import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI" %Suts up Turing for GUI commands/code
View.Set ("graphics,nobuttonbar")
var questionfont : int := Font.New ("Arial:18:Underline")
var scorefont : int := Font.New ("Arial:14")
var score :int := 0
var winID : int := 0 %This windows ID
%#1 Your height (4 ranges)
var heightcb1, heightcb2, heightcb3, heightcb4 : int
var heightOptionS, heightOptionM, heightOptionL, heightOptionXL : boolean
%#2 Your weight (4 ranges)
var weightcb1, weightcb2, weightcb3, weightcb4 : int
var weightOption1, weightOption2, weightOption3, weightOption4 : boolean
%Height Question
procedure checkboxheight1 (status : boolean) %Procedure for height checkboxes
Font.Draw ("Sorry,You are to Small to play!!", 100, 200, questionfont, blue)
delay (1000)
Window.Close (winID + 1)
end checkboxheight1
procedure checkboxheight2 (status : boolean)
Font.Draw ("A little short - 10 points", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score -= 10
delay (1000)
end checkboxheight2
procedure checkboxheight3 (status : boolean)
Font.Draw ("Perfect height soldier!! + 10 points", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score += 10
delay (1000)
end checkboxheight3
procedure checkboxheight4 (status : boolean)
Font.Draw ("Your a little to tall - 10 points", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score -= 10
delay (1000)
end checkboxheight4
colorback (grey)
Font.Draw ("Question 1/10", 0, 380, scorefont, black)
Font.Draw ("What is your height range?", 20, 100, questionfont, red)
heightcb1 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (10, 50, "Under 5'", checkboxheight1)
heightcb2 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (150, 50, "5'-5'6''", checkboxheight2)
heightcb3 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (10, 10, "5'7'' - 6'2''", checkboxheight3)
heightcb4 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (150, 10, "Over 6'2''", checkboxheight4)
heightOptionS := GUI.GetCheckBox (heightcb1)
heightOptionM := GUI.GetCheckBox (heightcb2)
heightOptionL := GUI.GetCheckBox (heightcb3)
heightOptionXL := GUI.GetCheckBox (heightcb4)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
delay (3000)
%End (Height) Question
%Weight Question
procedure checkboxweight (status2 : boolean) %Procedure for weight checkboxes
weightOption1 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb1)
weightOption2 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb2)
weightOption3 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb3)
weightOption4 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb4)
put ""
end checkboxweight
colorback (grey)
Font.Draw ("Question 2/10", 0, 380, scorefont, black)
Font.Draw ("How heavy are you?", 20, 100, questionfont, red)
weightcb1 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (10, 50, "< 100 pounds", checkboxweight)
weightcb2 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (150, 50, "100 - 150 pounds", checkboxweight)
weightcb3 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (10, 10, "151 - 250 pounds", checkboxweight)
weightcb4 := GUI.CreateCheckBox (150, 10, "250+", checkboxweight)
weightOption1 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb1)
weightOption2 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb2)
weightOption3 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb3)
weightOption4 := GUI.GetCheckBox (weightcb4)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
exit when weightOption1 = true
exit when weightOption2 = true
exit when weightOption3 = true
exit when weightOption4 = true
end loop
if weightOption1 = true then
Font.Draw ("Your a needle!, start eating some food and maybe you can come back", 100, 200, questionfont, blue)
delay (1000)
Window.Close (winID + 1)
elsif weightOption2 = true then
Font.Draw ("You're a lightweight -10 points, but you can continue", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score -= 10
delay (1000)
locate (23, 1)
put "Your Score is ", score
elsif weightOption3 = true then
Font.Draw ("Your just fine!! + 10", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score += 10
delay (1000)
locate (23, 1)
put "Your Score is ", score
elsif weightOption4 = true then
Font.Draw ("What do you think this is!!! the camp for the fat!! - 10", 20, 200, questionfont, blue)
score -= 10
delay (1000)
locate (23, 1)
put "Your Score is ", score
end if
%End (Weight) Question