redmango08 @ Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:16 pm wrote:
I have to do a final project for a class and i need to write a program with parallelget and use a joystick that we made.
I made the Joystick and i have all the position values i just need to write the program which i need help with.
What i want to do is make a star in the middle of the screen and when i move the joystick up, left, right, down, and all the diagonals the star will light up and the top of the star will be pointing in the direction the joystick is so if the joystick is down then the star will be pointing down. i also have a fire button and what i want to do is when you press the fire button a line will come out of the tip like it is shooting, the line doesn't necessarily have to look alot like shooting but it should disappear when you let go and when you press the button and move the joystick at the same time the line and the star will move.
when i tried to do this i got stuck because when i moved the joystick the star wouldn't erase and go back to normal like i move the joystick down the star will still be upside down but the neutral one will be on top of it and then the bell rang. thank you.
this might sound easy to some people and if it does will you help me write this program on turing please and post it it will be much appreciated thank you.
I know im replying 10 years late but did this work lol. I need help in finding the values using parallel get but dont have a joystick. The values I need are neutral, up, down, right, left, up-right..., down-right...,fire/neutral, fire/up....., fire/up-right....., so yeah. thats a lot but. Thanks