and i need to convert it back...what is the syntax of strint?
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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:01 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
doesnt work..thats why im asking
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:19 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I know how to Intstr but not Strint :/
If you want to know how to Instr ill explain it.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
u cant jus use strint.. u gotta reset ur variable to an int.. u gotta do it like this:
score := strint (intstr (score))
that should work
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
thnx, it good to know for the future...but instead i just rearranged my code so i dont need strint..... still the one problem i have left is that, before the exit point opens up... for some reason, you get a random 100 points out of nowhere...can someone run my program, and find out why its doing that
%variable declaration
View.Set ("graphics:500;400,title:Uncle Worm Score: 0,nocursor")
colourback (black)
colour (brightgreen)
var food2 : int
var foodSize : int
var makeFood:boolean:=true
var box1 : int := 0
var box4 : int := 0
var col : int := 7
var countdown : int := 6
var ballx1 : int := 200
var bally1 : int := 150
var ballsize : int := 5
var move, move2, move3, move4 := false
var key : array char of boolean
var ring : int := 0
var answer : string
move3 := true %starting direction of snake
var newMaxX : int := 500 %innitial screen dimensions (x co-ords)
var newMaxY : int := 400 %innitial screen dimensions (y co-ords)
var levelUpX : int := 50 %decrease in screen dimensions (x co-ords) upon completion of level
var levelUpY :int :=40 %decrease in screen dimensions (y co-ords) upon completion of level
var scoreLevel : int := 50
var foodBoolean :boolean
var score : int :=0 %score
%variable declaration for title page
var ch : string (1)
var num : int := 1
var font1, font2, font3, font4 : int
var col1, col2, col3 : int := brightred
font1 := Font.New ("serif:24")
font2 := Font.New ("arial:14")
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, brightgreen)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
var food1 : int
%title page
getch (ch)
if ch = (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
num -= 1
end if
if ch = (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
num += 1
end if
if num = 0 then
num := 3
elsif num = 4 then
num := 1
end if
if num = 1 then
col1 := brightgreen
col1 := brightred
end if
if num = 2 then
col2 := brightgreen
col2 := brightred
end if
if num = 3 then
col3 := brightgreen
col3 := brightred
end if
if ch = (KEY_ENTER) then
case num of
label 1 :exit %Proc for Start
label 2 : %Proc for Save
label 3 : %Proc for Load
end case
end if
Font.Draw ("Start", 50, 30, font1, col1)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 150, 30, font1, col2)
Font.Draw ("Quit", 330, 30, font1, col3)
end loop
colour (0)
%gives time for user to get ready
locate (12, 25)
put "Starting in...", countdown - 1
delay (300)
countdown := countdown - 1
exit when countdown = 0
end loop
%creates food in random locations
procedure food
if makeFood then
randint (food1, 1, newMaxX-10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (food2, 1, newMaxY-10) %random food location (but not in the walls)
randint (foodSize, 2, 10) %random food size
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 2)
end if
end food
%point of contact upon death
procedure ringEnd
drawoval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize + ring, ballsize + ring, ring)
ring += 2
delay (10)
exit when ring = 100
end loop
end ringEnd
%draws food
%snake movement
drawbox (box1, newMaxY-1, newMaxX-1, box4, 14)
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, col)
if move then
bally1 += 1
elsif move2 then
bally1 -= 1
elsif move3 then
ballx1 += 1
elsif move4 then
ballx1 -= 1
end if
Input.KeyDown (key)
if key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and move2 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. up arrow is pressed 2. move2 = false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move := true
elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and move = false then %Two Conditions: 1. down arrow is pressed 2. move = false
move := false
move3 := false
move4 := false
move2 := true
elsif key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and move4 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. right arrow is pressed 2. move4 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move4 := false
move3 := true
elsif key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and move3 = false then %Two Conditions: 1. left arrow is pressed 2. move3 = false
move := false
move2 := false
move3 := false
move4 := true
end if
drawfilloval (ballx1, bally1, ballsize, ballsize, 12) %deletes the tail
delay (10)
%wall collision detection
if ballx1 = 4 or ballx1 = maxx - 4 or bally1 = 4 or bally1 = maxy - 4 then
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score) + " You Lose!")
end if
%food collision detection
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score))
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score<scoreLevel then
end if
end if
if score >= scoreLevel /*
then drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, maxy, (maxx div 2) + 10, maxy - 5, 0)*/
then Font.Draw("EXIT", (maxx div 2)-25,maxy-20, font2, 0)
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx1+ballsize,bally1+ballsize)=0
then cls
%scoring system
put "Your score is: ", score
var bonus:int:=60000 div 1000 %1 min to be able to get bonus
var timeBonus:int :=bonus-Time.Elapsed div 1000
put "Your time bonus is: ", timeBonus
put "Your overall score is: ", score
put "[press enter to continue to next round]"
/*getch (ch)
if ch =(KEY_ENTER)
%variable reset
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score))
ballx1:=newMaxX div 2 %new x co-ords for the start of a new level
bally1:=newMaxY div 2 %new y co-ords for the start of a new level
colourback (7)
end if
end loop
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:38 pm Post subject: (No subject)
mike200015 wrote:
u cant jus use strint.. u gotta reset ur variable to an int.. u gotta do it like this:
score := strint (intstr (score))
that should work
that doesnt do anything....all you did there was change score to a string, then back to an int, then assign it back to score...
like...score=1, score="1",
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:40 pm Post subject: (No subject)
even though i found a way around it... i just wanted to try what u taking out the unnecessary instr ...and i got an error
still the problem im having is with an unwanted random increase in points...can anyone see where the problem lies?
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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Vladimir wrote:
mike200015 wrote:
u cant jus use strint.. u gotta reset ur variable to an int.. u gotta do it like this:
score := strint (intstr (score))
that should work
that doesnt do anything....all you did there was change score to a string, then back to an int, then assign it back to score...
like...score=1, score="1",
Nonetheless, his point is clear: strint is a function, not a procedure. Therefore, you must assign strint (i : int) : string to some variable. All that is needed is to change the name of the variable being assigned to.
Also, instead of changing score from 1 to "1" and back to 1, the program would crash. if score is an int, score cannot possibly be "1". Likewise, if score is a string, score cannot possibly just be 1.
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:58 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i understand that now. thnx.
but to move back on topic...cough....
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ok here ya go, stop ur whining
%food collision detection
if score < scoreLevel then %<added a check to make sure that level wasnt done
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score))
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score < scoreLevel then
end if
end if
end if
the problem was that the food location wasnt changed and it keps entering the if statement to check to see if the players x and y were in the food x and y, since they werent cleared, the player could rake up points
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:45 pm Post subject: (No subject)
actually Bacchus, i beat ya to it
all i did was change this
%food collision detection
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score))
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score<scoreLevel then
end if
end if
to this
%food collision detection
if whatdotcolour (food1 + foodSize, food2 + foodSize) = 12 or whatdotcolour (food1 - foodSize, food2 - foodSize) = 12 and makeFood= true then
score += 10 %when food collision detected points are added to score
View.Set ("graphics:" + intstr (newMaxX) + ";" + intstr (newMaxY) + ",title:Uncle Worm Score: " + intstr (score))
drawfilloval (food1, food2, foodSize, foodSize, 7) %so that no chunk of food is left behind
if score<scoreLevel then
end if
end if
and it seemed to work.
Mr. T
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:51 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i declare the winner to be.....
well, you two can fight to death, and last man standing wins.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well i'll settle for a tie, i showed u first on msn but Bacchus posted first lol...
or we could settle this by duel
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
To the Death!
nah, anyhow you should make sure that ur if statment isnt screwed. i would add in brackets personally cause then theres no confusion wheather its (this color or this color) & boolean is off, or this color or (this color and boolean off)