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 Taking irrelevant courses to boost average...
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:52 pm   Post subject: Taking irrelevant courses to boost average...

Hey, does anyone know if taking a easy course that is irrelevant to my program will have an effect on my chances of admission. I plan to go to CS for waterloo or UofT, and course selection deadline for my grade 12 semester 1 courses is in about 3 days for me. I plan to take ancient civilization to boost up my average, but I'm afraid universities may not like that. Same with taking english in summer school..I know a lot of ppl at my school are doing it but is that a bad idea?
Thanks in advance

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:14 am   Post subject: Re: Taking irrelevant courses to boost average...

1st Question: They don't seem to care. However, remember that they take your top 6 U/M courses including prerequisites.

2nd Question:For UW...

If you have taken or are taking courses outside of regular day school and have applied to a program in the Faculty of Mathematics, in some cases your overall admission score will be adjusted.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:11 am   Post subject: RE:Taking irrelevant courses to boost average...

They look at your 6 12U courses as required for admission. If you have more, first they'll look at the ones required for the program (eg, Math, English), then the next highest X until a total of 6. Boosting 'your' average with filler courses might not boost 'their' average (which is the important one).

If you take a course in summer school, at Waterloo, they'll adjust your grade to reflect it. As far as I know, UofT doesn't care (I did research into this 2 years ago when I was considering taking english in summer school and didn't since UW judges that differently).
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