Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:51 pm Post subject: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
What is it you are trying to achieve?
I have a picture with a background, and I want the background to change colours, while the picture on front stays there. (The background a bunch of triangles that meet in the (near)middle of the screen, the first on is green, the next blue, then green, etc.) I want the 2 colours to alternate (the green become blue for a sec, then back to green) so it looks like its flashing. There are also circles randomly between the 2 layers (the blue triangles, then circles, then green triangles)
I can't really describe it, you should just look at my 2 attachments.
What is the problem you are having?
Trying to keep the background in the background (while alternating colours), while there are other pictures on top. The background just goes right on top.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
- using a loop to alternate colours (that ends up filling the screen)
- using a process and fork. the process has the colours looping. (im pretty sure im doing something wrong), this succeeds in alternating colours, but the background is the whole picture. (and when it starts out, one of the triangles is supposed to be green, but starts out blue (but in the next loop its green)
- tried putting it in different spots.
- teacher did some complicated loop thing that made one colour alternate, but not the other set of triangles. (i coulnt get it to do the other set to change colours)
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
*I dont want people in my class copying, i am not going to post the whole picture*
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
One other question
If you see my picture, i have a few stars. can you make them move off the screen? I know to animate it normally, you 'erase' it by redrawing it in the background colour, but my background is not a solid colour, how would you make it move?
alternating blue and green.t
What I am trying to achieve with my picture on top.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:33 pm Post subject: RE:Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
The analogy you should be thinking of for animations are movie frames, from a cinema tape. That is, an animation is a sequence of frames, one after another.
draw background
draw foreground
end loop
* Because you'll be drawing parts slower than the screen updates, you'll start getting incomplete frames. This will be especially apparent when clear's blank screen has a high contrast to the rest of the frame (will appear as flashing). This is fixable with offscreenonly and View.Update -- you can read about those after you get the frames to work.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:34 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
Instead of using all those lines in the program, run the program once, with the one background image, and take an image of the entire thing, and save it as a .jpg or .bmp.
Then do that for the second background image.
Or you could just make a picture in turing after drawing the image once. No need for processes when you can do this:
% Background 1 Lines of code var backGround1 :int:=Pic.New(0, 0, maxx, maxy) cls
% Background 2 Lines of Code var backGround2 :int:=Pic.New(0, 0, maxx, maxy) cls
% Domo Image lines of code var domoPic :int:=Pic.New(280, 140, 475, 380) cls
var counter :int process bgDelay
counter :=1 delay(500)
counter :=2 delay(500) end bgDelay
I haven't tried this with your entire code , but in theory, it should work. You could either create these pictures using Pic.New (), or load them externally using Pic.FileNew ().
Basically, You just create a picture for background 1 and 2, and a picture for domo. Then you stick it in a loop, and draw them. bgDelay is used for a 500ms delay between displaying the images. So it will draw backGround1, then delay without halting the program for 500ms, then counter becomes 2, which makes it draw the second background.
Notice the way I'm drawing the backGround pictures? using: picUnderMerge, which acts as it sounds,
Meanwhile, you're drawing Domo on top of the program. Lastly, you're eliminating flickering using View.Update (in conjunction with View.Set ("offscreenonly")). I suppose you could also add a small delay to that.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:58 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
I forgot to mention that the the assignment needs me to actually draw my stuff (not just putting images in, trust me, i wanted to do that). But i figured out how to animate the background without it starting weirdly. I havent tried to put the bg into the bigger picture yet.
Do i need a process to get the background to stay at the back, instead of it coming to the front all the time?
EDIT: One question: Can someone explain to me what exactly is a process and a fork? And how do you use one? The teacher mentioned it, and told me to use one, but didnt really explain it.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:24 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
I really don't think that running concurrent processes is what you're looking for, especially if you're trying to keep the background in the back, since you have no way of telling the computer in what order, or with what priority to run the separate processes.
Tony's post pretty much says it all really. Make a loop that create frames. Draw the background first, then the foreground over top for each. Then call View.Update to update the entire run window at once. The idea is to not show the frame where the background covers the foreground. Here's some links that might be helpful.
Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:30 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
If you ever go about doing this effect again, consider the following diagram:
While more complex, it's much more dynamic.
Basically you iterate (loop) over each section of the pie, while iterating over a list of colours. Drawing a section of a circle can be done with Draw.FillArc in Turing.
Things we need to know first however, is the radius of the circle. That can be found by finding the maximum distance to the edges of the screen. The maximum will be one of the 4 corners. In the diagram, the focal point (center of the circle) is slightly above and to the right the middle of the screen, so the bottom left is the furthest distance.
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Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:15 am Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
TigerFallOut @ Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:58 pm wrote:
I forgot to mention that the the assignment needs me to actually draw my stuff (not just putting images in, trust me, i wanted to do that).
So, The assignment needs you to manually draw all those. You've already done that. So Create a Picture In-Turing sort of speak, that way, say you needed to draw it again, you just use Pic.Draw ().
I don't see the point in messing around trying to get it to work without pictures. You just make it harder on your part.
I did suggest Pic.FileNew(), but since that is loaded externally, then just use:
Which creates a picture between those co-ordinates in Turing, and stores it in a variable.
If you really don't wish for convenience using pictures, then I would suggest procedures.
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:56 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
Thanks for your help and links. I've tried putting the whole thing in a loop, and adding if statements, but i think somethings missing.
In the loop before the picture
var count:int:=0
draw Background1
draw Background2
draw RestOfPicture
At the end i put
count:=2 else
count:=1 endif
The screen ends up flashing between different parts of the picture.
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Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:14 pm Post subject: Re: Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
TigerFallOut @ Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:56 pm wrote:
The screen ends up flashing between different parts of the picture.
Tony @ Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:33 pm wrote:
* Because you'll be drawing parts slower than the screen updates, you'll start getting incomplete frames. This will be especially apparent when clear's blank screen has a high contrast to the rest of the frame (will appear as flashing). This is fixable with offscreenonly and View.Update -- you can read about those after you get the frames to work.
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:27 pm Post subject: RE:Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
I think i got .
I tried earlier offscreenonly and one view.update, but turns out it works with 2 .
EDIT: er, now i have another problem. I'm trying to animate domo's eyes to blink at the same time, so i used a process earlier and forked them. but now it doesnt work. What should i use to correct this?
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:46 pm Post subject: RE:Animating Background picture, while having a picture in front (and staying there)
Not use process. It's fundamentally incompatible with with the idea of View.Update (unless you use synchronization; but using a procedure instead of a process is much easier to understand).
But how do i insert it into the main loop? do i just put it in without the loop, and let the main loop loop it? If i do that, how do i control the blinking speed?