Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim read As String
Dim read1 As String
Dim read2 As String
Dim read3 As String
Dim read4 As String
Dim read5 As String
Dim read6 As String
Dim read7 As String
Dim read8 As String
Dim read9 As String
Dim read10 As String
Dim read11 As String
Dim read12 As String
Dim read13 As String
Dim read14 As String
Dim read15 As String
Dim read16 As String
Dim read17 As String
Dim read18 As String
Dim read19 As String
Dim read20 As String
Dim read21 As String
Dim read22 As String
Dim read23 As String
Dim read24 As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim readFile As StreamReader = New StreamReader("words.txt")
Dim phrase As String
Dim phrase1 As String
Dim phrase2 As String
Dim phrase3 As String
Dim phrase4 As String
Dim phrase5 As String
Dim phrase6 As String
Dim phrase7 As String
Dim rndInt As Integer
rndInt = Int(Rnd() * 25) + 1
read = readFile.ReadLine
read1 = readFile.ReadLine
read2 = readFile.ReadLine
read3 = readFile.ReadLine
read4 = readFile.ReadLine
read5 = readFile.ReadLine
read6 = readFile.ReadLine
read7 = readFile.ReadLine
read8 = readFile.ReadLine
read9 = readFile.ReadLine
read10 = readFile.ReadLine
read11 = readFile.ReadLine
read12 = readFile.ReadLine
read13 = readFile.ReadLine
read14 = readFile.ReadLine
read15 = readFile.ReadLine
read16 = readFile.ReadLine
read17 = readFile.ReadLine
read18 = readFile.ReadLine
read19 = readFile.ReadLine
read20 = readFile.ReadLine
read21 = readFile.ReadLine
read22 = readFile.ReadLine
read23 = readFile.ReadLine
read24 = readFile.ReadLine
If rndInt = 1 Then
phrase = read
ElseIf rndInt = 2 Then
phrase = read1
ElseIf rndInt = 3 Then
phrase = read2
ElseIf rndInt = 4 Then
phrase = read3
ElseIf rndInt = 5 Then
phrase = read4
ElseIf rndInt = 6 Then
phrase = read5
ElseIf rndInt = 7 Then
phrase = read6
ElseIf rndInt = 8 Then
phrase = read7
ElseIf rndInt = 9 Then
phrase = read8
ElseIf rndInt = 10 Then
phrase = read9
ElseIf rndInt = 11 Then
phrase = read10
ElseIf rndInt = 12 Then
phrase = read11
ElseIf rndInt = 13 Then
phrase = read12
ElseIf rndInt = 14 Then
phrase = read13
ElseIf rndInt = 15 Then
phrase = read14
ElseIf rndInt = 16 Then
phrase = read15
ElseIf rndInt = 17 Then
phrase = read16
ElseIf rndInt = 18 Then
phrase = read17
ElseIf rndInt = 19 Then
phrase = read18
ElseIf rndInt = 20 Then
phrase = read19
ElseIf rndInt = 21 Then
phrase = read20
ElseIf rndInt = 22 Then
phrase = read21
ElseIf rndInt = 23 Then
phrase = read22
ElseIf rndInt = 24 Then
phrase = read23
ElseIf rndInt = 25 Then
phrase = read24
End If
Dim phrase8 As String
Dim phrase9 As String
phrase1 = "_ " & "_" & " _"
phrase2 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _"
phrase3 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase4 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase5 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase6 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase7 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase8 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
phrase9 = "_ " & "_" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _" & " _"
If phrase.Length = 3 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase1
ElseIf phrase.Length = 4 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase2
ElseIf phrase.Length = 5 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase3
ElseIf phrase.Length = 6 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase4
ElseIf phrase.Length = 7 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase5
ElseIf phrase.Length = 8 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase6
ElseIf phrase.Length = 9 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase7
ElseIf phrase.Length = 10 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase8
ElseIf phrase.Length = 11 Then
txtBox.Text = phrase9
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim count As Integer
Dim guess As Char
guess = InputBox("Enter a letter to guess")
If guess = "a" And phrase.Substring(0, 0) = "a" Then
End If
loop until
End Sub
End Class