import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class SnakeGame extends Applet implements KeyListener, Runnable
// Place instance variables here
Snake s;
Thread t;
Graphics g;
double speed;
public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)
char k = e.getKeyChar ();
if (k == 's')
reset ();
else if (k == 'z')
speed = speed + 100000;
else if (k == 'x')
speed = speed - 100000;
public void keyPressed (KeyEvent e)
char k = e.getKeyChar ();
if (k == e.VK_DOWN)
s.direction = 'd';
else if (k == e.VK_UP)
s.direction = 'u';
else if (k == e.VK_LEFT)
s.direction = 'l';
else if (k == e.VK_RIGHT)
s.direction = 'r';
public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e)
public void init ()
s = new Snake ();
g = getGraphics ();
t = null;
addKeyListener (this);
speed = 10000000;
public void paint (Graphics g)
// Place the body of the drawing method here
} // paint method
public void reset ()
SnakePoint boarder = new SnakePoint (0, 0);
g.clearRect (9, 9, 290, 290);
g.drawString (" ", 400, 70);
for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++)
boarder.plot (g,;
boarder = boarder.right ();
for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++)
boarder.plot (g,;
boarder = boarder.down ();
for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++)
boarder.plot (g,;
boarder = boarder.left ();
for (int i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++)
boarder.plot (g,;
boarder = boarder.up ();
if (t != null)
t.stop ();
t = new Thread (this);;
public void run ()
int food = 0;
SnakePoint foodPoint=null;
boolean eating = false;
while (s.alive ())
if (food == 0)
g.setColor (;
food = (int) (Math.random () * 9);
foodPoint = new SnakePoint ((int) (Math.random () * 280) + 10,(int) (Math.random () * 280) + 15);
g.drawString (Integer.toString (food), foodPoint.getX(), foodPoint.getY());
g.clearRect (9, 9, 290, 290);
if (eating)
s.grow ();
g.setColor (;
s.move ();
g.drawString (Integer.toString (food), foodPoint.getX(), foodPoint.getY());
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
s.draw (g);
if (food == 0)
eating = false;
if (s.head.p.x == foodPoint.getX() && s.head.p.y == foodPoint.getY())
eating = true;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
s.draw (g);
g.setColor (;
g.drawString ("Points: " + Integer.toString (s.length - 5), 400, 60);
for (int delay = 0 ; delay < speed ; delay++)
System.gc ();
g.drawString ("R.I.P", 250, 70);
} // SnakeGame class
class SnakePoint
public int x, y;
public SnakePoint (int a, int b)
x = a;
y = b;
public int getX ()
return x;
public int getY ()
return y;
public void plot (Graphics g, Color c)
g.setColor (c);
g.fillRect (x * 10, y * 10, 9, 9);
public SnakePoint up ()
return new SnakePoint (x, y - 1);
public SnakePoint down ()
return new SnakePoint (x, y + 1);
public SnakePoint right ()
return new SnakePoint (x + 1, y);
public SnakePoint left ()
return new SnakePoint (x - 1, y);
public boolean equals (SnakePoint s)
return s.x == x && s.y == y;
class SnakeNode
public SnakePoint p;
public SnakeNode next;
public SnakeNode (int x, int y)
p = new SnakePoint (x, y);
class Snake
public SnakeNode tail;
public SnakeNode head;
public char direction;
public int length;
public Snake ()
tail = null;
head = null;
add (new SnakePoint (15, 15));
add (new SnakePoint (15, 14));
add (new SnakePoint (15, 13));
add (new SnakePoint (15, 12));
add (new SnakePoint (15, 11));
direction = 'u';
public int length ()
return length;
public SnakeNode head ()
return head;
public boolean empty ()
return length == 0;
public void add (SnakePoint sp)
if (empty ())
head = new SnakeNode (sp.x, sp.y);
tail = head;
{ = new SnakeNode (sp.x, sp.y);
head =;
public SnakePoint remove ()
SnakeNode ans;
if (empty ())
return null;
ans = tail;
tail =;
return ans.p;
public void draw (Graphics g)
SnakeNode current = tail;
while (current != null)
if (current == head)
current.p.plot (g,;
current.p.plot (g,;
current =;
public void changeDirection (char d)
direction = d;
public void grow ()
if (direction == 'u')
add (head.p.up ());
else if (direction == 'r')
add (head.p.right ());
else if (direction == 'l')
add (head.p.left ());
else if (direction == 'd')
add (head.p.down ());
public void move ()
grow ();
remove ();
public boolean onBody (SnakePoint q)
SnakeNode x = tail;
while (x != head)
if (x.p.equals (q))
return true;
x =;
return false;
public boolean onSnake (SnakePoint p)
SnakeNode current = head;
while (current != null && p.equals (current.p) && !p.equals (head.p))
current =;
if (current == null)
return false;
return true;
public boolean alive ()
return (!onBody (head.p) && head.p.getX () > 0 && head.p.getX () < 30 && head.p.getY () > 0 && head.p.getX () < 30);