Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:58 am Post subject: which school is the best
of york university and wilfred laurier, which is better for computer science?
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Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:16 am Post subject: (No subject)
I'm not familiar with the computer science programs at either of these schools, but I'm going to say York, because Laurier is right next door to Waterloo and students in that area who want to go into computer science would go to Waterloo. Laurier compsci would get the compsci students who weren't accepted into Waterloo compsci.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:26 am Post subject: (No subject)
I wouldn't think that ether is particularly strong in the field of CS. I would also tend to imagine that York is a better choice of the two, for the same reasons that Cervantes has mentioned.
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
York, they got some interesting projects going on there. (try and do some research there or it's all useless)
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
As i have side 1000 times the direfce between unviersity for undergrad computer science is minual unless they are not doing a standered program. The fact that one uni dose reasrch in the filed or has more projectes in the feilded is null since it is not going to help you or effect you as an undergrad. I fully agrea that it whould for a graduate student.
What maderes most for post undergrade employment in computer sci is expreicne and not what school you are from (i am shure some one will falme this with a point lacking factual basies and claiming me wrong). But from what i have seen it is true.
What will mader infentamly more to you during your studys in undergard compiter science is not the repuation of the university you are going to (witch can chage in the futtuer) but the other things. Like how big is the university (poplation wise)? You may not whont a unviersity that is masive if you like a smaller closer comunity like me. What are the class sizes like? Do they use T.A.s or PHds to teach the lectors? What is rez like there? What is there student union like? What clubs are there? What are there meal plans like (caf food sucks in genrealy)? How much is it all going to cost per year (tution, books, rez, food)? How far away are you from home?
Now to me at least all of thess questions and many more mean alot more then the repuation of the unversity. Also for your question between york university and wilfred laurier, from what i rember in all the questions i looked in to it was wilfred laurier mainly becues at the time york made you do a year of general science befor you could even go in to the computer science program. Also they did not seems to have much of a co-op program for compsci. Also wilfred laurier had beeter scholarships and a smaller comunity. Tho on the down side of laurier, there campus was a bit overcrowed due to consutruction that was going on that year.
To make an educated deision you should deeply look in to both. A great way of doing this in my option whould be talking to there student unions as they will know the curent issues with the uni and are not as basied as the uni administation. Also a strong student union means more suport for students, epstaly in issues agisted the adminstatrion.
For me lakehead was the best uni in ontraio but of cores i am baised
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cool dude
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 7:40 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i actually looked into the computer science program they have at york, because i will be applying to york, UofT and Waterloo. the university i really want to go to is waterloo, but the expenses are too great to live on campus and going to york will save me a heck of a lot of money. yorks reputation for computer programs is not very known as u can see most ppl on compsci don't know much about it. i'll prolly end up going to york and even though the reputation isn't the best it is a pretty good school. they just rebuilt their computer campus which i might add looks really nice. this is a true fact about york university:
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, is one of the leading academic and research departments in Canada
p.s. wat grade r u in? because we might be applying to york at the same time so i might see u there if i choose york over waterloo.
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:59 am Post subject: (No subject)
out of the two, york would be the better choice. but the cs program there isnt prestigious by any measures. They sponser a science olympiad every year, and one of the events is to build a robocode AI, the prof there couldnt even tell when teams were cheating.. my team ended up picking out all the cheaters...
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
naturally I know york and laurier aren't as prestigious as waterloo or U of T, but those schools are out of the question because they're too far (I have somewhere to live if I go to laurier). My major concern is this: at york or laurier, will I learn about as much as I would at waterloo or U of T? I plan to get my masters anyway so prestige isn't a big thing. I just want to know if I'll come out of the course with roughly the same degree of education.
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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
before Dan claims that you will, I'm going to point out that Waterloo students consistantly demonstrate themselves in international events.
Though all that really says is that Waterloo has gifted students (it would be difficult to say if they were taught better, or just started off better).
Dan - correct me on this, but doesn't Lakehead U. has redicilously easy CS? On the flip side U of Waterloo's CS drop-out rate is 40%.
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:14 pm Post subject: (No subject)
if you have a place to live for laurier, why not just live at the same place for waterloo? its just down the street... also, for a masters, they consider what school you came from, and top shools would much prefer let a waterloo student into their program than laurier/york
cool dude
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Andy wrote:
if you have a place to live for laurier, why not just live at the same place for waterloo? its just down the street... also, for a masters, they consider what school you came from, and top shools would much prefer let a waterloo student into their program than laurier/york
i disagree. if your a good student u would get in anyways, and also like Tony said Lakehead has easier CS therefore Dan should get higher marks that a waterloo student and should get into masters over someone with a lower marker from Waterloo. for example, lets say i went to york and have a A average, and then u go to waterloo and have a B+ average. most likely they would accept me over u to do masters.
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Universities adjust your entry marks based on what highschool you come from. Don't you think that the same will be applicable for graduate programs?
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:52 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well ive been looking into universities for when im ready to apply for university (in two years im probably going into math and CS), and ive got to say Waterloo and york are looking good for me, and i really want to get waterloo, but the only thing is its expensive, so im gonna have to work my ass off to get the money to go there, and even then im gonna be way in the hole afterwards.... but i mean, waterloo has an amazing prestige for CS and math so.. ya thats my take on things, but well see whats what
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
SuperFreak82 wrote:
i really want to get waterloo, but the only thing is its expensive, so im gonna have to work my ass off to get the money to go there
the costs should be offset by the comprehensive co-op program. It's also much cheaper to rent housing rather than live in residences - something to consider when evaluating finances.
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
cool dude wrote:
i disagree. if your a good student u would get in anyways, and also like Tony said Lakehead has easier CS therefore Dan should get higher marks that a waterloo student and should get into masters over someone with a lower marker from Waterloo. for example, lets say i went to york and have a A average, and then u go to waterloo and have a B+ average. most likely they would accept me over u to do masters.
you really think stanford is even gona read your application if you put your degree is from york? they get thousands of applications, and york is clearly by far their top choice