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 Looking for advice
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:23 pm   Post subject: Looking for advice

I'm currently working as a freelance web designer and while the money is alright and the job is fairly fun I'm constantly yearn for further education. After I finished high school 4 years ago I never applied to any collages and I just took some part time courses at my local collage (programming logic and design is the only beneficial course I've taken so far) and I've been trying to learn by reading various books but I'm just not sure where to start really.

Firstly how do universities handle students who have been out of high school for some time? I never applied myself throughout high school besides the first semester where I had an average of 90%. I failed quite a few classes just out of sheer boredom, disinterest, and imo a poor atmosphere. My teachers actually told me I was self defeating and that I should see a joke lol. How do universities handle individuals like myself (if they do at all Razz)? I think computer science and specifically artificial intelligence would interest me.

Secondly, I'd like some honest opinions on the likelihood I could get into a good program and if you guys think it would be best to just try and take on my areas of interest on my own the way I've been doing thus far.

Regardless of what I end up doing I'm interested in my education for myself and not just so I can get a good job.


PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:48 pm   Post subject: RE:Looking for advice

Once you have been out of high school for long enough, you get to apply as a "mature student" (this is the key term to look for in admission requirements). Looking at UWaterloo as an example, it seems that the definitions/requirements are different from faculty to faculty (so as such, I would imagine that it's also not standardized across Universities).


the University of Waterloo?s definition of a Mature Student varies by faculty. In all cases, it is not defined by age but by level of academic background and number of years since the applicant last attended formal secondary school. All faculties require a minimum number of specific Ontario Grade 12 U and/or M courses (or equivalents) in addition to meeting their definition of a Mature Student.


If it has been more than three years since the Ontario secondary school mathematics courses were completed, applicants may be asked to repeat some or all of the required courses before being considered for admission.

If these courses were not completed at the Ontario secondary school U-level, UW?s pre-university Calculus (MATH 052) and Algebra and Geometry (MATH 051) are acceptable alternatives if completed with competitive results.

Given years of work experience, you'll likely find introduction CS courses to be boring/slow/etc. Interesting stuff doesn't start until the second year (or even later, depending on the University). At the same time, Math courses might be extra difficult, due to being out of experience. You might have to put in more effort in the first year or two than other students (and yes, getting yourself to care enough boring courses to pass is a type of effort), but it should level out after.

I've definitely seen a few mature students in my classes (as in, obviously older). Just 4 years (as is in your case) is not a problem, as there will be people your age in their senior years still on campus (and grad students are even older). So you still get the full benefits of social interactions.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:01 pm   Post subject: Re: Looking for advice

singen @ Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:23 pm wrote:
I'm currently working as a freelance web designer and while the money is alright and the job is fairly fun I'm constantly yearn for further education. After I finished high school 4 years ago I never applied to any collages and I just took some part time courses at my local collage (programming logic and design is the only beneficial course I've taken so far) and I've been trying to learn by reading various books but I'm just not sure where to start really.

Firstly how do universities handle students who have been out of high school for some time? I never applied myself throughout high school besides the first semester where I had an average of 90%. I failed quite a few classes just out of sheer boredom, disinterest, and imo a poor atmosphere. My teachers actually told me I was self defeating and that I should see a joke lol. How do universities handle individuals like myself (if they do at all Razz)? I think computer science and specifically artificial intelligence would interest me.

Secondly, I'd like some honest opinions on the likelihood I could get into a good program and if you guys think it would be best to just try and take on my areas of interest on my own the way I've been doing thus far.

Regardless of what I end up doing I'm interested in my education for myself and not just so I can get a good job.


1. Different universities have different definitions for mature students. Some consider an adult without any prior post-secondary education a mature student, some consider an adult who has prior post-secondary education but has been out of school (either drop out or graduate) for a certain period a mature student. I believe when considered a mature student he/she is not necessarily only accessed by the high school grades. his achievements/work experience is also taken into consideration. You will have to find out which school uses which definition of mature student yourself.

2. If by good program you mean studying a subject at a good university, it's important you make sure that your credentials are acceptable to that particular university. I myself applied to waterloo soft eng this spring only to find out that I can't even be considered for acceptance because I didn't have Ontario high school credentials, even if I've all the knowledge a local high school graduate would have. I'd had to take some equivalent high school courses to demonstrate myself and apply next year. Before you start to fill all the forms give the recruiting office a call. It might save you time and disappointment.

Hope this helps

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:41 pm   Post subject: RE:Looking for advice

Thank you for the comments. I'm curious to know does anyone know how much group work is generally involved in computer science in schools?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:57 pm   Post subject: RE:Looking for advice

Upper year courses that are described as "have a significantly large project to implement" (Operating Systems, Compilers, etc.) are typically done in groups. The groups are self-selecting though, so should you wish to solo through the project (group size of 1), that is always an option. At least that's been my experience.
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