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 [Tutorial]High Score List
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:40 pm   Post subject: [Tutorial]High Score List

I made this tutorial awhile ago and when i made it, i did it kind of fast b/c it was to help some one with there code, so hopfully there are not any logic errors in it.

This method of doing a highscore list is one of the more simple ones and there are ways to make it more advaced and work faster but i was going for somting poleop whould understand.

So here it is:


%How to make a high sorce system for a game
%-Hacker Dan
%This asumes u have a file made up like this:
%Dan 10000
%Tony 100
%Rei 10

%Some vars we need

var numOfPeople : int := 3

var names : array 1 .. numOfPeople of string %place to hold the names
var scorse : array 1 .. numOfPeople of int %place to hold the scorse

var fileName : string := "top3.txt" %name of the file where the top sorces will be placed and read from


var fileIn : int %the file stream
var i : int := 0 %this is a counter to tell what name we are on

open : fileIn, fileName, get

    exit when eof (fileIn) %exit when end of file
    i += 1 %add one to the counter

    get: fileIn, names (i) %gets the name of the person at line i
    get: fileIn, scorse (i) %gets the sorcer of the person at line i
end loop

%now the file data is loaded in to the vars names and scorse

%Sorting the list

%sort the high score list to put the person
%with the highest sorce 1st and lowest last

%bouble sort procedure
%puts the arrays in order of bigested to smallest
procedure sort
    for ii : 1 .. numOfPeople
        for iii : 2 .. numOfPeople
            if scorse (iii - 1) < scorse (iii) then
                %switchs the values
                var temp : int := scorse (iii - 1)
                scorse (iii - 1) := scorse (iii)
                scorse (iii) := temp

                %also have to swtich the names so they
                %keep lined up with the scorse
                var temp2 : string := names (iii - 1)
                names (iii - 1) := names (iii)
                names (iii) := temp2
            end if
        end for
    end for
end sort

%Updating the list

var newScore : int := 123 %the curent players sorce
var newName : string := "Lain"

%should sort to list to start with

%now we need to check if the newScore beats any of the old ones
%NOTE: this could be done throw any sreaching alrgithem but
%i am using this one b/c it is easy rather then fast

var newIndex : int := 0 %the place to put this new sorce

%if the newScore is better then all of them
if newScore > scorse (1) then
    newIndex := 1

    %else sreach for the spot where the new score fits
    for k : 1 .. (numOfPeople - 1)
        if newScore < scorse (k) and newScore > scorse (k + 1) then
            newIndex := (k + 1)
        end if
        %chechtch any of thous pesky entrys with the same score
        if newScore > scorse(k) then
            newIndex := k
        end if
    end for
end if

%if newIndex = 0 then newScore dose not get on the list
if newIndex not= 0 then

    %now we need to put the newScore and newName in the list in the right place, but 1st we have
    %to shift all the ones below it down.

    for decreasing j : numOfPeople .. (newIndex + 1)
        names (j) := names (j - 1)
        scorse (j) := scorse (j - 1)
    end for

    %now we simply place the new entry in
    names (newIndex) := newName
    scorse (newIndex) := newScore
end if

%Displaying the list

%this is the easy part, all we have to do is print each array on to the
%screen in order.

%we porby do not need to sort this if it was just affter updating
%but just to be safe we will

%now we need a for loop to go throw each array and put that data on the screen
for d : 1..numOfPeople
    put d, ". ", names (d), "  -  ", scorse (d)
end for
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 5:26 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

What about re-writing the high-score list.
Why doesn't this work?

    close : fileIn
    open : fileIn, fileName, put
        exit when eof (fileIn) %exit when end of file
        i += 1 %add one to the counter
        put : fileIn, names (i) %gets the name of the person at line i
        put : fileIn, scores (i) %gets the sorcer of the person at line i
    end loop

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:12 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I tried experimenting with this, but it didn't work. If a high score did show up, it did not save to the file... When I try to incorporate it into my game, it says that scorse has no value when the time to sort the list comes.

Can you please rewrite this for everyone? I would greatly appreciate that. I, in the meantime will try to experiment some more.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:52 pm   Post subject: Confused

I'm new to programming and in the midst of designing a classic arcade games program... i'd like to add a simple highscores feature to it. Instead of takeing ur program and adding it to mine i'd like to try and understand it so i can program one of my i'm probably going to be asking a few questions over the next few days (hope u don't mind).

First question is:

What is the numOfPeolpe variable representing? (It may seem like a retarded is, but for some reason i can't figure out what it is representing lol)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:53 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

first of all, questions should be posted in [Turing Help] so please post there in the future Very Happy

right now though, numOfPeople is representing the number of people there are to be in the high score list, you should also look into File I/O and sorting methods available.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Thanks this is exactly what i needed for an assignment. For anybody who wants to reverse the order of the scores ( from lowest to greatest ) its really easy. Took me a bit to figure it out, and then it was really obvious lol. Here we go:

Heres Hacker Dans Version

%Sorting the list

%sort the high score list to put the person
%with the highest sorce 1st and lowest last

%bouble sort procedure
%puts the arrays in order of bigested to smallest
procedure sort
    for ii : 1 .. numOfPeople
        for iii : 2 .. numOfPeople
            if scorse (iii - 1) < scorse (iii) then
                %switchs the values
                var temp : int := scorse (iii - 1)
                scorse (iii - 1) := scorse (iii)
                scorse (iii) := temp

                %also have to swtich the names so they
                %keep lined up with the scorse
                var temp2 : string := names (iii - 1)
                names (iii - 1) := names (iii)
                names (iii) := temp2
            end if
        end for
    end for
end sort

Just change this line:

if scorse (iii - 1) < scorse (iii) then


if scorse (iii - 1) > scorse (iii) then

All it takes is to change the less than < to a greater than >

Just thought that might be helpful to somebody...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:07 am   Post subject: (No subject)

lol thanks, nice tut overall im gonna try to implement it in my program, although i gotta make a scoring system first.
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