Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap
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Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:52 pm Post subject: Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap |
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics:1260;910") % sets screen for the main menu
var font1, font2, font3, font4, font5, font6, font7 : int % declares font variable
var back : int
back := Pic.FileNew ("good_back_button_good.bmp")
var lastback := Pic.Scale (back, Pic.Width (back ) div 3, Pic.Height (back ) div 3)
var difficulty : int
difficulty := 10
font1 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:90:bold") % states font and size
font2 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:40:bold")
font3 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:30:bold")
font4 := Font.New ("Arial:30:bold")
font5 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:300:bold")
font6 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:20:bold")
font7 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:5:bold")
var car1x, car1y, car2x, car2y, car1colour, car2colour, car1win, car2win, counter1, counter2, car1lose, timer : int
var again : string
car1win := 0
car2win := 0
car1x := maxx div 2
car1y := maxy div 2
car2x := maxx div 2 + 10
car2y := maxy div 2
car1colour := 11
car2colour := 12
counter1 := 0
counter2 := 0
car1lose := 0
var car1direction, car2direction : string
car1direction := "left"
car2direction := "right"
var mode : string
var colours, ccolours : int
var linecolour : int
var x, y, button : int %vars for the mouse where code
proc onetwothree
setscreen ("graphics:1260;910")
Font.Draw ("3", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font5, 12)
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("2", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font5, 44)
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("1", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font5, 48)
delay (1000)
end onetwothree
proc mainmenu
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black) % draws a black background
randint (colours, 1, 255)
Font.Draw ("Light Cycle", 430, 750, font1, colours ) % Puts the name of the game
Font.Draw ("Single Player", 430, 350, font2, colours ) % draws single player in main menu screen
Font.Draw ("Multiplayer", 430, 250, font2, colours ) % draws multiplayer in main menu screen
Font.Draw ("Controls", 430, 150, font2, colours ) %draws controls in main menu
mode := ""
Mouse.Where (x, y, button )
if x >= 426 and y >= 331 and x <= 868 and y <= 397 and button = 1 then % if they hit the single player text, mode is set to "single player"
mode := "single player"
elsif x >= 426 and y >= 226 and x <= 800 and y <= 296 and button = 1 then % if they hit the multiplayer text, mode is set to "single player"
mode := "multiplayer"
elsif x >= 426 and y >= 142 and x <= 700 and y <= 191 and button = 1 then % if they hit the controls text, mode is set to "single player"
mode := "controls"
end if
end loop
end mainmenu
proc controls
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
if mode = "controls" then
Font.Draw ("Controls", 480, 750, font1, green)
Font.Draw ("Player 1 Controls", 40, 650, font6, 42)
Font.Draw ("Player 2 Controls", maxx div 2 - 250 + 40, 650, font6, 42)
drawline (maxx div 2 - 250, 200, maxx div 2 - 250, maxy - 200, green)
drawbox (100, 400, 150, 450, green) % ASDW boxes
drawbox (155, 400, 205, 450, green)
drawbox (210, 400, 260, 450, green)
drawbox (140, 455, 190, 505, green)
Font.Draw ("A", 113, 413, font4, green)
Font.Draw ("S", 168, 413, font4, green)
Font.Draw ("D", 223, 413, font4, green)
Font.Draw ("W", 147, 468, font4, green)
drawbox (730 - 250, 400, 780 - 250, 450, green) % Arrow Boxes
drawbox (785 - 250, 400, 835 - 250, 450, green)
drawbox (840 - 250, 400, 890 - 250, 450, green)
drawbox (785 - 250, 455, 835 - 250, 505, green)
drawline (810 - 250, 470, 810 - 250, 490, green) % top arrow
drawline (810 - 250, 490, 805 - 250, 485, green)
drawline (810 - 250, 490, 815 - 250, 485, green)
drawline (810 - 250, 415, 810 - 250, 435, green) % bottom arrow
drawline (810 - 250, 415, 805 - 250, 420, green)
drawline (810 - 250, 415, 815 - 250, 420, green)
drawline (855 - 250, 425, 875 - 250, 425, green) % right arrow
drawline (875 - 250, 425, 870 - 250, 420, green)
drawline (875 - 250, 425, 870 - 250, 430, green)
drawline (745 - 250, 425, 765 - 250, 425, green) % left arrow
drawline (745 - 250, 425, 750 - 250, 430, green)
drawline (745 - 250, 425, 750 - 250, 420, green)
drawline (750, 200, 750, maxy - 200, green) % makes the green borders in the mainmenu
drawline (0, 200, 1260, 200, green)
drawline (0, 710, 1260, 710, green)
drawline (750, 455, 1260, 455, green)
Font.Draw ("Player 1 Colour", 800, 600, font7, 42) %writes the words for picking colour
Font.Draw ("Player 2 Colour", 800, 500, font7, 42)
Font.Draw ("Difficulty", 800, 300, font7, 42)
drawfillbox (960, 600, 980, 620, 11) %red box for 1
drawfillbox (990, 600, 1010, 620, 12) %blue box for 1
drawfillbox (1020, 600, 1040, 620, 14) %yellow box for 1
drawfillbox (1050, 600, 1070, 620, 10) %green box for 1
drawfillbox (1080, 600, 1100, 620, 93) %white box for 1
drawfillbox (960, 500, 980, 520, 11) %red box for 2
drawfillbox (990, 500, 1010, 520, 12) %blue box for 2
drawfillbox (1020, 500, 1040, 520, 14) %yellow box for 2
drawfillbox (1050, 500, 1070, 520, 10) %green box for 2
drawfillbox (1080, 500, 1100, 520, 93) %white box for 2
drawfillbox (950, 300, 970, 320, 116) %red shades for difficulty
drawfillbox (1000, 300, 1020, 320, 115)
drawfillbox (1050, 300, 1070, 320, 114)
drawfillbox (1100, 300, 1120, 320, 113)
drawfillbox (1150, 300, 1170, 320, 112)
Font.Draw ("Slow", 920, 270, font7, 42)
Font.Draw ("Fast", 1165, 270, font7, 42)
mousewhere (x, y, button )
if x > 960 and y > 600 and x < 980 and y < 620 and button = 1 then
car1colour := 11
drawbox (959, 599, 981, 621, 64)
drawbox (989, 599, 1011, 621, 16)
drawbox (1019, 599, 1041, 621, 16)
drawbox (1049, 599, 1071, 621, 16)
drawbox (1079, 599, 1101, 621, 16)
elsif x > 990 and y > 600 and x < 1010 and y < 620 and button = 1 then
car1colour := 12
drawbox (959, 599, 981, 621, 16)
drawbox (989, 599, 1011, 621, 64)
drawbox (1019, 599, 1041, 621, 16)
drawbox (1049, 599, 1071, 621, 16)
drawbox (1079, 599, 1101, 621, 16)
elsif x > 1020 and y > 600 and x < 1040 and y < 620 and button = 1 then
car1colour := 14
drawbox (959, 599, 981, 621, 16)
drawbox (989, 599, 1011, 621, 16)
drawbox (1019, 599, 1041, 621, 64)
drawbox (1049, 599, 1071, 621, 16)
drawbox (1079, 599, 1101, 621, 16)
elsif x > 1050 and y > 600 and x < 1070 and y < 620 and button = 1 then
car1colour := 10
drawbox (959, 599, 981, 621, 16)
drawbox (989, 599, 1011, 621, 16)
drawbox (1019, 599, 1041, 621, 16)
drawbox (1049, 599, 1071, 621, 64)
drawbox (1079, 599, 1101, 621, 16)
elsif x > 1080 and y > 600 and x < 1100 and y < 620 and button = 1 then
car1colour := 93
drawbox (959, 599, 981, 621, 16)
drawbox (989, 599, 1011, 621, 16)
drawbox (1019, 599, 1041, 621, 16)
drawbox (1049, 599, 1071, 621, 16)
drawbox (1079, 599, 1101, 621, 64)
end if
if x > 960 and y > 500 and x < 980 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 11
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 64)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 990 and y > 500 and x < 1010 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 12
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 64)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1020 and y > 500 and x < 1040 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 14
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 64)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1050 and y > 500 and x < 1070 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 10
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 64)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1080 and y > 500 and x < 1100 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 93
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 64)
end if
if x > 960 and y > 500 and x < 980 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 11
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 64)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 990 and y > 500 and x < 1010 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 12
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 64)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1020 and y > 500 and x < 1040 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 14
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 64)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1050 and y > 500 and x < 1070 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 10
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 64)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 16)
elsif x > 1080 and y > 500 and x < 1100 and y < 520 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 93
drawbox (959, 499, 981, 521, 16)
drawbox (989, 499, 1011, 521, 16)
drawbox (1019, 499, 1041, 521, 16)
drawbox (1049, 499, 1071, 521, 16)
drawbox (1079, 499, 1101, 521, 64)
end if
if x > 950 and y > 300 and x < 970 and y < 320 and button = 1 then
difficulty := 25
drawbox (949, 299, 971, 321, 64)
drawbox (999, 299, 1021, 321, 16)
drawbox (1049, 299, 1071, 321, 16)
drawbox (1099, 299, 1121, 321, 16)
drawbox (1149, 299, 1171, 321, 16)
elsif x > 1000 and y > 300 and x < 1020 and y < 320 and button = 1 then
difficulty := 20
drawbox (949, 299, 971, 321, 16)
drawbox (999, 299, 1021, 321, 64)
drawbox (1049, 299, 1071, 321, 16)
drawbox (1099, 299, 1121, 321, 16)
drawbox (1149, 299, 1171, 321, 16)
elsif x > 1050 and y > 300 and x < 1070 and y < 320 and button = 1 then
difficulty := 10
drawbox (949, 299, 971, 321, 16)
drawbox (999, 299, 1021, 321, 16)
drawbox (1049, 299, 1071, 321, 64)
drawbox (1099, 299, 1121, 321, 16)
drawbox (1149, 299, 1171, 321, 16)
elsif x > 1100 and y > 300 and x < 1120 and y < 320 and button = 1 then
difficulty := 5
drawbox (949, 299, 971, 321, 16)
drawbox (999, 299, 1021, 321, 16)
drawbox (1049, 299, 1071, 321, 16)
drawbox (1099, 299, 1121, 321, 64)
drawbox (1149, 299, 1171, 321, 16)
elsif x > 1150 and y > 300 and x < 1170 and y < 320 and button = 1 then
car2colour := 2
drawbox (949, 299, 971, 321, 16)
drawbox (999, 299, 1021, 321, 16)
drawbox (1049, 299, 1071, 321, 16)
drawbox (1099, 299, 1121, 321, 16)
drawbox (1149, 299, 1171, 321, 64)
end if
Font.Draw ("Note: If in Single Player mode, the Player 2 controls will not work.", 20, 150, font4, 42)
Pic.Draw (lastback, 20, 20, 2)
if x > 20 and y > 20 and x < 20 + Pic.Width (lastback ) and y < 20 + Pic.Height (lastback ) and button = 1 then
if mode = "controls" then
elsif mode = "single player" then
elsif mode = "multiplayer" then
end if
end if
end loop
end if
end controls
procedure grid
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
for x : 1 .. maxy by 100
drawline (0, maxy - x, maxx, maxy - x, 115)
end for
for x : 1 .. maxx by 100
drawline (x, maxy, x, 0, 115)
end for
end grid
procedure explode (x, y, Colour, spread : int)
%creates the explosions that occur when cars die
for i : 1 .. 1300
Draw.Oval (x, y, i, i, Colour )
if i > spread then
Draw.FillOval (x, y, i - spread, i - spread, 7)
end if
end for
end explode
%declares variable
%procedure to drawcar1 for player 1
procedure drawcar1 (car1x, car1y, car1colour : int)
Draw.Dot (car1x, car1y, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x + 1, car1y + 1, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x + 1, car1y - 1, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x - 1, car1y + 1, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x - 1, car1y - 1, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x, car1y + 1, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x + 1, car1y, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x - 1, car1y, car1colour )
Draw.Dot (car1x, car1y - 1, car1colour )
end drawcar1
%procedure to drawcar2 for player 2
procedure drawcar2 (car2x, car2y, car2colour : int)
% Draw Player 2
Draw.Dot (car2x, car2y, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x + 1, car2y + 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x + 1, car2y - 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x - 1, car2y + 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x - 1, car2y - 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x, car2y + 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x + 1, car2y, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x, car2y - 1, car2colour )
Draw.Dot (car2x - 1, car2y, car2colour )
drawcar1 (car1x, car1y, car1colour )
end drawcar2
%procedure to movecar1 for player 1 using w,a,s,d
procedure movedirectioncar1 (var car1direction : string)
% Player 1 movement is controled with w,a,s,d
var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars ('w') then
if car1direction not= "down" then
car1direction := "up"
end if
elsif chars ('s') then
if car1direction not= "up" then
car1direction := "down"
end if
elsif chars ('a') then
if car1direction not= "right" then
car1direction := "left"
end if
elsif chars ('d') then
if car1direction not= "left" then
car1direction := "right"
end if
end if
end movedirectioncar1
%procedure to movecar2 for player 2 using arrow keys
procedure movedirectioncar2 (var car2direction : string)
% Player 2 movement is controled with the directional keys
var chars : array char of boolean
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
if car2direction not= "down" then
car2direction := "up"
end if
elsif chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
if car2direction not= "up" then
car2direction := "down"
end if
elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
if car2direction not= "right" then
car2direction := "left"
end if
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
if car2direction not= "left" then
car2direction := "right"
end if
end if
end movedirectioncar2
var movespeed : int := 3
%moving car1
procedure movecar1 (var car1x, car1y : int, car1direction : string, movespeed : int)
% Player 1's movement
if car1direction = "up" then
car1y + = movespeed
elsif car1direction = "down" then
car1y - = movespeed
elsif car1direction = "left" then
car1x - = movespeed
elsif car1direction = "right" then
car1x + = movespeed
end if
end movecar1
%moving car2
procedure movecar2 (var car2x, car2y : int, car2direction : string, movespeed : int)
% Player 2's movement
if car2direction = "up" then
car2y + = movespeed
elsif car2direction = "down" then
car2y - = movespeed
elsif car2direction = "left" then
car2x - = movespeed
elsif car2direction = "right" then
car2x + = movespeed
end if
end movecar2
proc game
drawcar1 (car1x, car1y, car1colour )
drawcar2 (car2x, car2y, car2colour )
movedirectioncar1 (car1direction )
movedirectioncar2 (car2direction )
delay (difficulty )
movecar1 (car1x, car1y, car1direction, movespeed )
movecar2 (car2x, car2y, car2direction, movespeed )
%code for when the cars hit the sides,their or others lightcyle
if car1x <= 0
or car1x >= 1260
or car1y >= 910
or car1y <= 0
or View.WhatDotColour (car1x, car1y ) = car1colour
or View.WhatDotColour (car1x, car1y ) = car2colour
explode (car1x, car1y, car1colour, 500)
car2win := 1
elsif car2x <= 0
or car2x >= 1260
or car2y >= 910
or car2y <= 0 or View.WhatDotColour (car2x, car2y ) = car1colour
or View.WhatDotColour (car2x, car2y ) = car2colour
explode (car2x, car2y, car2colour, 500)
car1win := 1
end if
%draws who won
if car1x >= 1260
or car1x <= 0
or car1y >= 910
or car1y <= 0
or car2win = 1
Font.Draw ("Car2 wins", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font3, car2colour )
counter2 := counter2 + 1
delay (10)
elsif car2x >= 1260
or car2x <= 0
or car2y >= 910
or car2y <= 0
or car1win = 1
Font.Draw ("Car1 wins", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font3, car1colour )
counter1 := counter1 + 1
delay (10)
end if
end game
%procedure if they want to play again
proc playagain
if car1x >= 1260
or car1x <= 0
or car1y >= 910
or car1y <= 0
or car2win = 1
or car2x >= 1260
or car2x <= 0
or car2y >= 910
or car2y <= 0
or car1win = 1 then
end if
end loop
put "player1: ", counter1
put "player2: ", counter2
put "would you like to play again? Any Key/n"
get again
if again = "n" then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
car1win := 0
car2win := 0
car1x := maxx div 2
car1y := maxy div 2
car2x := maxx div 2 + 10
car2y := maxy div 2
car1colour := 11
car2colour := 12
car1direction := "left"
car2direction := "right"
font3 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:30:bold")
if car1x >= 1260
or car1x <= 0
or car1y >= 910
or car1y <= 0
or car2win = 1
or car2x >= 1260
or car2x <= 0
or car2y >= 910
or car2y <= 0
or car1win = 1 then
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end playagain
proc game1
timer := 0
clock (timer )
drawcar1 (car1x, car1y, car1colour )
movedirectioncar1 (car1direction )
% delay (10)
movecar1 (car1x, car1y, car1direction, movespeed )
if car1x <= 0
or car1x >= 1260
or car1y >= 910
or car1y <= 0
or View.WhatDotColour (car1x, car1y ) = car1colour then
explode (car1x,car1y,car1colour, 500)
car1lose := 1
end if
if car1lose = 1
Font.Draw ("You lose", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, font3, 12)
put timer / 1000 : 0 : 1
end if
end game1
proc playagain1
if car1lose = 1 then
end if
end loop
put "you survived for:", timer / 1000 : 0 : 1, " seconds"
timer := 0
put "would you like to play again? Any Key/n"
get again
if again= "n" then
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
car1lose := 0
car1x := maxx div 2
car1y := maxy div 2
car1colour := 11
car1direction := "left"
font3 := Font.New ("Fixedsys:30:bold")
if car1lose = 1 then
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end playagain1
Music.PlayFileReturn ("NyanCat.mp3")
car1win := 0
car2win := 0
car1x := maxx div 2
car1y := maxy div 2
car2x := maxx div 2 + 10
car2y := maxy div 2
car1lose := 0
car1direction := "left"
car2direction := "right"
if mode = "controls" then
elsif mode = "single player" then
elsif mode = "multiplayer" then
end if
if again = "exit" then
end if
end loop
Mod Edit:
Please wrap you code in either of the following in order to preserve whitespace (indentation) and to highlight the syntax.
code: |
[syntax="turing"] ... code ... [/syntax]
[code] ... code ... [/code ]
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Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:29 pm Post subject: Re: Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap |
Please submit to the proper forum, Please do not beg. Please read tutorials on how to submit code for help.
From the looks of it. You have problems with procedures not being declared..
In turing you may want to look at
forward and body
Turing: |
var token : string
forward procedure expn (var eValue : real)
import forward term, var token
? other declarations appear here ?
body procedure expn
var nextValue : real
term (eValue) % Evaluate t
loop % Evaluate { + t}
exit when token not= "+"
get token
term (nextValue)
eValue := eValue + nextValue
end loop
end expn
This is what you need to do..
You need to define your playagain procedure using forward then define the body with what you want it to do. This will allo wyou to call the procedure before it's been fully declared in your code |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:43 pm Post subject: RE:Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap |
moved to Turing Help. Although the biggest problem here seems to be the ability to actually ask a proper question.
What seems to be the problem? |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:03 am Post subject: Re: RE:Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap |
Tony @ Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:43 pm wrote: moved to Turing Help. Although the biggest problem here seems to be the ability to actually ask a proper question.
What seems to be the problem?
Tony, i ran the program and noticed declaration issues with his procedures, he seemed to be calling procedures before they were defined, but calling additional procedures inside those procedures which caused issues that made it hard to re-arrange the code. I only looked at it for a few minutes. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:16 am Post subject: Re: RE:Turing Help Quicly!!!!!! ASAP Need help to run this code please help asap |
MihaiG @ Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:03 am wrote: Tony @ Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:43 pm wrote: moved to Turing Help. Although the biggest problem here seems to be the ability to actually ask a proper question.
What seems to be the problem?
Tony, i ran the program and noticed declaration issues with his procedures, he seemed to be calling procedures before they were defined, but calling additional procedures inside those procedures which caused issues that made it hard to re-arrange the code. I only looked at it for a few minutes.
Thanks MihaiG its works i used forward procedure playagain1 and forward playagain then put body procedures thanks for the help |
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