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 better pong game
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:08 am   Post subject: better pong game

var downLine := 1
var x, y : int
var dx, dy := 1
var player1, player2 : string
var ok : boolean := false
var background := green
var menuFont := Font.New ("serif:25")
var scoreFont := Font.New ("serif:18")
var getKey : array char of boolean
var dir, dir3 := 100
var dir2, dir4 := 180
var score1P, score2P := 0
var stickSpeed := 10
var ballSpeed := -15
x := 70
y := 313

setscreen ("cursor")

process DrawText
for i : 0 .. 255
Draw.Text ("JEFF'S PONG GAME", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy div 2,menuFont, i)
end for
exit when ok = true
end loop
end DrawText

procedure MainMenu
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, yellow)
fork DrawText
colorback (yellow)
locate (17, 25)
put " Player 1's Name: " ..
get player1 : *
locate (18, 25)
put " Player 2's Name: " ..
get player2 : *
put " Player 1 uses the arrow keys, and Player 2 uses the W,S,A,D keys"
delay (1300)

score1P := 0
score2P := 0
ok := true
end MainMenu


View.Set ("offscreenonly")

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, background)
drawbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)

procedure MoveUp1P
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, background)
dir += 1
dir2 += 1
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveUp1P

procedure MoveDown1P
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, background)
dir -= 1
dir2 -= 1
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveDown1P

procedure MoveUp2P
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, background)
dir3 += 1
dir4 += 1
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveUp2P

procedure MoveDown2P
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, background)
dir3 -= 1
dir4 -= 1
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveDown2P

procedure Pause
end Pause

process Ball
locate (1, 1)
colorback (yellow)

put player1, ' ', score1P
locate (1, 43)
put player2, ' ', score2P
x += dx
y += dy
delay (ballSpeed) % Balls speed
drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, yellow)
drawoval (x, y, 5, 5, black)
drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, 0, (maxx div 2), maxy, white)
drawbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, 0, (maxx div 2), maxy, black)
drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, background)

if (x = 40) and (y >= dir and y <= dir2) then

dx := -dx
elsif (x < 40) then
score2P += 1

x := 550
y := 300
elsif (x >= maxx - 40) and (y >= dir3 and y <= dir4) then

dx := -dx
elsif (x > maxx - 40) then
score1P += 1

x := 70
y := 300
elsif (y = 0) or (y = maxy - 20) then

dy := -dy
end if
end loop
end Ball

fork Ball

Input.KeyDown (getKey)
if getKey ('w') then
end if
if getKey ('s') then
end if
if getKey (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_ENTER) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_ESC) then

end if
% Player 1 Boundaries
if (dir <= 0) and (dir2 <= 80) then
dir := 0
dir2 := 80
elsif (dir >= maxy - 80) and (dir2 >= maxy - 80) then
dir2 := maxy
dir := maxy - 80
end if
% Player 2 Boundaries
if (dir3 <= 0) and (dir4 <= 80) then
dir3 := 0
dir4 := 80
elsif (dir3 >= maxy - 80) and (dir4 >= maxy - 80) then
dir3 := maxy - 80
dir4 := maxy
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:09 am   Post subject: Re: better pong game

can you guys rate my game from 1 to 10, and give it improvements, plz

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:22 am   Post subject: RE:better pong game

I can't rate it, because I'm not on computer with turing... but I REALLY wish people could use code tags.
Like this:
%this is turing code
int num := 0
put "Hello World"

Also, you double posted.
Shun the double poster! Shuuun! Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnned!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:52 am   Post subject: Re: better pong game

var downLine := 1
var x, y : int
var dx, dy := 1
var player1, player2 : string
var ok : boolean := false
var background := green
var menuFont := Font.New ("serif:25")
var scoreFont := Font.New ("serif:18")
var getKey : array char of boolean
var dir, dir3 := 100
var dir2, dir4 := 180
var score1P, score2P := 0
var stickSpeed := 10
var ballSpeed := -15
x := 70
y := 313

setscreen ("cursor")

process DrawText
for i : 0 .. 255
Draw.Text ("JEFF'S PONG GAME", maxx div 2 - 150, maxy div 2,menuFont, i)
end for
exit when ok = true
end loop
end DrawText

procedure MainMenu
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, yellow)
fork DrawText
colorback (yellow)
locate (17, 25)
put " Player 1's Name: " ..
get player1 : *
locate (18, 25)
put " Player 2's Name: " ..
get player2 : *
put " Player 1 uses the arrow keys, and Player 2 uses the W,S,A,D keys"
delay (1300)

score1P := 0
score2P := 0
ok := true
end MainMenu


View.Set ("offscreenonly")

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, background)
drawbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)

procedure MoveUp1P
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, background)
dir += 1
dir2 += 1
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveUp1P

procedure MoveDown1P
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, background)
dir -= 1
dir2 -= 1
drawfillbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, white)
drawbox (20, dir2, 30, dir, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveDown1P

procedure MoveUp2P
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, background)
dir3 += 1
dir4 += 1
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveUp2P

procedure MoveDown2P
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, background)
dir3 -= 1
dir4 -= 1
drawfillbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, white)
drawbox (maxx - 20, dir4, maxx - 30, dir3, black)
delay (stickSpeed)

end MoveDown2P

procedure Pause
end Pause

process Ball
locate (1, 1)
colorback (yellow)

put player1, ' ', score1P
locate (1, 43)
put player2, ' ', score2P
x += dx
y += dy
delay (ballSpeed) % Balls speed
drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, yellow)
drawoval (x, y, 5, 5, black)
drawfillbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, 0, (maxx div 2), maxy, white)
drawbox ((maxx div 2) - 10, 0, (maxx div 2), maxy, black)
drawfilloval (x, y, 5, 5, background)

if (x = 40) and (y >= dir and y <= dir2) then

dx := -dx
elsif (x < 40) then
score2P += 1

x := 550
y := 300
elsif (x >= maxx - 40) and (y >= dir3 and y <= dir4) then

dx := -dx
elsif (x > maxx - 40) then
score1P += 1

x := 70
y := 300
elsif (y = 0) or (y = maxy - 20) then

dy := -dy
end if
end loop
end Ball

fork Ball

Input.KeyDown (getKey)
if getKey ('w') then
end if
if getKey ('s') then
end if
if getKey (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_ENTER) then
end if
if getKey (KEY_ESC) then

end if
% Player 1 Boundaries
if (dir <= 0) and (dir2 <= 80) then
dir := 0
dir2 := 80
elsif (dir >= maxy - 80) and (dir2 >= maxy - 80) then
dir2 := maxy
dir := maxy - 80
end if
% Player 2 Boundaries
if (dir3 <= 0) and (dir4 <= 80) then
dir3 := 0
dir4 := 80
elsif (dir3 >= maxy - 80) and (dir4 >= maxy - 80) then
dir3 := maxy - 80
dir4 := maxy
end if
end loop

There now we can get a better look.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:41 pm   Post subject: RE:better pong game


Either do one of two things:

1) slow down the ball
2) speed up the paddles.

also, the "jeff's pong game" seems to erase when the ball moves through it.

no glitches with the ball, thought (which seems to be my problem right now)

other than taht, it's palyable, good job.

Edit: sry, 6/10. final word: could be improved.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:38 pm   Post subject: RE:better pong game

Dont use processes.
Your collision looks a bit off.

I would rate it 8/10, because i am a good person Very Happy.
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