Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:40 pm Post subject: Quiz program - elsifs and loops problems
Okay I have a class, which we use turing, but I'm not good with programing. I have this project which I need a good grade on this project to pass, if possible could someone help me with my project to get it working. I was up until 3 in the morning last night but still I had problems.
const sentinel := "end"
var answer : string
var ans1 : int
%Colors the background a green color
colorback (grey)
for count : 1 .. 80
delay (11)
put "*"
locate (1, count)
end for
for row : 2 .. 23
delay (11)
locate (row, 1)
put "* **"
locate (row, 2)
put "* **"
end for
for count : 1 .. 80
delay (11)
put "*"
locate (24, count)
delay (11)
end for
for count : 3 .. 79
delay (11)
put "*"
locate (18, count)
end for
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "yes"
if answer = "no" then
put " "
color (blue)
put " Do you use the term NOOB? yes or no"
get answer
exit when answer ="no"
if answer= "yes" then
put" When you get a headshot kill in a first person shoot, do you say BOOOOM HEADSHOT? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer= "No"
if answer="yes" then
put" When you here the word camping do you instantly thinking about campers in a FPS? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer= "No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" The first thing that comes to your mind when you here CS is.. (1) Computer Science or (2) Counter-Strike
get answer
exit when answer = "1"
if answer= "2" then
put" Do you run around your house pretending you're hold a guy and make gun sounds and say I can dance all day I can dance all day try hitting him noob? Yes or No
get answer
exit when answer= " No"
if answer= "Yes" then
put " When you see a gun in a movie can you recognize it right away? yes or no"
color (red)
get answer
exit when answer ="no"
if answer= "yes" then
%Comment on your answer
case answer of
label 1 :
put "Wow you have nice good eyes."
put "Let me ask you another question ."
end case
%Ask the 7th question
color (blue)
put " "
put "Your third question is.."
put "which of these reason do you think is the best reason you play FPS? Choose from 1 to 5 "
color (100)
put "(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough (2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life (3) I just want to blow something up (4)Already got kicked out of the real army (5) I'm just bored and want to play something : " ..
get answer
exit when answer= "(5) I'm bored and want to play something"
if answer="(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough" "(2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life" "(3) I just want to blow something up" "(4)Already got kicked out of the real army"
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War
color (red)
get answer
if answer=" World War 2
put" Your battlefield game is Battlefield 1942 and you played the game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer= " No"
if answer= "Yes" then
put" If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = " Vietnam War"
put" Your Battlefield game is Battleifield Vietnam have you play this game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer= " No"
if answer= "Yes" then
put" If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer= "Iraq War"
put" Your Battlefield game is Battlefield 2 have you played this game? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer= " No"
if answer= "Yes" then
put" If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
end if
end loop
end loop
Can someone please fix it up for me so it cna run and post it back here?
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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:48 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Welcome to
First, we don't do homework for people. It's good that you've given it a try, but it's unethical for anyone to rewrite your code and then you hand it in as your own. Furthermore, you don't learn anything that way.
Second, please use [code][/code] tags when posting code. It will keep whatever indentation you may have had. Non-indented code is essentially unreadable, and lowers the chances of getting help.
Third, you need to ask a question. What is wrong with your program? How exactly does it need to be fixed up?
Fourth, use a descriptive topic title. We know you need help, because you're posting in a help forum. Saying it's urgent doesn't really help you at all, since you'll get help as soon as someone willing reads your post. Posting ASAP probably won't make anyone more willing to help you. It is a little annoying that you think your thread deserves more attention than the others.
Finally, check out the Turing Walkthrough. There are tutorials you'll find from there that will make this program a lot easier. You'd probably want to learn about arrays, records and types, procedures and functions, and maybe files.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Okay thanks for the reply, I don't know why doesn't it work, if someone can tell me why it doesn't work. I've tried to figure it out but I don't know how? I think I need an elsif statement, but not sure, how to do so. I just doesn't run, for example I get this message " string literal ends at end of line" I don't know what does that mean. I understand that it wouldn't be right for me to ask you to fix up my work and I hand it in, all I want is for someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
put" When you get a headshot kill in a first person shoot, do you say BOOOOM HEADSHOT? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer= "No"
if answer="yes" then
put" When you here the word camping do you instantly thinking about campers in a FPS? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer= "No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" The first thing that comes to your mind when you here CS is.. (1) Computer Science or (2) Counter-Strike
get answer
exit when answer = "1"
if answer= "2" then
put" Do you run around your house pretending you're hold a guy and make gun sounds and say I can dance all day I can dance all day try hitting him noob? Yes or No
You need quotation marks at the end of a string. You might have this problem elsewhere.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:10 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah I figured that out, that part is okay now ( guess I was too tired last night and forgot about puting " ) since it's not highlighted when I try to run it.
Now I'm doing this:
put " "
put "Your third question is.."
put "which of these reason do you think is the best reason you play FPS? Choose from 1 to 5 "
color (100)
put "(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough (2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life (3) I just want to blow something up (4)Already got kicked out of the real army (5) I'm just bored and want to play something : " ..
get answer
exit when answer= "(5) I'm bored and want to play something"
if answer="1" "3" "4" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer= "2" then put
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
Am I on the right track by adding the elsif statements and am I doign it right?
BTW thanks for helping me out.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:12 pm Post subject: (No subject)
your code is also all over the place, i counted like 12 missing end ifs, which i have no idea where they go, you are missing end quotes, you are missing the "then" after your if conditions, i think you need to take time and pay attention to what you are typing a bit more carefully, a little bit of planning would help too
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:17 pm Post subject: (No subject)
SuperFreak82 wrote:
your code is also all over the place, i counted like 12 missing end ifs, which i have no idea where they go, you are missing end quotes, you are missing the "then" after your if conditions, i think you need to take time and pay attention to what you are typing a bit more carefully, a little bit of planning would help too
Yeah I know I was really in a hurry, now I think I fixed this part is it right
if answer="1" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer= "2" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer= "3" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer= "4" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War
Also about the missing end ifs I'm doign what I can fix now then after all that is fix I'm gonna worry abotu the end if. What does syntax error at 'put' , expected then" mean?
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:31 pm Post subject: (No subject)
it means you probably have an if statement before you have your put statement and you forgot to put "then" after your condition eg.
if x=maxx then %this is the then i was talking about
put maxint
end if
%what you are having the problem with i think
if x=maxx
put maxint
end if
%this creates a run-time error, make sure you have then after your condition
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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:35 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Okay this is the part that is wrong
ut "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put" Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = " Vietnam War"
[b]put" Your Battlefield game is Battleifield Vietnam have you play this game? Yes or No" then[/b]
get answer
exit when answer= " No"
if answer= "Yes" then
put" If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
know what I'm doing wrong. BTW thanks for the help.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
^^^^ NVM I found where I didn't put then?
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:38 pm Post subject: (No subject)
your "then" is in the wrong spot, move it to after the if condition, not your text you are putting to the screen
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Okay sorry for the replies after another, this forums really need a edit option. Okay I have one error now and it's syntax error at ' End of File', expected ' end if' but I alreayd have a end if at the end of the program.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
you probably forgot an end if, so just add one. Just press F2 to indent. You can tell where you're missing an end if or end loop if your program is not properly indented.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
put in another one, you might still be missing one
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:46 pm Post subject: (No subject)
SuperFreak82 wrote:
put in another one, you might still be missing one
just at the ned of the program anywhere?
So far this is my program I'm getting really excited about this seeing if it will work.
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "yes"
if answer = "no" then
put " "
color (blue)
put " Do you use the term NOOB? yes or no"
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
put " When you get a headshot kill in a first person shoot, do you say BOOOOM HEADSHOT? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "yes" then
put " When you here the word camping do you instantly thinking about campers in a FPS? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = "No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " The first thing that comes to your mind when you here CS is.. (1) Computer Science or (2) Counter-Strike"
get answer
exit when answer = "1"
if answer = "2" then
put " Do you run around your house pretending you're hold a guy and make gun sounds and say I can dance all day I can dance all day try hitting him noob? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " When you see a gun in a movie can you recognize it right away? yes or no"
color (red)
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "yes" then
%Ask the 7th question
color (blue)
put " "
put "Your third question is.."
put "which of these reason do you think is the best reason you play FPS? Choose from 1 to 5 "
color (100)
"(1)Hockey not violent and bloody enough (2)Not enough people shooting at you on slight in real life (3) I just want to blow something up (4)Already got kicked out of the real army (5) I'm just bored and want to play something : "
get answer
exit when answer = "(5) I'm bored and want to play something"
if answer = "1" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "2" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "3" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
elsif answer = "4" then
put "What War Ear Would You Rather Be A Part Of? World War 2 or Vietnam War or Iraq War"
color (red)
get answer
if answer = " World War 2" then
put " Your battlefield game is Battlefield 1942 and you played the game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = " Vietnam War" then
put " Your Battlefield game is Battleifield Vietnam have you play this game? Yes or No"
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
if answer = "Iraq War" then
put " Your Battlefield game is Battlefield 2 have you played this game? Yes or No "
get answer
exit when answer = " No"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " If you have made it this far you are 100% addicted to first person shooters"
color (2)
put "Are You Addiicted To First Person Shooters ?? yes or no: " ..
get answer
exit when answer = "no"
if answer = "Yes" then
put " Now don't you feel better for telling the truth?"
end if
end loop