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 Having a dilemma in deciding which undergrad to apply to...
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:53 am   Post subject: Having a dilemma in deciding which undergrad to apply to...

Well, I'm probably going to apply to a bunch but I want to see what people's opinions are...

I'm planning on applying to:

Waterloo - Software Engineering (on the backup on the AIF, I will put Computer Science)
UofT - Computer Science
Queen's - Computing

A few questions that I am struggling with:
- Are there any other good schools in Canada to apply to for CS?
- What would be the rankings in terms of level of difficulty for getting into the listed undergrad programs?
- Does anyone know how the colleges for UofT St.George rank in regards to CS?
- Would I have better chances of getting a job upon graduating with a S.E. degree versus C.S. degree?
- Would it be better to go straight into the work force upon graduating after 4 - 5 years undergrad, or would it be a smarter choice to go into grad studies? If so, any recommendations for grad studies?

Thanks in advance people! Help is GREATLY appreciated Smile!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:01 pm   Post subject: RE:Having a dilemma in deciding which undergrad to apply to...

Those schools and programs are already listed in terms of difficulty of getting in. UofT St.George (downtown) is an excellent choice for CS; satellite campuses are not so much. SE vs. CS doesn't make much difference, but doing co-op/internships does. Grad studies are good if you want to stay away from the real-world(tm) and continue in academia; in which case the University of Toronto is a good choice (unless you went there for undergrad -- variety is good).
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:41 am   Post subject: Re: Having a dilemma in deciding which undergrad to apply to...

I'm currently an undergrad at UFT, doing a major in CS so I can only share my experiences with one school...

I didn't apply to CS until the end of my 2nd year of university (I completely changed my majors Razz), but the requirements to enter a major/specialist is dependent on which 'branch' of computer science you want to pursue. Specialists are generally more competitive since they only accept a limited amount of students (ex: AI) while the basic major doesn't have any size limit, so as long as you achieve the basic marks in your pre-requisite courses, you'll most likely be accepted. Also not sure if you know this, but even though you apply for a specific program at UFT, you won't be admitted into the program until you achieve the required pre-reqs after about a year or so, after entering UFT (which I believe is the case for CS). People always say that UFT is easy to get into, but hard to stay in.

Here is the link for the CS program description:

UFT has always been ranked as one of the best CS programs in canada, and it has a good reputation (it is also the oldest comp sci program in canada, I believe). The faculty is great and always helpful (unlike other programs.. *sigh*), some can actually teach properly! Surprised Another good thing is the program's PEY program which is great for your resume and for taking a legit reason to leave school for a year Very Happy

Hmm.. not sure if this really helps lol but I hope you find it useful Razz
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