:25:Bold")
fontboard := Font.New ("Arial:20:Bold")
var enter : int
var font, font2 : int
var name : string
font := Font.New ("Arial:13:Bold")
font2 := Font.New ("Arial:15:Bold")
%warning message
Font.Draw ("Warning!!!", 100, 280, font, 12)
Draw.Line (0, 270, 300, 270, 12)
Font.Draw ("The following program contains", 18, 230, font, 12)
Font.Draw ("scenes of animated violents and", 18, 200, font, 12)
Font.Draw ("due to its content may offend some", 18, 170, font, 12)
Font.Draw ("players. Viewer descretion is", 18, 140, font, 12)
Font.Draw ("strongly advised.", 18, 110, font, 12)
Font.Draw ("This game is rated...", 18, 50, font, 12)
delay (10000)
Draw.FillBox (10, 10, 290, 290, white)
Font.Draw ("14+", 45, 100, age, black)
delay (4000)
Font.Draw ("Westman Productions Presents...", 10, 150, font, yellow)
delay (3000)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, 150, font2, 12)
delay (2000)
for decreasing z : 300 .. 70
Draw.FillOval (45, z, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (30, z + 30, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (160, z, 1, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (170, z, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (275, z + 120, 1, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (140, z + 100, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (300, z, 3, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (280, z + 10, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (56, z + 140, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (250, z + 12, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (200, z + 2, 4, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (3, z + 45, 8, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (100, z + 23, 6, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (4, z, 2, 2, 12)
delay (30)
end for
%opening statements
put "Welcome user.."
delay (2000)
put "Please enter your name:" ..
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
get name
Font.Draw ("Player:", 5, 5, font, yellow)
Font.Draw (name, 65, 5, font, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
delay (2000)
%gameshow intro
for decreasing h : 300 .. 200
Font.Draw ("Player:", 5, 5, font, yellow)
Font.Draw (name, 65, 5, font, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (h, 130, 10, 10, green)
Draw.Line (h, 130, h, 70, green)
Draw.Line (h, 120, h - 20, 80, green)
Draw.Line (h, 120, h + 20, 80, green)
Draw.Line (h, 70, h - 20, 20, green)
Draw.Line (h, 70, h + 20, 20, green)
delay (10)
end for
put "You have been selected from millions of people in prisons all over the world to take part in our gameshow!"
delay (6000)
put "If you win, you will be released, a free man (or woman). If not, you willface the consequences!"
delay (6000)
put "All you do is answer a few skill"
put "testing questions."
put "Don't get one wrong!"
delay (4000)
put "Please meet Mr.Executioner!"
put "Hopefully you won't have to"
put "get any closer to him than you are!"
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, white)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, white)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, white)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, white)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, white)
Draw.FillBox (170, 80, 172, 85, grey)
Draw.FillBox (172, 85, 182, 83, grey)
Draw.FillBox (130, 80, 132, 120, brown)
Draw.FillBox (130, 120, 113, 110, grey)
delay (8000)
Draw.FillBox (10, 10, 290, 270, 9)
Font.Draw ("a)Fact", 20, 200, fontboard, yellow)
Font.Draw ("b)Music", 20, 160, fontboard, yellow)
Font.Draw ("c)Movies", 20, 120, fontboard, yellow)
Font.Draw ("d)People", 20, 80, fontboard, yellow)
put "Pick a category:" ..
get pick
if pick = "a" then
put "How many moons orbit Saturn?:" ..
put " "
put "a) 16"
put "or"
put "b) 7"
get answer
if answer = "a" then
put "yes!"
delay (2000)
elsif answer = "b" then
put "Wrong Answer!You lose!"
delay (2000)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
delay (2000)
for decreasing b : 300 .. 250
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (b, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (b, 130, b, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (b - 50, 125, b - 30, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (b - 50, 130, b - 51, 115, grey)
Draw.Line (b, 120, b - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (b, 120, b + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (b, 70, b - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (b, 70, b + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
delay (1000)
put"Feel the power of the dark side of the force!!!!"
for decreasing swing : 250 .. 150
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (250, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (250, 130, 250, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 50, 125, 250 - 30, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 50, 130, 250 - 51, 115, grey)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 52, 125, 250 - 50, 120, 12)
Draw.FillOval (swing - 50, 122, 3, 3, 12)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 + 20, 20, white)
delay (5)
end for
for decreasing melt : 130 .. 10
Draw.FillOval (150, melt, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (250, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (250, 130, 250, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 50, 125, 250 - 30, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 50, 130, 250 - 51, 115, grey)
Draw.FillBox (100, 125, 250 - 50, 120, 12)
Draw.FillOval (150 - 50, 122, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
for credit : 1 .. 1000
Font.Draw ("The End", 80, credit, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 20, 300, credit - 23, 12)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, credit - 150, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 170, 300, credit - 173, 12)
Font.Draw ("By:", 120, credit - 220, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 260, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Graphics:", 70, credit - 350, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 370, 300, credit - 373, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 410, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Special Thanks To:", 0, credit - 500, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 523, 300, credit - 520, 12)
Font.Draw ("Torry Loewen", 60, credit - 550, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Bob Barker", 60, credit - 600, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("George Bush", 60, credit - 650, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Osama Bin Laden", 10, credit - 700, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("June 2 2005", 50, credit - 800, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("", 70, credit - 180, fontcredit, 12)
delay (25)
end for
delay (900000)
put "Invalid answer!"
delay (2000)
end if
exit when (answer = "a")
end loop
elsif pick = "b" then
put "What band features the song T.N.T?:" ..
put " "
put "a)AC-DC"
put "or"
put "b)Led Zeppelin"
get answer2
if answer2 = "a" then
put "yes!"
delay (2000)
elsif answer2 = "b" then
put "Wrong Answer!You lose!"
delay (3000)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
delay (2000)
for decreasing run : 300 .. 200
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (run, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (run, 130, run, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (run - 50, 130, run - 40, 100, grey)
Font.Draw ("T", run - 50, 120, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("N", run - 50, 110, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("T", run - 50, 100, tnt, black)
Draw.Line (run, 120, run - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (run, 120, run + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (run, 70, run - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (run, 70, run + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
put "Here, hold this for me will ya!"
delay (3000)
for run2 : 200 .. 350
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (run2, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 130, run2, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (200 - 50, 130, 200 - 40, 100, grey)
Font.Draw ("T", 200 - 50, 120, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("N", 200 - 50, 110, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("T", 200 - 50, 100, tnt, black)
Draw.Line (run2, 120, run2 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 120, run2 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 70, run2 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 70, run2 + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
delay (500)
for boom : 0 .. 200
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, boom, boom, boom)
Font.Draw ("Boom!", 30, 150, bang, 12)
delay (6)
end for
for credit : 1 .. 1000
Font.Draw ("The End", 80, credit, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 20, 300, credit - 23, 12)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, credit - 150, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 170, 300, credit - 173, 12)
Font.Draw ("By:", 120, credit - 220, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 260, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Graphics:", 70, credit - 350, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 370, 300, credit - 373, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 410, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Special Thanks To:", 0, credit - 500, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 523, 300, credit - 520, 12)
Font.Draw ("Torry Loewen", 60, credit - 550, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Bob Barker", 60, credit - 600, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("George Bush", 60, credit - 650, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Osama Bin Laden", 10, credit - 700, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("June 2 2005", 50, credit - 800, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("", 70, credit - 180, fontcredit, 12)
delay (25)
end for
delay (900000)
put "Invalid answer!"
delay (2000)
end if
exit when (answer2 = "a")
end loop
elsif pick = "c" then
put "What movie stars Martin Lawrence as a fake police officer?:" ..
put " "
put "a)Bad Boys"
put "or"
put "b)Blue Streak"
get answer3
if answer3 = "b" then
put "yes!"
delay (2000)
elsif answer3 = "a" then
put "Wrong Answer!You lose!"
delay (2000)
for a : 1 .. 150
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 20, 20, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 16, 16, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 12, 12, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 8, 8, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 4, 4, red)
Draw.FillOval (a, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (a, 130, a, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (a, 120, a - 20, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (a, 120, a + 20, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (a, 70, a - 20, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (a, 70, a + 20, 20, yellow)
delay (10)
end for
delay (100)
for decreasing b : 300 .. 250
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 20, 20, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 16, 16, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 12, 12, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 8, 8, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 4, 4, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (b, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (b, 130, b, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (b - 40, 130, b - 45, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (b - 55, 130, b - 40, 125, grey)
Draw.Line (b, 120, b - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (b, 120, b + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (b, 70, b - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (b, 70, b + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
delay (2000)
for decreasing c : 205 .. 150
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 20, 20, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 16, 16, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 12, 12, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 8, 8, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 4, 4, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (250, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (250, 130, 250, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 40, 130, 250 - 45, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 55, 130, 250 - 40, 125, grey)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 + 20, 20, white)
Draw.FillBox (c, 128, c, 126, grey)
delay (2)
end for
Draw.FillOval (155, 130, 2, 2, 12)
delay (100)
for boom : 5 .. 10
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 20, 20, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 16, 16, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 12, 12, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 8, 8, white)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 4, 4, red)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, boom + 3, boom, 12)
Draw.FillOval (145, 132, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (140, 123, 1, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (132, 130, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (145, 143, 3, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (143, 152, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (134, 120, 4, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (123, 132, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (125, 142, 3, 2, 12)
Draw.FillOval (127, 132, 2, 2, 12)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (250, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (250, 130, 250, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 40, 130, 250 - 45, 120, grey)
Draw.FillBox (250 - 55, 130, 250 - 40, 125, grey)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (250, 120, 250 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (250, 70, 250 + 20, 20, white)
delay (20)
end for
delay (3000)
for credit : 1 .. 1000
Font.Draw ("The End", 80, credit, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 20, 300, credit - 23, 12)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, credit - 150, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 170, 300, credit - 173, 12)
Font.Draw ("By:", 120, credit - 220, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 260, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Graphics:", 70, credit - 350, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 370, 300, credit - 373, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 410, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Special Thanks To:", 0, credit - 500, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 523, 300, credit - 520, 12)
Font.Draw ("Torry Loewen", 60, credit - 550, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Bob Barker", 60, credit - 600, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("George Bush", 60, credit - 650, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Osama Bin Laden", 10, credit - 700, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("June 2 2005", 50, credit - 800, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("", 70, credit - 180, fontcredit, 12)
delay (25)
end for
delay (900000)
put "Invalid answer!"
delay (2000)
end if
exit when (answer3 = "b")
end loop
elsif pick = "d" then
put "Which is the correct way to spell"
put "Osama Bin Laden when unscrambled?"
put ""
put "a)Bamaa Oni neLds"
put "or"
put "b)dnami naL abeOs"
get answer4
if answer4 = "a" then
put "yes!"
delay (2000)
elsif answer4 = "b" then
put "Wrong Answer!You lose!"
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
delay (2000)
for decreasing run : 300 .. 200
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (run, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (run, 130, run, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (run - 50, 130, run - 40, 100, grey)
Font.Draw ("T", run - 50, 120, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("N", run - 50, 110, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("T", run - 50, 100, tnt, black)
Draw.Line (run, 120, run - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (run, 120, run + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (run, 70, run - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (run, 70, run + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
put "Here, hold this for me will ya!"
delay (3000)
for run2 : 200 .. 350
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
Draw.FillOval (run2, 130, 10, 10, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 130, run2, 70, white)
Draw.FillBox (200 - 50, 130, 200 - 40, 100, grey)
Font.Draw ("T", 200 - 50, 120, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("N", 200 - 50, 110, tnt, black)
Font.Draw ("T", 200 - 50, 100, tnt, black)
Draw.Line (run2, 120, run2 - 40, 120, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 120, run2 + 20, 80, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 70, run2 - 20, 20, white)
Draw.Line (run2, 70, run2 + 20, 20, white)
delay (10)
end for
delay (500)
for boom : 0 .. 200
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, boom, boom, boom)
Font.Draw ("Boom!", 30, 150, bang, 12)
delay (6)
end for
delay (2000)
for credit : 1 .. 1000
Font.Draw ("The End", 80, credit, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 20, 300, credit - 23, 12)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, credit - 150, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 170, 300, credit - 173, 12)
Font.Draw ("By:", 120, credit - 220, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 260, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Graphics:", 70, credit - 350, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 370, 300, credit - 373, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 410, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Special Thanks To:", 0, credit - 500, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 523, 300, credit - 520, 12)
Font.Draw ("Torry Loewen", 60, credit - 550, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Bob Barker", 60, credit - 600, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("George Bush", 60, credit - 650, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Osama Bin Laden", 10, credit - 700, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("June 2 2005", 50, credit - 800, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("", 70, credit - 180, fontcredit, 12)
delay (25)
end for
delay (900000)
put "Invalid answer!"
delay (2000)
end if
exit when (answer4 = "a")
end loop
end if
number := number + 1
exit when (number = 3)
end loop
%closing message
for co : 50 .. 150
Font.Draw ("You have Won!!!", 45, 250, fontboard, co)
Draw.FillOval (150, 130, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 130, 150, 70, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 130, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 120, 170, 80, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 130, 20, yellow)
Draw.Line (150, 70, 170, 20, yellow)
delay (20)
end for
for credit : 1 .. 1000
Font.Draw ("The End", 80, credit, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 20, 300, credit - 23, 12)
Font.Draw ("Life Jepeordy", 40, credit - 150, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 170, 300, credit - 173, 12)
Font.Draw ("By:", 120, credit - 220, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 260, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Graphics:", 70, credit - 350, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 370, 300, credit - 373, 12)
Font.Draw ("Dann Westman", 30, credit - 410, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Special Thanks To:", 0, credit - 500, fontcredit, 12)
Draw.FillBox (0, credit - 523, 300, credit - 520, 12)
Font.Draw ("Torry Loewen", 60, credit - 550, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Bob Barker", 60, credit - 600, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Mr Jeffery", 60, credit - 650, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("Osama Bin Laden", 10, credit - 700, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("June 2 2005", 50, credit - 800, fontcredit, 12)
Font.Draw ("", 70, credit - 180, fontcredit, 12)
delay (25)
end for |