Hey guys, I am working on a program that allows a user to manage a 'restaurant'. My interface consists of a drop down menu. I made it so that as default the user has an empty drop down box and they click on a command key to add tables to the list. This is my code for adding tables:
intCounts = intCounts + 1
cmbTable.AddItem "Table " & intCounts
Thus everytime the button is clicked the dropdown menu has a new Table(ie Table1, Table2, Table3 etc.). I also included remove a table and clear tables command buttons.
The section that I need help with is an individual order form for each table. The code that I was using is:
If cmbTable.Text = "Table 1" Then
Load frmOrder
The issue I have with this is that I need a different order form for each different table. This is an issue because the user can add as many tables as they need. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do this other than making a whole bunch of forms and using
If cmbTable.Text = "Table 1" Then
Load frmTable1
If cmbTable.Text = "Table 2" Then
Load frmTable2 .... etc.