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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:26 am   Post subject: BATTLE SHIP making an ending (PLEASE! FOR LOVE OF ALL THE NATURE)

THis is my final destiniation and i need help with it.
Basically, all my coding works but i need to know how to end the program.
Like, if the user attacks all the ship, the game is over kind of ending.
How do i do that?
anyone help?

var board1 : array 1 .. 10, 1 .. 10 of int
var board2 : array 1 .. 10, 1 .. 10 of int
var atkBoard1 : array 1 .. 10, 1 .. 10 of int
var atkBoard2 : array 1 .. 10, 1 .. 10 of int
var window : int := Window.Open ("position:50;130,graphics:900;650")
var key : string (1)
var xLoc, yLoc : int
var rangeX, rangeY, button : int
var clicked : boolean := false
var font, font1, battlefont, battlefont1 : int
var EMPTY : int := 0
var SHIP : int := 1
var HIT : int := 2
%Font declaration
font := Font.New ("serif:50")
font1 := Font.New ("serif:15")
battlefont := Font.New ("serif:20")
battlefont1 := Font.New ("serif:12")
%drawing board
procedure drawRect (xPos : int, yPos : int, width : int, height : int, col : int)
drawbox (xPos, yPos, xPos + width, yPos + height, col)
end drawRect
%drawing ship
procedure drawFillRect (xPos : int, yPos : int, width : int, height : int, col : int)
drawfillbox (xPos, yPos, xPos + width, yPos + height, col)
end drawFillRect

procedure title
locate (1, 35)
put "BattleShip"
end title

procedure pauseProgram

put "Press any key to continue"
getch (key)
end pauseProgram

procedure hitWnd
put ""
put "You hit the ship!"
end hitWnd

procedure missedWnd
put ""
put "You missed the ship!"
end missedWnd

procedure setAtkBoard1
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
atkBoard1 (y, x) := EMPTY
end for
end for
end setAtkBoard1

procedure setAtkBoard2
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
atkBoard2 (y, x) := EMPTY
end for
end for
end setAtkBoard2

procedure drawAttackBoard1
drawbox (70, 40, 400, 260, 7)
%line vertical player 1
drawline (100, 240, 100, 260, 7)
drawline (130, 240, 130, 260, 7)
drawline (160, 240, 160, 260, 7)
drawline (190, 240, 190, 260, 7)
drawline (220, 240, 220, 260, 7)
drawline (250, 240, 250, 260, 7)
drawline (280, 240, 280, 260, 7)
drawline (310, 240, 310, 260, 7)
drawline (340, 240, 340, 260, 7)
drawline (370, 240, 370, 260, 7)
%line horizontal player 1
drawline (70, 40, 100, 40, 7)
drawline (70, 60, 100, 60, 7)
drawline (70, 80, 100, 80, 7)
drawline (70, 100, 100, 100, 7)
drawline (70, 120, 100, 120, 7)
drawline (70, 140, 100, 140, 7)
drawline (70, 160, 100, 160, 7)
drawline (70, 180, 100, 180, 7)
drawline (70, 200, 100, 200, 7)
drawline (70, 220, 100, 220, 7)
drawline (70, 240, 100, 240, 7)
%numbers player 1 declare
Font.Draw ("1", 78, 225, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("2", 78, 205, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("3", 78, 185, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("4", 78, 165, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("5", 78, 145, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("6", 78, 125, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("7", 78, 105, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("8", 78, 85, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("9", 78, 65, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("10", 78, 45, battlefont1, black)
%letters player 1 declare
Font.Draw ("A", 110, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("B", 140, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("C", 170, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("D", 200, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("E", 230, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("F", 260, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("G", 290, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("H", 320, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("I", 350, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("J", 380, 245, battlefont1, black)
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
if atkBoard1 (y, x) = EMPTY then
drawRect (70 + x * 30, 240 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
drawline (70 + x * 30, 260 - y * 20, x * 30 + 100, 260 - y * 20 - 20, red)
drawline (70 + x * 30, 260 - y * 20 - 20, x * 30 + 100, 260 - y * 20, red)
end if
end for
end for
end drawAttackBoard1

procedure drawAttackBoard2
drawbox (70, 40, 400, 260, 7)
%line vertical player 1
drawline (100, 240, 100, 260, 7)
drawline (130, 240, 130, 260, 7)
drawline (160, 240, 160, 260, 7)
drawline (190, 240, 190, 260, 7)
drawline (220, 240, 220, 260, 7)
drawline (250, 240, 250, 260, 7)
drawline (280, 240, 280, 260, 7)
drawline (310, 240, 310, 260, 7)
drawline (340, 240, 340, 260, 7)
drawline (370, 240, 370, 260, 7)
%line horizontal player 1
drawline (70, 40, 100, 40, 7)
drawline (70, 60, 100, 60, 7)
drawline (70, 80, 100, 80, 7)
drawline (70, 100, 100, 100, 7)
drawline (70, 120, 100, 120, 7)
drawline (70, 140, 100, 140, 7)
drawline (70, 160, 100, 160, 7)
drawline (70, 180, 100, 180, 7)
drawline (70, 200, 100, 200, 7)
drawline (70, 220, 100, 220, 7)
drawline (70, 240, 100, 240, 7)
%numbers player 1 declare
Font.Draw ("1", 78, 225, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("2", 78, 205, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("3", 78, 185, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("4", 78, 165, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("5", 78, 145, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("6", 78, 125, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("7", 78, 105, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("8", 78, 85, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("9", 78, 65, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("10", 78, 45, battlefont1, black)
%letters player 1 declare
Font.Draw ("A", 110, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("B", 140, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("C", 170, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("D", 200, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("E", 230, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("F", 260, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("G", 290, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("H", 320, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("I", 350, 245, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("J", 380, 245, battlefont1, black)
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
if atkBoard2 (y, x) = EMPTY then
drawRect (70 + x * 30, 240 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
drawline (70 + x * 30, 260 - y * 20, x * 30 + 100, 260 - y * 20 - 20, red)
drawline (70 + x * 30, 260 - y * 20 - 20, x * 30 + 100, 260 - y * 20, red)
end if
end for
end for
end drawAttackBoard2

procedure drawBoard1
drawbox (70, 310, 400, 530, 7)
%line vertical player 1
drawline (100, 500, 100, 530, 7)
drawline (130, 500, 130, 530, 7)
drawline (160, 500, 160, 530, 7)
drawline (190, 500, 190, 530, 7)
drawline (220, 500, 220, 530, 7)
drawline (250, 500, 250, 530, 7)
drawline (280, 500, 280, 530, 7)
drawline (310, 500, 310, 530, 7)
drawline (340, 500, 340, 530, 7)
drawline (370, 500, 370, 530, 7)
%line horizontal player 1
drawline (70, 330, 100, 330, 7)
drawline (70, 350, 100, 350, 7)
drawline (70, 370, 100, 370, 7)
drawline (70, 390, 100, 390, 7)
drawline (70, 410, 100, 410, 7)
drawline (70, 430, 100, 430, 7)
drawline (70, 450, 100, 450, 7)
drawline (70, 470, 100, 470, 7)
drawline (70, 490, 100, 490, 7)
drawline (70, 510, 100, 510, 7)
%numbers player 1
Font.Draw ("1", 78, 495, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("2", 78, 475, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("3", 78, 455, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("4", 78, 435, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("5", 78, 415, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("6", 78, 395, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("7", 78, 375, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("8", 78, 355, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("9", 78, 335, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("10", 78, 315, battlefont1, black)
%letters player 1
Font.Draw ("A", 110, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("B", 140, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("C", 170, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("D", 200, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("E", 230, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("F", 260, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("G", 290, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("H", 320, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("I", 350, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("J", 380, 512, battlefont1, black)
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
if board1 (y, x) = SHIP then
drawFillRect (40 + x * 30 + 30, 510 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
elsif board1 (y, x) = EMPTY then
drawRect (40 + x * 30 + 30, 510 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
end if
end for
end for
end drawBoard1

procedure drawBoard2
drawbox (70, 310, 400, 530, 7)
%line vertical player 1
drawline (100, 500, 100, 530, 7)
drawline (130, 500, 130, 530, 7)
drawline (160, 500, 160, 530, 7)
drawline (190, 500, 190, 530, 7)
drawline (220, 500, 220, 530, 7)
drawline (250, 500, 250, 530, 7)
drawline (280, 500, 280, 530, 7)
drawline (310, 500, 310, 530, 7)
drawline (340, 500, 340, 530, 7)
drawline (370, 500, 370, 530, 7)
%line horizontal player 1
drawline (70, 330, 100, 330, 7)
drawline (70, 350, 100, 350, 7)
drawline (70, 370, 100, 370, 7)
drawline (70, 390, 100, 390, 7)
drawline (70, 410, 100, 410, 7)
drawline (70, 430, 100, 430, 7)
drawline (70, 450, 100, 450, 7)
drawline (70, 470, 100, 470, 7)
drawline (70, 490, 100, 490, 7)
drawline (70, 510, 100, 510, 7)
%numbers player 1
Font.Draw ("1", 78, 495, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("2", 78, 475, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("3", 78, 455, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("4", 78, 435, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("5", 78, 415, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("6", 78, 395, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("7", 78, 375, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("8", 78, 355, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("9", 78, 335, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("10", 78, 315, battlefont1, black)
%letters player 1
Font.Draw ("A", 110, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("B", 140, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("C", 170, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("D", 200, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("E", 230, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("F", 260, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("G", 290, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("H", 320, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("I", 350, 512, battlefont1, black)
Font.Draw ("J", 380, 512, battlefont1, black)
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
if board2 (y, x) = SHIP then
drawFillRect (40 + x * 30 + 30, 510 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
elsif board2 (y, x) = EMPTY then
drawRect (40 + x * 30 + 30, 510 - y * 20, 30, 20, black)
end if
end for
end for
end drawBoard2

procedure user1Turn1
clicked := false
put "This is player 1's turn to attack"
mousewhere (rangeX, rangeY, button)

if button = 1 then
xLoc := ((rangeX - rangeX mod 30 - 60) div 30)
yLoc := ((rangeY - rangeY mod 20 - 20) div 20)
if yLoc = 10 then
yLoc := 1
elsif yLoc = 9 then
yLoc := 2
elsif yLoc = 8 then
yLoc := 3
elsif yLoc = 7 then
yLoc := 4
elsif yLoc = 6 then
yLoc := 5
elsif yLoc = 5 then
yLoc := 6
elsif yLoc = 4 then
yLoc := 7
elsif yLoc = 3 then
yLoc := 8
elsif yLoc = 2 then
yLoc := 9
elsif yLoc = 1 then
yLoc := 10
end if
clicked := true
end if
exit when clicked
end loop

atkBoard1 (yLoc, xLoc) := HIT

delay (50)

if board2 (yLoc, xLoc) = SHIP then
board2 (yLoc, xLoc) := HIT
if board2 (yLoc, xLoc) = EMPTY then
end if
end if

end user1Turn1

procedure user2Turn1
clicked := false
put "This is plaer 2's turn to attack"
mousewhere (rangeX, rangeY, button)

if button = 1 then
xLoc := ((rangeX - rangeX mod 30 - 60) div 30)
yLoc := ((rangeY - rangeY mod 20 - 20) div 20)
if yLoc = 10 then
yLoc := 1
elsif yLoc = 9 then
yLoc := 2
elsif yLoc = 8 then
yLoc := 3
elsif yLoc = 7 then
yLoc := 4
elsif yLoc = 6 then
yLoc := 5
elsif yLoc = 5 then
yLoc := 6
elsif yLoc = 4 then
yLoc := 7
elsif yLoc = 3 then
yLoc := 8
elsif yLoc = 2 then
yLoc := 9
elsif yLoc = 1 then
yLoc := 10
end if
clicked := true
end if
exit when clicked
end loop

atkBoard2 (yLoc, xLoc) := HIT

delay (50)

if board1 (yLoc, xLoc) = SHIP then
board1 (yLoc, xLoc) := HIT
if board1 (yLoc, xLoc) = EMPTY then
end if
end if

end user2Turn1

procedure setBoard1
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
%First piece
if x = 3 and y = 2 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 4 and y = 2 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 5 and y = 2 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
%Second piece
elsif x = 3 and y = 4 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 3 and y = 5 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 3 and y = 6 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 3 and y = 7 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 3 and y = 8 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
%Third piece
elsif x = 6 and y = 6 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 6 and y = 7 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 6 and y = 8 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
%Fourth piece
elsif x = 4 and y = 10 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 5 and y = 10 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 6 and y = 10 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 7 and y = 10 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
%Fifth piece
elsif x = 8 and y = 4 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 8 and y = 5 then
board1 (y, x) := SHIP
board1 (y, x) := EMPTY
end if
atkBoard1 (y, x) := EMPTY
end for
end for

end setBoard1

procedure setBoard2
for x : 1 .. 10
for y : 1 .. 10
%First piece
if x = 6 and y = 2 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 7 and y = 2 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 8 and y = 2 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
%Second piece
elsif x = 4 and y = 6 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 5 and y = 6 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 6 and y = 6 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 7 and y = 6 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 8 and y = 6 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
%Third piece
elsif x = 1 and y = 2 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 1 and y = 3 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 1 and y = 4 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
%Fourth piece
elsif x = 10 and y = 7 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 10 and y = 8 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 10 and y = 9 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 10 and y = 10 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
%Fifth piece
elsif x = 2 and y = 10 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
elsif x = 3 and y = 10 then
board2 (y, x) := SHIP
board2 (y, x) := EMPTY
end if
atkBoard2 (y, x) := EMPTY
end for
end for

end setBoard2

procedure usershit
end loop
end usershit


PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:20 am   Post subject: RE:BATTLE SHIP making an ending (PLEASE! FOR LOVE OF ALL THE NATURE)

What do you mean you need help with that? If player sinks a ship have a counter that says counter + 1, or if there is 15 hits the player has to make in total have a "hitcounter" that adds each time you make a hit. Once the counter reaches 15 exit your main loop and then at the end of the game just put a simple screen that says "Game Over"...

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:03 am   Post subject: Re: BATTLE SHIP making an ending (PLEASE! FOR LOVE OF ALL THE NATURE)


if yLoc = 10 then
yLoc := 1
elsif yLoc = 9 then
yLoc := 2
elsif yLoc = 8 then
yLoc := 3
elsif yLoc = 7 then
yLoc := 4
elsif yLoc = 6 then
yLoc := 5
elsif yLoc = 5 then
yLoc := 6
elsif yLoc = 4 then
yLoc := 7
elsif yLoc = 3 then
yLoc := 8
elsif yLoc = 2 then
yLoc := 9
elsif yLoc = 1 then
yLoc := 10
end if

I'm not even going to say anything..

yLoc := 11 - yLoc
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