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Mr. T

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:40 pm   Post subject: Jezzball

For some reason, this part of the code is not working all the time.

 if whatdotcolour (barX + a, barY) = blue
                barInterrupt := false
            end if

When a new bar is being created and it is going to intersect a previously created wall, the bar should stop. For some reason the code above only works in certain circumstances. It should work whenever the condition is met. Here is the full code.

var wallCreator : boolean := true
var ballTrapperBoolean : boolean := true
var barInterrupt : boolean := true
const RADIUS : int := 5
var NUM_BALLS : int := 1
var x, y, dx, dy : array 1 .. NUM_BALLS of int
var xLeadingEdge, yLeadingEdge : int
var clr1 : int := green
var clr2 : int := red
var barX, barY, button, left, middle, right : int
var lives : int := 3
var fontGameOver : int := Font.New ("Arial:80")
var barXStore1, barXStore2, barYStore1, barYStore2 : int

View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives))

process ballTrapper

    %Mouse Declaration
    barInterrupt := true
    ballTrapperBoolean := false %cant create new wall while previous one is being created
    Mouse.ButtonChoose ("multibutton")
    Mouse.Where (barX, barY, button)
    left := button mod 10           % left = 0 or 1
    middle := (button - left) mod 100       % middle = 0 or 10
    right := button - middle - left         % right = 0 or 100

    %Left Click = Horizontal Bar
    if left = 1 and barX >= maxx div 2 and whatdotcolour (barX, barY) not= blue then
        for a : 1 .. barX

            if whatdotcolour (barX + a, barY) = blue
                barInterrupt := false
            end if

            if barInterrupt = true then
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr2)
                barXStore1 := barX + a
                delay (1)

                clr1 := blue
                Draw.FillBox (barXStore1, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr2)
                delay (1)
            end if

            if barX + a = maxx  %first end to reach the wall turns blue
                clr1 := blue
            end if

            if barX - a = 1 and wallCreator = true %right before for loop ends
                clr1 := blue
                clr2 := blue %when the wall is complete, it will turn blue,
                %indicating that the ball can collide with it
                %without losing a life.
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, 0, barX, barY, clr1)  %fills in the space below the ball
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a - 1, 0, barX, barY, clr2) %fills in the space below the ball
            end if

            if wallCreator = false then %ball collided with green wall
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, barY, barX, barY + 10, white)
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, barY, barX, barY + 10, white)
                lives := lives - 1 %lost life
                View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives))
            end if

        end for

        clr1 := green
        clr2 := red %colour reset, next time a wall is created, it will be
        %green, indicating that if the ball collides with it
        %you will lose a life.

    elsif left = 1 and barX < maxx div 2 and whatdotcolour (barX, barY) not= blue then
        for a : 1 .. maxx - barX

            if whatdotcolour (barX - a, barY) = blue
                barInterrupt := false
            end if

            if barInterrupt = true then
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr1) %fills in the space below the ball
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr2) %fills in the space below the ball
                barXStore2 := barX - a
                delay (1)

                clr2 := blue
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr1) %fills in the space below the ball
                Draw.FillBox (barXStore2, barY, barX, barY + 10, clr2) %fills in the space below the ball
                delay (1)
            end if

            if barX - a = 0 %first end to reach the wall turns blue
                clr2 := blue
            end if

            if barX + a = maxx - 1 and wallCreator = true %right before for loop ends
                clr1 := blue
                clr2 := blue
                %when the wall is complete, it will turn blue,
                %indicating that the ball can collide with it
                %without losing a life.
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a + 1, 0, barX, barY, clr1)  %fills in the space below the ball
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, 0, barX, barY, clr2)  %fills in the space below the ball
            end if

            if wallCreator = false then %ball collided with green wall
                Draw.FillBox (barX + a, barY, barX, barY + 10, white) %fills in the space below the ball
                Draw.FillBox (barX - a, barY, barX, barY + 10, white) %fills in the space below the ball
                lives := lives - 1 %lost life
                View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives))
            end if

        end for

        clr1 := green
        clr2 := red %colour reset, next time a wall is created, it will be
        %green, indicating that if the ball collides with it
        %you will lose a life.

    end if

    %Right Click = Vertical Bar
    if right = 100 and barY >= maxy div 2 and whatdotcolour (barX, barY) not= blue then
        for a : 1 .. barY

            if whatdotcolour (barX, barY + a) = blue
                barInterrupt := false
            end if

            if barInterrupt = true then
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY + a, barX + 10, barY, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY - a, barX + 10, barY, clr2)
                barYStore1 := barY + a
                delay (1)

                clr1 := blue
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barYStore1, barX + 10, barY, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY - a, barX + 10, barY, clr2)
                delay (1)
            end if

            if barY + a = maxy %first end to reach the wall turns blue
                clr1 := blue
            end if

            if barY - a = 1 and wallCreator = true %right before for loop ends
                clr1 := blue
                clr2 := blue %when the wall is complete, it will turn blue,
                %indicating that the ball can collide with it
                %without losing a life.
                Draw.FillBox (0, barY + a, barX, barY, clr1)   %fills in the space to the side the ball
                Draw.FillBox (0, barY - a - 1, barX, barY, clr2) %fills in the space to the side the ball
            end if

            if wallCreator = false then %ball collided with green wall
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY + a, barX + 10, barY, white)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY - a, barX + 10, barY, white)
                lives := lives - 1 %lost life
                View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives))
            end if
        end for
        clr1 := green
        clr2 := red %colour reset, next time a wall is created, it will be
        %green, indicating that if the ball collides with it
        %you will lose a life.

    elsif right = 100 and barY < maxy div 2 and whatdotcolour (barX, barY) not= blue then
        for a : 1 .. maxy - barY

            if whatdotcolour (barX, barY - a) = blue
                barInterrupt := false
            end if

            if barInterrupt = true then
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY + a, barX + 10, barY, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY - a, barX + 10, barY, clr2)
                barYStore2 := barY - a
                delay (1)

                clr2 := blue
                  Draw.FillBox (barX, barY + a, barX + 10, barY, clr1)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barYStore2, barX + 10, barY, clr2)
                delay (1)
            end if

            if barY - a = 0 %first end to reach the wall turns blue
                clr2 := blue
            end if

            if barY + a = maxy - 1 and wallCreator = true %right before for loop ends
                clr1 := blue
                clr2 := blue %when the wall is complete, it will turn blue,
                %indicating that the ball can collide with it
                %without losing a life.
                Draw.FillBox (0, barY + a + 1, barX, barY, clr1) %fills in the space to the side the ball
                Draw.FillBox (0, barY - a, barX, barY, clr2) %fills in the space to the side the ball
            end if

            if wallCreator = false then %ball collided with green wall

                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY + a, barX + 10, barY, white)
                Draw.FillBox (barX, barY - a, barX + 10, barY, white)
                lives := lives - 1 %lost life
                View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives))
            end if
        end for

        clr1 := green
        clr2 := red %colour reset, next time a wall is created, it will be
        %green, indicating that if the ball collides with it
        %you will lose a life.
    end if

    %Boolean reset
    wallCreator := true
    ballTrapperBoolean := true

end ballTrapper

for i : 1 .. NUM_BALLS
    x (i) := Rand.Int (RADIUS, maxx - RADIUS)
    y (i) := Rand.Int (RADIUS, maxy - RADIUS)
    dx (i) := Rand.Int (-6, 6)
    dy (i) := Rand.Int (-6, 6)
end for


    %Boundary Wall Collision
    for i : 1 .. NUM_BALLS
        if x (i) + dx (i) < RADIUS or
                x (i) + dx (i) > maxx - RADIUS then

            %Music.Sound (440, 30)
            dx (i) := -dx (i)
        end if
        if y (i) + dy (i) < RADIUS or
                y (i) + dy (i) > maxy - RADIUS then
            %Music.Sound (440, 30)
            dy (i) := -dy (i)
        end if
        x (i) := x (i) + dx (i)
        y (i) := y (i) + dy (i)
        Draw.FillOval (x (i), y (i), RADIUS, RADIUS, red)
        delay (5)
        Draw.FillOval (x (i), y (i), RADIUS, RADIUS, white)

        %Completed Wall Collision

    end for

    %Uncompleted Wall Collision
    if whatdotcolour (x (1) + RADIUS, y (1) + RADIUS) = green or whatdotcolour (x (1) + RADIUS, y (1) + RADIUS) = red then
        wallCreator := false     %if ball collides with green wall, cancel wall creation
    end if

    % Ball Trapper
    if ballTrapperBoolean = true
        fork ballTrapper
    end if

    %Game Over
    if lives = 0 then
        wallCreator := false
    end if

end loop

View.Set ("nocursor,nobuttonbar, title:JezzBall                  Lives: " + intstr (lives) + "                  You Lose!")
for i : 1 .. 10
    delay (100)
    Font.Draw ("Game Over!", 30, (maxy div 2) - 20, fontGameOver, i)
end for
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