Confirm Pass and gui text field help
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Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:29 pm Post subject: Confirm Pass and gui text field help |
after struggling for 2 hours i made this simple i am trying to get it to check if
1. All the fields are Filled in [not empty
2. Password and password confirm equal eachother
3. Email adress has "@something.ext" ending
but i cant seem to figure it out
help is REALLY REALLY needed appreciated
here is the code
code: |
module zenix_textfields
import GUI, render, font_register
export name_field, emailid_field, register_fields, new_user, new_pass, new_email
var emailid_field, name_field, password_field, passwordconfirm_field : int % The Text Field IDs.
var new_email, new_pass, new_user,conf_pass : string := ""
const x_register := (maxx div 2) + 50
% ------------------
% UserName
% ------------------
procedure NameEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (emailid_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (emailid_field)
end NameEntered
% ------------------
% Email Adress
% ------------------
procedure emailEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (name_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (name_field)
end emailEntered
% -----------------------------
% Password & Confirm Password
% -----------------------------
procedure passwordEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (password_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (password_field)
end passwordEntered
procedure password2Entered (text : string) % Confirm Password
GUI.SetSelection (passwordconfirm_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (passwordconfirm_field)
end password2Entered
% ------------------------
% Fields for Registration
% ------------------------
procedure register_fields
var registerButton := GUI.CreateButton (x_register - 50, 200, 200, "Register", GUI.Quit)
name_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 400, 150, "",
NameEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
emailid_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 370, 130, "",
emailEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
password_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 340, 120, "",
passwordEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
GUI.SetEchoChar (password_field, '*')
passwordconfirm_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 310, 120, "",
password2Entered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
GUI.SetEchoChar (passwordconfirm_field, '*')
var nameLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 400, "User Name:", 0, 0,
var addressLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 370, "Email:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
var passlabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 340, "Password:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
var pass2label := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 310, " Confirm Password:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
% -------------------
% Gets all the Input
% -------------------
new_user := GUI.GetText (name_field)
new_pass := GUI.GetText (password_field)
conf_pass := GUI.GetText (passwordconfirm_field)
new_email := GUI.GetText (emailid_field)
end register_fields
end zenix_textfields
Thanks |
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Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:25 am Post subject: (No subject) |
i struggled till 3 Am last night but still cant get it to work i was also trying to limit the input [to 20 digits/characters] but it dint work either
help pleasee |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:53 am Post subject: (No subject) |
after 4 hours of struggling i got it to ask the user for the pass thing again if tehy dont equal eachother...but when the form shows has the previous input in there a way of clearing it up?
here is my code
code: |
module zenix_textfields
import GUI, render, font_register
export name_field, emailid_field, register_fields, new_user, new_pass, new_email
var emailid_field, name_field, password_field, passwordconfirm_field : int % The Text Field IDs.
var new_email, new_pass, new_user, conf_pass : string := ""
const x_register := (maxx div 2) + 50
% ------------------
% UserName
% ------------------
procedure NameEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (emailid_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (emailid_field)
end NameEntered
% ------------------
% Email Adress
% ------------------
procedure emailEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (name_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (name_field)
end emailEntered
% -----------------------------
% Password & Confirm Password
% -----------------------------
procedure passwordEntered (text : string)
GUI.SetSelection (password_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (password_field)
end passwordEntered
procedure password2Entered (text : string) % Confirm Password
GUI.SetSelection (passwordconfirm_field, 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (passwordconfirm_field)
end password2Entered
% ------------------------
% Fields for Registration
% ------------------------
procedure register_fields
var registerButton := GUI.CreateButton (x_register - 50, 200, 200, "Register", GUI.Quit)
name_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 400, 150, "",
NameEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
emailid_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 370, 130, "",
emailEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
password_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 340, 120, "",
passwordEntered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
GUI.SetEchoChar (password_field, '*')
passwordconfirm_field := GUI.CreateTextFieldFull (x_register, 310, 120, "",
password2Entered, GUI.INDENT, 0, 0)
GUI.SetEchoChar (passwordconfirm_field, '*')
var nameLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 400, "User Name:", 0, 0,
var addressLabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 370, "Email:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
var passlabel := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 340, "Password:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
var pass2label := GUI.CreateLabelFull (x_register - 50, 310, " Confirm Password:", 0, 0,
GUI.RIGHT, font_register)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
% -------------------
% Gets all the Input
% -------------------
new_user := GUI.GetText (name_field)
new_pass := GUI.GetText (password_field)
conf_pass := GUI.GetText (passwordconfirm_field)
new_email := GUI.GetText (emailid_field)
if new_pass = conf_pass then
end if
end loop
end register_fields
end zenix_textfields
Thanks |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:06 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Since your code is not runnable, i'll go through each step for ya.
1. If a field is empty, the value of the field will be "". What you can do is run through all of the fields and check if any of them are equal to "". If one is, add it to a list of empty fields, here's an example.
code: |
import GUI
var field : array 1 .. 3 of int
var emptyFields : flexible array 1 .. 0 of string
proc blah (thing : string)
GUI.SetSelection (field (1), 0, 0)
GUI.SetActive (field (1))
end blah
proc doneProc
for i : 1 .. upper (field)
if GUI.GetText (field (i)) = "" then %If = nothing
new emptyFields, upper (emptyFields) + 1 %new field
emptyFields (upper (emptyFields)) := "Field " + intstr (i) %storing
put emptyFields (upper (emptyFields)) %displaying
end if
end for
end doneProc
var done : int := GUI.CreateButton (300, 150, 1, "Done", doneProc)
for i : 1 .. upper (field)
field (i) := GUI.CreateTextField (100, 200 - (i * 30), 100, "", blah)
end for
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
That example simply stores the name if the field so it can be displayed. It can be changed around so that it suits the appropriate name.
2. You need to store the value of the password as he types it (maybe open in a new window so that ONLY that field is being used),then go from there
3. use a for loop with some string manipulation.
such as . .
[syntax="turing-ish pseudo"]
for i: 1 .. length(email)
if email(i) = "@" and has not had a "." before then
email = ok
end if
end for[/syntax]
Good luck, i'd expand more but i gotta run. |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:59 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
nice code..but if a field is do i get it to RESTART the form it tells u 2 input something in there... |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:02 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Well what im doing in that code is displaying the empty fields then exiting the loop. What I would do in this situation is open a new window, tell the user which fields are empty then return to the main screen. Take a quick look at this program, its not source code but it's what im talking about. |
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:05 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
What i also ment to add in was just go File -> Save, it'll show exactly what I mean. |
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:27 am Post subject: (No subject) |
i still dont get it :'(
can anyone please add me on msn and help me out |
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Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:42 am Post subject: (No subject) |
unknowngiver wrote: ahan
nice code..but if a field is do i get it to RESTART the form it tells u 2 input something in there...
ok, you see jamonathin's code right? its pretty excellent code, to deactivate the exiting of the "form process", just remove the "GUI.Quit" from the doneProc... it should make logical sense eh? |
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:56 am Post subject: (No subject) |
yaiii it worked
Now I need to make them blank after the registration..because if they click the REGISTER button again...the page has all the stuff that they had before [its not clearing it..] |
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:03 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
F10 and
Look that up it has 2 args, (widgetID : int, text : string) the widgetID is the widget id duh. and the text would be "" (empty string) to blank-en (?) them. |