Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 11:42 am Post subject: Urgent - Net Help - Multiple connections.
Anyone know how to make Turing connect to more then one other computer? I wanna make a 5 way chat, i have the idea but it won't connect to anything over 1 computer .
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Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 11:49 am Post subject: (No subject)
to connect to more then 1 computer you need more then 1 StreamNum variables.
var netStream : array 1..5 of int
var netAddress : array 1..5 of string %IP addresses
const chatPort :int := 5055
for i:1..5
netStream(i):= Net.OpenConnection(netAddress(i),chatPort)
end for
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 4:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I accually wanted 5 computers to connect to one place, not 1 to connect to 5 places, is ti possible cause the arrays isn't working, after one time of connecting it just skips.
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 10:44 pm Post subject: (No subject)
in that case you use an array with Net.WaitForConnection (or something like that)
var netStream:array 1..5 of int
for i:1..5
netStream(i) := Net.WaitForConnection(port+i)
end for
I think this would work...
Though its a better idea to put that into a process so that program can run even if not all 5 clients are connected.
Oh, here's your problem (I think), clients must connect on different ports
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 1:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ok, so this would allow all the users that connected to one place to be able to see what each other says to one another? I'm working on a chat program in turing for my summative project. I wanted to have almost like an instat message thing with GUI. Is it possible to have that, or would the "chat room" idea be better? Almost like irc.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 2:15 pm Post subject: (No subject)
instant messaging and chatrooms are practically the same... the only difference is that instant messaging is always talking in private only, while chat is when message is send to all users connected.
they would be structured the same if you plant on sending messages through the server.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 2:30 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I see, how would I structure it so that my procedures to start a server and allow multiple connections, aswell be able to connect to a server that has multiple users connected which most likely needs to connect to each user on a different port.
procedure waitconnect
put "\N"
put "Your IP Address: ", Net.LocalAddress, " ", "Hostname:", Net.LocalName, "\N"
put "Waiting for other user to connect..." ..
connection := Net.WaitForConnection (PORT, address) % Wait for a user to connect
end waitconnect
%Delares connect procedure
procedure connect
put "\N"
put "Connect to (IP/Hostname:" ..
get address
connection := Net.OpenConnection (address, PORT) % Connect to the IP inputted
end connect
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 3:25 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well the server will constantly be listening for a new connection and any incomming messages (all incomming messages are for the server).
if a new connection in made, it is added to an array (you need to figure out a way to disconnect too, so array doesnt overflow).
when a message arrives, it is fawarded to everybody in the array.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 3:43 pm Post subject: (No subject)
netwaitconnection command.... i hate that command coz when yer waiting for a connection it doesn't let u do anything else it's like the program freezez untill a connection is made... =(... any idea how to fix that?
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 3:49 pm Post subject: :D
5-way chat impossible
I am speaking form experience cause i made a 2-way chat prog and only worked with 2 way.
Me and a freind the smartest person in turing (he made an whole os inside win98)
worked togther to make it but it is impossible with turing functionality
toom any problems and network latency is the thing
here is my rough chat code i ripped out of my project ALTER then use it freely if ya want...
it has:
-"QUIT" command
there is still some stuff taht shoudn't be inthere like the config.ini stuff delete it
(TEST it out by conenctiong to yuorself (
%-------------------------------------------START MAIN CHAT MODULE---------------------
%--------------OPEN NEW WINDOW=-------------
var window : int
window := Window.Open ("title:Chat Main By:Hez,graphics:700;200,nobuttonbar,position:center;center")
%-------------------VERY IMPORTANT CHAT-MODULE VARIABLES--------------
var setok : int := 0
%---PORT to conenct to---
var p1 : int := 28000
%------used to read config.ini file
var config : string
%----for the menu-----
var choice : int
%-----for your nick------
var nick : string := ""
%------for clients nick--------
var nick1 : string
%------To display/log the date-------
var theDateTime, theDate, theTime : string
theDateTime := Time.Date
theDate := theDateTime (1 .. 9)
theTime := theDateTime (11 .. *)
locate (3, 1)
put "Your TCP/IP Adress: ", Net.LocalAddress, " on ", Net.LocalName
put "1 -- Host a Chat Server"
put "2 -- Join an Existing Chat Server"
put "3 -- Quit Chat"
put "Selection: " ..
get choice
exit when choice = 1 or choice = 2 or choice = 3
end loop
%-------To OPen 2-way conenctions
var netStream, netStream2 : int := 0
%------------To store ip in
var netAddress : string := ""
%---------------mi=HOST COLOR TEXT / mo=CLIENT COLOR TEXT
var mi : int := 1
var mo : int := 2
%--------BACK SOUND~---
process rec
play ("aabb")
end rec
%----------------------------SET UP CONFIG.INI FILE WITH BINARY/TEXT------------
procedure setall ()
var c1 : string
put "Enter Nick.."
get nick
nick1 := nick + " : "
end setall
procedure setall2 ()
var c1 : string
put "Enter Nick.."
get nick
nick1 := nick + " : "
put "Enter the (HOST) address to connect to: " ..
get c1
netAddress := c1
end setall2
%important ip storing variable...
var ip : string
procedure start ()
%---------GETTING READY TO CHAT-------------------------
var hostAddr : string := netAddress
%--------------------------------------MAIN CHAT----------------------
%--------VARIABLES for storing /loging text written 2-way
var ch1, ch2 : string
var str : string
str := ""
View.Set ("noecho")
%--------------------------new window-----------------------------
var inp : int
inp := Window.Open ("title:Chat,position:center;center,graphics:500;500")
Window.Close (window)
%--------------------------------------CHAT STUFF----------------------
put "You Are Chatting With ->", netAddress, ":", p1
put "Hostname: ", Net.HostNameFromAddress (hostAddr)
put "TYPE QUIT to quit"
put "On: ", Time.Date
for i : 1 .. 62
put "-" ..
end for
put ""
put ""
%-----------DELAY to Verify stability for conenction---------
for i : 1 .. 10
put "Verifying connection... ", i
delay (500)
locate (whatrow - 1, 1)
put " "
locate (whatrow - 1, 1)
end for
%-----------sound of verification-------------
play ("8aaaabbbbaaaaaa")
%---------------------START CHATTING----MAIN MODULE------------
%--------------GET READY TO SEND TEXT IF KEY AVAILABLE-----------
if hasch then
Window.Select (inp)
get ch1 : *
put : netStream, nick1 + ch1
locate (whatrow - 1, 1)
color (mi)
put nick1, ch1, str
%----------------QUIT TELLS THE 2nd USER YOU HAVE DISCONNECTED------------
if ch1 = "quit" then
put : netStream, nick, ", ( ", Net.LocalAddress, " )", "has Disconnected.."
Window.Close (inp)
end if
end if
%------------------------CHECKS EVERYTIME FOR NEW LINE------------------------
if Net.LineAvailable (netStream) then
get : netStream, ch2 : *
color (mo)
put ch2, str
fork rec
end if
%--------------------------------------SERVER SETUP----------------------
if choice = 1 then
setall ()
put "Waiting for incoming conenctions..."
put "Your Hosting Address => ", Net.LocalAddress, ":", p1
netStream := Net.WaitForConnection (p1, netAddress)
put ""
put ""
start ()
end if
if choice = 2 then
setall2 ()
put "The Host be Ready To Accept your connection..."
put "Conncting in 5 secs.. Please Wait.."
delay (5000)
netStream := Net.OpenConnection (netAddress, p1)
if netStream <= 0 then
put "Unable to connect to ", netAddress
end if
start ()
elsif choice = 3 then
%-------------GET READY TO QUIT-----------
end if
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 6:10 pm Post subject: (No subject)
you cant program an OS in turing... OS interacts between your programs and hardware... what he could have done is made a SHELL based on window's APIs that windows itself is still running
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 6:47 pm Post subject: (No subject)
lol... hmmmm.... but is it possible. I see there is much argument about that. Has anyone been successful in creating a turing application that can chat to more than one other person at once.
Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 6:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yeah, I had a 3 way chat going back in the day... 1 server, 2 clients... worked well...