Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 6:59 am Post subject: printing output
how the hell can u print out hte output.....not the text but the text AND the drawings around it. i now have turing 4.03 so i got the newest version. i really want to draw a few stuff using the draw commands and print it out
plz help
oh also if anybody knows how to read the files if lets say the file looks this way then
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
how can i read that and use it
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Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 12:00 pm Post subject: here we go.....
ok i dont think turing is capble of printing pics but it can save them. this is how you can take a pic of part of the screen and save it in a file.
var picID: int %var for the
%stuff to make a pic of
Draw.FillBox (50, 50, 150, 150, red)
Draw.FillStar (50, 50, 150, 150, green)
Draw.FillOval (100, 100, 50, 50, blue)
picID := Pic.New (50, 50, 150, 150) %spicfie a box a store the pic in it in picID
Pic.Save (picID, "mypic.bmp") %take a pic of the area in the spicfied box and save it as mypic.bmp
after it saves the pic you can always go in to paint and print it from there.
as for the reading the file stuff check out this link for info on that: