function Find_Length (X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : int) : real
result sqrt (((X2 - X1) ** 2) + ((Y2 - Y1) ** 2))
end Find_Length
process Boss_Defeat_Sound
for D : 1 .. 40
sound (D * 10, 100)
end for
end Boss_Defeat_Sound
process Boom
sound (100, 100)
end Boom
process Boom2
sound (300, 200)
sound (100, 100)
end Boom2
%%%%Vars and consts
const NUM_OF_STARS := 100
const BULLET_NUM := 20
const NUM_OF_ENEMIES := 100
const SPEED := 4
var XS, YS : array 1 .. NUM_OF_STARS of int
var XE, YE : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES of int
var XB, YB : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES of int
var DX, DY : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES of int
var Count : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES of int
var DXB : int1 := 1
var BulletNum : nat1 := 1
var Fire : boolean := false
var BossKill : boolean := false
var BossHealth : int1 := 100
var PCount : array 1 .. BULLET_NUM of nat2
var XPB, YPB : array 1 .. BULLET_NUM of int
var PauseKey : char
var EnHit : array 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES of boolean
var Hit : array 1 .. BULLET_NUM of boolean
var GotOne : array 1 .. BULLET_NUM of boolean
var Key : array char of boolean
var Boss : boolean := false
var KillCount : nat
var BX, BY : int
var X, Y : int
var Shields : int := 100
var Font1 : int := Font.New ("Fixedsys:50")
var Font2 : int := Font.New ("Fixedsys:30")
var Font3 : int := Font.New ("Fixedsys:12")
var IntToString : string
var HC : int := 10
% setup screen
setscreen ("graphics:max,max,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,title:SPACE ACE")
colorback (7)
%starting values for vars
const MID_X := maxx div 2
const MID_Y := maxy div 2
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_STARS
randint (XS (Index), 1, maxx)
randint (YS (Index), 1, maxy)
end for
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES
randint (XE (Index), 1, maxx)
YE (Index) := maxy + 200
XB (Index) := XE (Index)
YB (Index) := YE (Index)
randint (DX (Index), -1, 1)
Count (Index) := 0
EnHit (Index) := false
end for
BY := maxy - 40
X := MID_X
Y := 15
for Index : 1 .. BULLET_NUM
Hit (Index) := false
PCount (Index) := 0
GotOne (Index) := false
KillCount := 0
YPB (Index) := 1
XPB (Index) := 1
end for
Font.Draw ("Space Ace", 150, 400, Font1, 10)
Font.Draw ("Made by Peter Watt", 150, 200, Font2, 0)
Font.Draw ("(press any key to continue)", 50, 100, Font2, 10)
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_STARS
drawdot (XS (Index), YS (Index), 0)
if YS (Index) < 1 then
YS (Index) := maxy
randint (XS (Index), 1, maxx)
end if
YS (Index) := YS (Index) - SPEED
end for
drawfilloval (X, Y + 3, 5, 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 5, Y - 10, X + 5, Y + 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 10, Y - 8, X + 10, Y - 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 2, Y + 2, X + 2, Y - 1, 9)
PauseKey := getchar
color (15)
put "********"
put ""
put "Fire : space bar"
put "Pause : enter key"
put "Move left : left arrow key"
put "Move right : right arrow key"
put ""
color (10)
put "********"
put "The point of this mission is to destroy the enemy's latest weapon"
put "The weapon has been code named LIGHTING ROD because of it's new "
put "electro-beam canon witch causes great damage."
put "The enemy fighters should fall back to let the LIGHTING ROD destroy you"
put "if you destroy enough of them"
put "good luck"
color (0)
put ""
put ""
put "The strength of your shields is shown by the bar across the top of the" ..
put " screen."
put "Press any key to continue"
PauseKey := getchar
color (0)
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_STARS
drawdot (XS (Index), YS (Index), 0)
if YS (Index) < 1 then
YS (Index) := maxy
randint (XS (Index), 1, maxx)
end if
YS (Index) := YS (Index) - SPEED
end for
for Index : 1 .. NUM_OF_ENEMIES
if Boss = true then
XE (Index) := BX + Index
YE (Index) := BY
drawfilloval (XE (Index), YE (Index) - 3, 5, 5, 15)
drawfillbox (XE (Index) - 5, YE (Index) + 10, XE (Index) + 5, YE (Index) - 5, 15)
drawfillbox (XE (Index) - 10, YE (Index) + 8, XE (Index) + 10, YE (Index) + 5, 15)
drawfillbox (XE (Index) - 2, YE (Index) - 2, XE (Index) + 2, YE (Index) + 1, 12)
end if
if XE (Index) > maxx or XE (Index) < 1 then
DX (Index) := -DX (Index)
end if
XE (Index) := XE (Index) + DX (Index)
if XE (Index) < X + 10 and XE (Index) > X - 10 and EnHit (Index) = false then
EnHit (Index) := true
Count (Index) := 0
XB (Index) := XE (Index)
YB (Index) := YE (Index)
end if
if EnHit (Index) = true then
Count (Index) := Count (Index) + 1
YB (Index) := YB (Index) - (SPEED * 3)
if Boss = false then
drawfilloval (XB (Index), YB (Index), 2, 3, 10)
drawfilloval (XB (Index), YB (Index), 2, 3, 14)
end if
if Count (Index) > 100 then
EnHit (Index) := false
Count (Index) := 0
end if
if XB (Index) < X + 10 and XB (Index) > X - 10 and YB (Index) > Y - 8
and YB (Index) < Y + 5 then
Shields := Shields - 2
fork Boom2
end if
end if
if YE (Index) < 1 then
randint (YE (Index), maxy + 50, maxy + 200)
randint (XE (Index), 1, maxx)
end if
YE (Index) := YE (Index) - (SPEED div 2)
if Boss = false then
for PlayerHit : 1 .. BULLET_NUM
if YPB (PlayerHit) < YE (Index) + 10 and YPB (PlayerHit) > YE (Index) - 5 and XPB (PlayerHit) > XE (Index) - 10 and
XPB (PlayerHit) < XE (Index) + 10 and GotOne (PlayerHit) = false then
randint (YE (Index), maxy + 50, maxy + 200)
randint (XE (Index), 1, maxx)
GotOne (PlayerHit) := true
KillCount := KillCount + 1
if KillCount >= 200 then
Boss := true
end if
fork Boom
end if
end for
end if
end for
Input.KeyDown (Key)
if X - 10 < 1 then
X := X + SPEED
elsif X + 10 > maxx then
X := X - SPEED
end if
if Key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
X := X + SPEED
elsif Key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
X := X - SPEED
end if
% pause
if Key (KEY_ENTER) then
Font.Draw ("Game Paused", MID_X - 200, MID_Y + 100, Font1, 0)
Font.Draw ("(press any key to continue", MID_X - 100, MID_Y, Font3, 0)
PauseKey := getchar
end if
if Key (' ') and Fire = false then
Fire := true
YPB (BulletNum) := Y
XPB (BulletNum) := X
PCount (BulletNum) := 0
Hit (BulletNum) := true
GotOne (BulletNum) := false
if BulletNum >= BULLET_NUM then
BulletNum := 1
BulletNum := BulletNum + 1
end if
elsif Key (' ') = false then
Fire := false
end if
for Index : 1 .. BULLET_NUM
if Hit (Index) = true then
YPB (Index) := YPB (Index) + (SPEED * 3)
PCount (Index) := PCount (Index) + 1
if PCount (Index) > 50 then
Hit (Index) := false
end if
end if
if GotOne (Index) = false and Hit (Index) then
drawfilloval (XPB (Index), YPB (Index), 2, 3, 12)
end if
end for
drawfilloval (X, Y + 3, 5, 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 5, Y - 10, X + 5, Y + 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 10, Y - 8, X + 10, Y - 5, 0)
drawfillbox (X - 2, Y + 2, X + 2, Y - 1, 9)
if BossKill = false and Boss = true then
BX := BX + DXB
if BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES > maxx or BX <= 1 then
end if
drawfillbox (BX, BY, BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES, BY + 20, 15)
drawfilloval (BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES div 2, BY + 3, 3, 4, 10)
IntToString := intstr (BossHealth)
drawfillbox (maxx - 18, 20 + (BossHealth * 2), maxx - 25, 20, 12)
drawbox (maxx - 19, 21 + (101 * 2), maxx - 24, 22, 0)
Font.Draw (IntToString + "%", maxx - 20, 10, Font3, 0)
for Index : 1 .. BULLET_NUM
if YPB (Index) < BY + 10 and YPB (Index) > BY and XPB (Index) > BX and
XPB (Index) < BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES and GotOne (Index) = false then
BossHealth := BossHealth - 1
if BossHealth <= 0 then
BossKill := true
end if
GotOne (Index) := true
fork Boom
end if
end for
end if
IntToString := intstr (KillCount)
Font.Draw ("Enemies destroyed " + IntToString, 1, maxy - 35, Font3, 12)
IntToString := intstr (Shields)
if Shields < 60 and Shields > 30 then
HC := 14
elsif Shields < 30 then
HC := 12
end if
drawbox (maxx - 400, maxy - 20, maxx - 200, maxy - 10, 0)
drawfillbox (maxx - 398, maxy - 18, maxx - 398 + (Shields * 2), maxy - 12, HC)
Font.Draw (IntToString + "%", maxx - 198, maxy - 20, Font3, 0)
exit when Shields <= 0 or BossKill = true
delay (10)
end loop
var XEX, YEX : int
var RY : int
if Shields <= 0 then
Font.Draw ("You've been killed!", 1, MID_Y, Font1, 10)
for Explosion : 1 .. 300
randint (XEX, X - 40, X + 40)
randint (YEX, Y - 40, Y + 40)
exit when Find_Length (X, Y, XEX, YEX) < 40
end loop
randint (RY, 1, 2)
if RY = 1 then
RY := 12
RY := 14
end if
drawdot (XEX, YEX, RY)
end for
fork Boss_Defeat_Sound
for Explosion : 1 .. 300
randint (XEX, BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES div 2 - 70, BX + NUM_OF_ENEMIES div 2 + 70)
randint (YEX, BY - 70, BY + 70)
randint (RY, 1, 2)
if RY = 1 then
RY := 12
RY := 14
end if
drawdot (XEX, YEX, RY)
end for
Font.Draw ("You Win!", MID_X - 50, MID_Y, Font1, 10)
end if
PauseKey := getchar