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 Backed up buffer...
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:32 pm   Post subject: Backed up buffer...

I'm doing a school project and I ran into a problem. I have a start screen and lose screen and win screen. Each of these screens is a seperate procedure, ending with a buttonwait command (so that the user can choose when to move on). Once you complete the bulk of the game (which uses chars as acceptable input) and either win or lose, it will skip the screen and go directly to the start screen (which works perfectly). I've checked the code in which each procedure is called, and the problem isn't there. Therefore, my problem is either a backed up buffer, or in the buttonwait command (however this command works for my startscreen). I've tried a Stream.FlushAll command to clear the buffer, but it still doesn't work... please help!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

plese post the applicable code so that we can see more clearly what you are trying to do.
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