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 2 loops at once
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:28 am   Post subject: 2 loops at once

What is it you are trying to achieve?

Have a box move across the screen while traffic lights are operating.

What is the problem you are having?

Making both happen at once, instead of one after the other.

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem

Trying to put the box moving first, or all in 1 loop, but the box moves a little, lights do 1 rotation, box moves, repeat.

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)


setscreen ("graphics")
var x : int
x := 1
drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 400, darkgrey)
drawfillbox (0, 225, 250, 470, green) %top right grass
drawfillbox (0, 0, 250, 140, green) % bottom right grass
drawfillbox (350, 225, 640, 400, green) %top left grass
drawfillbox (350, 0, 640, 140, green) %bottom left grass

drawfillbox (250, 267, 220, 225, black) %box on the left
drawfillbox (350, 140, 380, 100, black) %box on the right
drawfillbox (301, 250, 350, 225, black) %box on the Top
drawfillbox (299, 113, 250, 140, black) %box on the bottom
       drawfillbox (x + 200, 190, x + 247, 220, red)
  drawfillbox (x + 190, 190, x + 200, 220, darkgrey)
  drawfillbox (300, 1, 300, 400, yellow) %yellowline up and down
drawfillbox (640, 183, 0, 183, yellow)
    x := x + 1
    delay (5)

    drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, brightred) %left red
    drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, brightred) %right red
    drawfilloval (292, 127, 5, 5, brightgreen) %bottom green
    drawfilloval (343, 237, 5, 5, brightgreen) %top green
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (292, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom greenblack
    drawfilloval (343, 237, 5, 5, black) %top greenblack
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (275, 127, 5, 5, yellow) %bottom yellow
    drawfilloval (327, 237, 5, 5, yellow) %top yellow
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (275, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom yellowblack
    drawfilloval (327, 237, 5, 5, black) %top yellowblack
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (260, 127, 5, 5, brightred) %bottom red
    drawfilloval (310, 237, 5, 5, brightred) %top red
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, black) %left redblack
    drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, black) %right redblack
    drawfilloval (235, 231, 5, 5, brightgreen) %left green
    drawfilloval (365, 107, 5, 5, brightgreen) %right green
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (235, 231, 5, 5, black) %left greenblack
    drawfilloval (365, 107, 5, 5, black) %right greenblack
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (235, 245, 5, 5, yellow) %left yellow
    drawfilloval (365, 122, 5, 5, yellow) %right yellow
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (235, 245, 5, 5, black) %left yellowblack
    drawfilloval (365, 122, 5, 5, black) %right yellowblack
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, brightred) %left red
    drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, brightred) %right red
    delay (500)
    drawfilloval (260, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom redblack
    drawfilloval (310, 237, 5, 5, black) %top redblack
end loop

Please specify what version of Turing you are using


PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:19 am   Post subject: Re: 2 loops at once

What you do know about threads and concurrent programming? What you want is really parallel programming, but I'd think concurrency may be close enough in terms of being a topic to research a bit to discover that this isn't that simple as you are shifting from sequential programming where things are done in a specific order to where the order can be jumbled because of multiple paths of execution being done at once.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:37 am   Post subject: RE:2 loops at once

jbking: No multithreading is required.

What you need to do is similar to what's listed under your first attempt, but a little finer-grained.

Did you know that movies, instead of displaying actual fluid motion, just show you a new image about 24 times a second? They do.

What if we apply the same principle here? Well, if we keep re-drawing the scene fast enough, it'll look like it's really animated, even when we're changing multiple things at the same time.

So the code will look something like this:

View.Set ( "offscreenonly" )  % Combined with View.Update later to minimize flicker. You should read about this in the Turing Help.

    % Update world objects here.
    % If the light has been green for a while, make it yellow; if it's been yellow for a while, make it red; if it's been red for a while, make it green.
    % Move the box's coordinates a small amount.

    % Re-draw world objects here.
    Draw.Cls()     % Clear the screen prior to draw...
    % Draw the box (probably Draw.FillBox () )
    % Draw the light(s)

    View.Update()   % Push this drawing to the screen to be visible.

    Time.DelaySinceLast ( 10 )   % Make sure we loop no more than 100 times per second (100 frames per second, as each "frame" is one drawing).
end loop

If you want to get more advanced, you may want to use the time required for each loop to more accurately represent the speeds of your objects. That's likely beyond the scope of the assignment though.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:50 am   Post subject: Re: 2 loops at once

Perhaps I took at the "at once" part a little too literally. Sad

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:25 pm   Post subject: RE:2 loops at once

for your problem you will likely want to store the "state" of the lights, as well as how long they've been like that. That way you can simply

%increase the time for each light
%check to see if it needs to be changed
     %change if neccasary
%move the car
Time.DelaySinceLast(10) %delay max speed 100 fps
end loop

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:09 am   Post subject: Re: 2 loops at once

Thanks for the help guys! I got the program to work but.. there's a lot of flickering Sad
I've tried View.Update, but it doesn't do anything, my screen just remains blank, I think I'm putting it in the wrong spot?

Here's my current code Smile


drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 400, darkgrey)
drawfillbox (0, 225, 250, 470, green) %top right grass
drawfillbox (0, 0, 250, 140, green) % bottom right grass
drawfillbox (350, 225, 640, 400, green) %top left grass
drawfillbox (350, 0, 640, 140, green) %bottom left grass

drawfillbox (250, 267, 220, 225, black) %box on the left
drawfillbox (350, 140, 380, 100, black) %box on the right
drawfillbox (301, 250, 350, 225, black) %box on the Top
drawfillbox (299, 113, 250, 140, black) %box on the bottom
drawfillbox (300, 1, 300, 400, yellow) %yellowline up and down
drawfillbox (640, 183, 0, 183, yellow)

drawfillbox (200, 150,247, 180, red) %car
drawfillbox (350, 190,397, 220, blue) %car

drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, brightred) %left red
drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, brightred) %right red
drawfilloval (292, 127, 5, 5, brightgreen) %bottom green
drawfilloval (343, 237, 5, 5, brightgreen) %top green

drawfilloval (275, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom yellowblack
drawfilloval (327, 237, 5, 5, black) %top yellowblack


drawfilloval (235, 245, 5, 5, black) %left yellowblack
drawfilloval (365, 122, 5, 5, black) %right yellowblack

drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, brightred) %left red
drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, brightred) %right red

drawfilloval (260, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom redblack
drawfilloval (310, 237, 5, 5, black) %top redblack
delay (1500)


drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 400, darkgrey)
drawfillbox (0, 225, 250, 470, green) %top right grass
drawfillbox (0, 0, 250, 140, green) % bottom right grass
drawfillbox (350, 225, 640, 400, green) %top left grass
drawfillbox (350, 0, 640, 140, green) %bottom left grass

drawfillbox (250, 267, 220, 225, black) %box on the left
drawfillbox (350, 140, 380, 100, black) %box on the right
drawfillbox (301, 250, 350, 225, black) %box on the Top
drawfillbox (299, 113, 250, 140, black) %box on the bottom
drawfillbox (300, 1, 300, 400, yellow) %yellowline up and down
drawfillbox (640, 183, 0, 183, yellow)

drawfillbox (200, 150,247, 180, red) %CAR
drawfillbox (350, 190,397, 220, blue) %car

drawfilloval (235, 260, 5, 5, brightred) %left red
drawfilloval (365, 133, 5, 5, brightred) %right red

drawfilloval (275, 127, 5, 5, yellow) %bottom yellow
drawfilloval (327, 237, 5, 5, yellow) %top yellow

drawfilloval (292, 127, 5, 5, black) %bottom greenblack
drawfilloval (343, 237, 5, 5, black) %top greenblack

delay (1000)



var x:int

drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 400, darkgrey)
drawfillbox (0, 225, 250, 470, green) %top right grass
drawfillbox (0, 0, 250, 140, green) % bottom right grass
drawfillbox (350, 225, 640, 400, green) %top left grass
drawfillbox (350, 0, 640, 140, green) %bottom left grass

drawfillbox (250, 267, 220, 225, black) %box on the left
drawfillbox (350, 140, 380, 100, black) %box on the right
drawfillbox (301, 250, 350, 225, black) %box on the Top
drawfillbox (299, 113, 250, 140, black) %box on the bottom
drawfillbox (300, 1, 300, 400, yellow) %yellowline up and down
drawfillbox (640, 183, 0, 183, yellow)

drawfillbox (x + 200, 150, x + 247, 180, red) %CAR
drawfillbox (x - 350, 190, x - 397, 220, blue) %car

drawfilloval (235, 231, 5, 5, brightgreen) %left green
drawfilloval (365, 107, 5, 5, brightgreen) %right green

drawfilloval (260, 127, 5, 5, brightred) %bottom red
drawfilloval (310, 237, 5, 5, brightred) %top red

delay (15)



end loop

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:38 am   Post subject: RE:2 loops at once

You want your View.Update to come right after all of your drawing code, sometime before the delay and Draw.Cls, otherwise it will clear the screen and display a cleared screen to the user, then start drawing again.
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