Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:29 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
nothing is working!!! omg im going insane sitting here searching the internet on how to do this!!!!! the code from the walkthrough isnt working for me!!! my code:
%Title: Math Skills Improver/Quiz %Created By: Hunter Grad %Date Created: Wednesday October 23rd 2013, 12:38pm EST %Time Of Last Edit: Wednesday October 23rd 2013, 2.27pm EST %Course: ICS2O, Ms. Kirby %************************************************************ %Declaring variables var num1 :int%number 1 for computerized equation creation var num2 :int%number 2 for computerized equation creation var num3 :int%number 3 for computerized equation creation var category :string%the category of math var answer :int%user's answer input var total :int%total number of correct answers in one game var total2 :int%total number of correct answers in another game var total3 :int%total number of correct answers in yet another game var total4 :int%total number of correct answers in another different game var total5 :int%total number of correct answers in the "all" category
total :=0%setting the total to 0 so 1 gets added on every time the user's answer is correct
total2 :=0%setting the total2 to 0 so 1 gets added on every time the user's answer is correct
total3 :=0%setting the total3 to 0 so 1 gets added on every time the user's answer is correct
total4 :=0%setting the total4 to 0 so 1 gets added on every time the user's answer is correct
total5 :=0%setting the total5 to 0 so 1 gets added on every time the user's answer is correct var response :string%response fom user after computer asks if they want to restart. var hugetotal :int%The overall total at the end of the game var randomnumber :int%a number needed to make the final calculation at the end var randomnumber2 :int%a number needed to make the final calculation at the end var randomnumber3 :int%a number needed to make the final calculation at the end var randomnumber4 :int%a number needed to make the final calculation at the end var randomnumber5 :int%a number needed to make the final calculation at the end
randomnumber :=0%setting the 1st random number to 0
randomnumber2 :=0%setting the 2nd random number to 0
randomnumber3 :=0%setting the 3rd random number to 0
randomnumber4 :=0%setting the 4th random number to 0
randomnumber5 :=0%setting the 5th random number to 0 var score :string%used for asking the user if they want to see their total score at the end of the quiz. var equationsign :int %************************************************************
put"This is a math quiz that can help to improve your math skills."%telling the user what the program is delay(5000) cls%clear screen delay(500) put"There are five (5) different categories that you can take the quiz in." put"" put"Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division and All" put"" put"Please click in the category you would like to take the quiz on."%they type in the name of the category of what they want to take the quiz on to take it get category
color(55) put"You chose Addition!" color(black) for i :1.. 20
randint(num1, 1, 30)%coming up with a random number between 1 and 30
num1 := Rand.Int (1, 30) randint(num2, 1, 30)%coming up with a random number between 1 and 30
num2 := Rand.Int (1, 30) put"What is ", num1, " + ", num2, "?"%asking the user a question put"="..
get answer
color(49)%changing the "correct" color to green
if answer = num1 + num2 then put"You are correct!!!" put""
total := total + 1 endif
if answer > num1 + num2 then put"You are incorrect!!! Answer: ", num1 + num2
total := total + 0 endif
if answer < num1 + num2 then put"You are incorrect!!! Answer: ", num1 + num2
total := total + 0 endif
randomnumber := randomnumber + 1 color(black)
endfor put"" put"Your total number of correct answers in this game is: ", total, "/20." put"Percentage: ", total *5, "%"%total number of correct answers as a percentage put"" put"Do you want to take the test again? -> " .. %does the user want to take the quiz again? get response
put"" exitwhen response ="no"%exit program if the user doesn't want to continue
if category ="Subtraction"then%checking if the user chose the category "Subtraction"
put"You chose Subtraction!" color(black) for i :1.. 20
randint(num1, 15, 30)%coming up with a random number between and including 15 and 30
num1 := Rand.Int (15, 30)%i chose to make sure that the answer will never be negative by making num1 bigger than num2 always. randint(num2, 1, 14)%coming up with a random number between and including 1 and 14
num2 := Rand.Int (1, 14) put"What is ", num1, " - ", num2, "?"%asking the user a question put"="..
get answer
endfor put"" put"Your total number of correct answers in this game is: ", total2, "/20." put"Percentage: ", total2 *5, "%"%total number of correct answers as a percentage put"" put"Do you want to take the test again? -> " .. %does the user want to take the quiz again? get response
put"" exitwhen response ="no"%exit program if the user doesn't want to continue endif
if category ="Multiplication"then%checking if the user chose the category "Multiplication" color(purple) put"You chose Multiplication!" color(black) for i :1.. 20
randint(num1, 1, 12)%coming up with a random number between and including 1 and 12
num1 := Rand.Int (1, 12) randint(num2, 1, 12)%coming up with a random number between and including 1 and 12
num2 := Rand.Int (1, 12) put"What is ", num1, " x ", num2, "?"%asking the user a question put"="..
get answer
color(49)%chaning the "correct" color to green
if answer = num1 * num2 then put"You are correct!!!" put""
total3 := total3 + 1 endif
endfor put"" put"your total number of correct answers in this game is: ", total3, "/20." put"Percentage: ", total3 *5, "%"%number of correct answers as a percentage put"" put"Do you want to take the test again? -> " .. %does the user want to take the quiz again? get response
put"" exitwhen response ="no"%exit program if the user doesn't want to continue
if category ="Division"then color(35) put"You chose Division!" color(black) for i :1.. 20
endfor put"" put"Your total number of correct answers in this game is: ", total4, "/20." put"Percentage: ", total4 *5, "%" put"" put"Do you want to take the quiz again? -> "..
get response
put"" exitwhen response ="no"
if category ="All"then color(112) put"You chose all categories!" color(black) for i :1.. 20
if answer > num3 / num1 then put"You are incorrect!!!" put""
total5 := total5 + 0 endif
if answer < num3 / num1 then put"You are incorrect!!!" put""
total5 := total5 + 0 endif
endif color(black)
randomnumber5 := randomnumber5 + 1 endfor put"" put"Your total number of correct answers in this game is: ", total5, "/20." put"Percentage: ", total5 *5, "%"%total number of correct answers as a percentage put"" put"Do you want to take the test again? -> " .. %does the user want to take the quiz again? get response
put"" exitwhen response ="no"%exit program if the user doesn't want to continue
put"Would you like to know your score? (yes/no) "..
get score
put"" if score ="yes"then put"Your overall total for every game you played together is: ", total + total2 + total3 + total4 + total5, "/",(randomnumber + randomnumber2 + randomnumber3 + randomnumber4 + randomnumber5) put"Overall percentage: ",((total + total2 + total3 + total4 + total5) / (randomnumber + randomnumber2 + randomnumber3 + randomnumber4 + randomnumber5))*100, "%" endif
if score ="no"then put"Ok. Hope you try again some time soon! Bye!" endif
i need to have it so that there are buttons that you click to choose the category instead of typing! someone please just show me what to do instead of saying look at this website! "no offense demonwasp but everybody just says look at this website, or this one!!! someone just show me please with code!! thanks
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:36 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
Members of will not do homework for you.
I noticed that your code never calls GUI.CreateButton ... or anything else from the GUI module. How were you hoping that it would work without even trying anything?
Try creating a separate "example" program that has two buttons. If you press the first button, it prints "A", and if you press the second button, it prints "B". Use the "GUI" examples in the Turing Walkthrough. Once you've got that working, you should be able to modify your main program to use what you learned from your example.
By the way, half of being a software developer is knowing how to find the right resource (website, book, manual, API documentation, ...) to read and reading that. Very little time is actually spent writing code.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:42 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
all of the homework is done. that whole code was my project. my teacher said if you want a level 3 then you just do multiplication, addition and subtraction. if you want a level 4, then you have to also do division and all four categories together. also showing their score after each game, making it possible to take the test again and again, then showing their total score. AND adding something we DIDN'T learn in class. that's why im asking. because i don't know it. i wasn't taught it. but i have everything done for the level 4 except for something i wasn't taught. so i was just asking for a little bit of help to guide me in the right direction. not a site. thanks. and i looked at the Turing Walkthrough for a while. several times
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:44 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
i also know where to look for the help. i have searched all over the place online, and on the turing "reference" part that is part of turing. all of there examples work but when i try to put it into my code, it doesnt work.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:48 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
Do you know why or how it works? You can't just copy & paste preexisting code into your projects and expect it to work. You need to how and why it works in order to adapt it to your own code. Did you actually read the article in the Turing Walkthrough or just look at the code? Did you read the reference?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:54 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
i read them about twice each. tried it on my own. with my code: didn't work. then i tried copying it. didnt work either
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Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:58 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
Post the code you've tried, and we'll try to help you out.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:21 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
import GUI
put"There are five (5) different categories that you can take the quiz in." put"" var Addition :int:=GUI.CreateButton(50, 10, 0, "Addition", var Subtraction :int:=GUI.CreateButton(150, 10, 0, "Subtraction", var Multiplication :int:=GUI.CreateButton(250, 10, 0, "Multiplication", var Division :int:=GUI.CreateButton(350, 10, 0, "Division", var All :int:=GUI.CreateButton(450, 10, 0, "All", put"" put"Please click in the category you would like to take the quiz on."
and it doesnt work. i wasn't taught it in class, so it isn't homework. it is adding to my "finished" assignment to get better marks. i want to make a button for each category: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and All (all 4 together)
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:33 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
Well, for one thing you're missing your associated procedures and closing brackets. Read your error codes. They usually tell you what's wrong.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:40 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
Since it's for marks in school, it's still in the "we can help, but won't write code for you" category.
It looks like you've forgotten to specify a "callback" method for your buttons, and you've forgotten to close the open-brackets. You also forgot the "event processing loop".
Here's a minimal example for how to draw two buttons. One puts "Hello world" in the top left, while the other clears the topmost line. Note that you have to specify the procedure to call when the button is clicked when you create the button.
import GUI
procedure say_hello () Text.Locate(1, 1) put"Hello world" end say_hello
procedure clear () Text.Locate(1, 1) put"" end clear
var hello_button :int:=GUI.CreateButton(50, 50, 0, "Hello", say_hello ) var clear_button :int:=GUI.CreateButton(50, 150, 0, "Clear", clear )
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:05 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
ok i figured out what does what in your code. understand it, opened a new turing. copied pasted. i ran it, it worked. i closed that turing. now i fixed the issues with my code but it still doesnt work. it says that some of my variables aren't imported
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:07 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
and that the GUI wasnt imported. even though at the top of my program, i typed
import GUI.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:19 pm Post subject: RE:buttons
an error code at procedure Addition says: 'procedure' may only be declared at the program, module, or monitor level. what does that mean?