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 does this program loop forever?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:22 pm   Post subject: does this program loop forever?

#include <pic.h>
/* cRandom.c

Hardware Notes:
RA0 - Connected to D0 Input for Motor 1 (left wheel)
RA1 - Connected to D1 Input for Motor 1

RC0 - Connected to D2 Input for Motor 2 (right wheel)
RC1 - Connected to D3 Input for Motor 2


Anson Mo, Harnish
December 16, 2008
// ----------------------------------------------------------

//config statement

//declare variables
int i, j;
char counter;

// ----------------------------------------------------------

// mainline of cRandom.c
CMCON0 = 7; //Turn off all Comparators
ANSEL = 0; //Teach all ports to be digital

TRISA = 0b001000; // Teach all PORTA to be outputs except RA3(input)
TRISC = 0b000000; // Teach all PORTC to be outputs.

while (1==1)
// move robot forward by making the left motor and right motor move in direct A
PORTA = 0b000001; // Teach RA0 to be on consequently making D0 of the left motor on and thus
// making it turn in Direction A (forward).

PORTC = 0b000001; // Teach RC0 to be on consequently making D0 of the right motor on and thus
// making it turn in Direction A (forward)
for(counter = 0; counter<10; counter++)// repeat the code 10 times to loop 500 milliseconds 10 times
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 129; j++);//initiate a delay of 5 seconds

// spin robot left by making left motor spin backwards(D1 on) and right motor spin forwards(D0 on)
PORTA = 0b000010; // Teach RA0 to be oFF and RA1 to be on consequently
// making D1 of the left motor on and turning in direction B (backwards)

PORTC = 0b000001; // Teach RC0 to be on consequently making D0 of the right motor on
// and making it turn in Direction A (Forward)
for(counter = 0; counter<9; counter++)// repeat the code 9 times to loop 250 milliseconds 9 times
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++);//initiate a delay of 2.25 seconds

// move robot backwards by making left motor and right motor move in direction B
PORTA = 0b000010; // Teach RA0 to be oFF and RA1 to be on consequently
// making D1 of the left motor on and turning in direction B (backwards)

PORTC = 0b000010; // Teach RC0 to be oFF and RC1 to be on consequently
// making D1 of the right motor on and turning in direction B (backwards)
for(counter = 0; counter<9; counter++)// repeat the code 9 times to loop 500 milliseconds 9 times
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 129; j++);//initiate a delay of 4.5 seconds

// spin robot right by making left motor spin forwards(D0 on) and right motor spin backwards(D1 on)
PORTA = 0b000001; // Teach RA0 to be on consequently making D0 of the left MOTOR
// motor on and making it turn in Direction A (Forward)

PORTC = 0b000010; // Teach RC0 to be oFF and RC1 to be on consequently
// making D1 of the right motor on and turning in direction B (backwards)
for(counter = 0; counter<15; counter++)// repeat the code 15 times to loop 250 milliseconds 15 times
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++);//initiate a delay of 3.75 seconds

// spin robot right by making left motor spin forwards(D0 on) and right motor spin backwards(D1 on)
PORTA = 0b000000; // Teach all RA ports to be be off consequently setting the D0 and D1 of the left motor to off.
// This will make the motor stop

PORTC = 0b000000; // Teach all RC ports to be be off consequently setting the D0 and D1 of the right motor to off.
// This will make the right motor stop
for(counter = 0; counter<4; counter++)// repeat the code 4 times to loop 500 milliseconds 4 times
for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 129; j++);//initiate a delay of 2 seconds


} // End cRandom.c
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