% constants
const ROW1P := 230 % row 1 position of first y coordinate
const ROW2P := 170 % row 2 position of first y coordinate
const ROW3P := 110 % row 3 position of first y coordinate
const X_INC := 45 % x coordinate increase number for drawing the cards
const X1_START := 140 % x1 starting coordinate for drawing the cards
const X2_START := 175 % x2 starting coordinate for drawing the cards
const points := 50 % points awarded for each match
% variables
var card : array 1 .. 24 of int % array to store 24 card colours
var x1, x2 : array 1 .. 8 of int % stores x1 and x2 coordinates for boxes
var temp, p1, p2 : int % vars used to shuffle the card clrs to make them random positions
var x, y, z : int % Mouse.Where vars
var match : array 1 .. 2 of int % if a person clicks a card it stores it to this var
var cardsLeft : int := 24 % total cards=24, -2 cards each 2 card clicks
var score : int := 0 % the total points earned
var clickCount : int := 0
% assigns a random int to card 1..12, then assigns 13..24 with the same values as 1..12
for c : 1 .. 12
card (c) := Rand.Int (8, 12)
card (c + 12) := card (c)
end for
% shuffling the cards 24 times
for shuffle : 1 .. 24
randint (p1, 13, 24)
randint (p2, 13, 24)
temp := card (p1)
card (p1) := card (p2)
card (p2) := temp
end for
% stores the x coordinates for each row
for k : 1 .. 8
x1 (k) := X1_START + X_INC * (k - 1)
x2 (k) := X2_START + X_INC * (k - 1)
end for
% sneak peak of the actual card colours
% draws row with card colours
for a : 1 .. 8
Draw.FillBox (x1 (a) + 1, ROW1P - 1, x2 (a) - 1, ROW1P - 50 + 1, card (a))
Draw.Box (140 + (a - 1) * 45, ROW1P, 175 + (a - 1) * 45, ROW1P - 50, 7)
end for
% draws row2 with card colours
for b : 1 .. 8
Draw.FillBox (x1 (b) + 1, ROW2P - 1, x2 (b) - 1, ROW2P - 50 + 1, card (b + 8))
Draw.Box (140 + (b - 1) * 45, ROW2P, 175 + (b - 1) * 45, ROW2P - 50, 7)
end for
% draws row3 with card colours
for c : 1 .. 8
Draw.FillBox (x1 (c) + 1, ROW3P - 1, x2 (c) - 1, ROW3P - 50 + 1, card (c + 16))
Draw.Box (140 + (c - 1) * 45, ROW3P, 175 + (c - 1) * 45, ROW3P - 50, 7)
end for
delay (2000)
% draws 8 cards in row 1
for i : 0 .. 325 by 45
Draw.FillBox (140 + i, ROW1P, 175 + i, ROW1P - 50, 19)
Draw.Box (140 + i, ROW1P, 175 + i, ROW1P - 50, 7)
end for
% draws 8 cards in row 2
for i : 0 .. 325 by 45
Draw.FillBox (140 + i, ROW2P, 175 + i, ROW2P - 50, 19)
Draw.Box (140 + i, ROW2P, 175 + i, ROW2P - 50, 7)
end for
% draws 8 cards in row 3
for i : 0 .. 325 by 45
Draw.FillBox (140 + i, ROW3P, 175 + i, ROW3P - 50, 19)
Draw.Box (140 + i, ROW3P, 175 + i, ROW3P - 50, 7)
end for
% puts the card colours on top of the screen, first number = colour of the first card
for as : 1 .. 24
put card (as), " " ..
end for
for r : 1 .. 2
Mouse.Where (x, y, z) % checks where the mouse is
if z > 0 then % if mouse is clicked
% if mouse is clicked in these particular coordinates, then draw a box on top of the card
% draws the boxes for row 1 if mouse clicks on a card in row 1
for a : 1 .. 8
if x > x1 (a) and x < x2 (a) and y < ROW1P and y > ROW1P - 50 then
Time.Delay (150)
Draw.FillBox (x1 (a) + 1, ROW1P - 1, x2 (a) - 1, ROW1P - 50 + 1, card (a))
match (r) := card (a) % assigns match (r) to the card colour
clickCount := r
end if
end for
% draws the boxes for row 2 if mouse clicks on a card in row 2
for b : 1 .. 8
if x > x1 (b) and x < x2 (b) and y < ROW2P and y > ROW2P - 50 then
Time.Delay (150)
Draw.FillBox (x1 (b) + 1, ROW2P - 1, x2 (b) - 1, ROW2P - 50 + 1, card (b + 8))
match (r) := card (b) + 8 % assigns match (r) to the card colour
clickCount := r
end if
end for
% draws the boxes for row 3 if mouse clicks on a card in row 3
for c : 1 .. 8
if x > x1 (c) and x < x2 (c) and y < ROW3P and y > ROW3P - 50 then
Time.Delay (150)
Draw.FillBox (x1 (c) + 1, ROW3P - 1, x2 (c) - 1, ROW3P - 50 + 1, card (c + 16))
match (r) := card (c) + 16 % assigns match (r) to the card colour
clickCount := r
end if
end for
end if
exit when clickCount = r
end loop
end for
cardsLeft -= 2 % minus 2 cards each time (24 card clicks allowed in total)
if match (1) = match (2) then
put "match"
score += points % adds points when a match is made
end if
delay (100)
exit when cardsLeft < 1
end loop
Time.Delay (125)
locate (1, 1)
put "score: ", score
Time.Delay (2000)
quit |