import "DanSprite.tu"
setscreen ("graphics,nobuttonbar")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var x, y : int %var for the first sprite
var x2, y2 : int %var for the second sprite
var x3, y3 : int %var for the 1st ovals quadents
var x4, y4 : int %var for the 2nd ovals quadents
var nx3, ny3, nx4, ny4 : int := 1 %vars for the chage in qroadents
var s : int := 10 %var for the size of the ovals
var chars : array char of boolean
x := 1
y := 1
x2 := 100
y2 := 100
var pic : int := DanSprite.newPic (x, y, "slime1.jpg")
var pic2 : int := DanSprite.newPic (x2, y2, "slime2.jpg")
x3 := Rand.Int (1, 100) %set the x quadent for the 1st oval
y3 := Rand.Int (1, 100) %set the y quadent for the 1st oval
x4 := Rand.Int (1, 100) %set the x quadent for the 2nd oval
y4 := Rand.Int (1, 100) %set the y quadent for the 2nd oval
%main loop
if Input.hasch then
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
y += 10
DanSprite.movePic (x, y, pic)
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x += 10
DanSprite.movePic (x, y, pic)
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
x -= 10
DanSprite.movePic (x, y, pic)
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
y -= 10
DanSprite.movePic (x, y, pic)
end if
if chars ('w') then
y2 += 10
DanSprite.movePic (x2, y2, pic2)
end if
if chars ('d') then
x2 += 10
DanSprite.movePic (x2, y2, pic2)
end if
if chars ('a') then
x2 -= 10
DanSprite.movePic (x2, y2, pic2)
end if
if chars ('s') then
y2 -= 10
DanSprite.movePic (x2, y2, pic2)
end if
end if
drawfilloval (x3, y3, s, s, red) %draws the 1st oval
drawfilloval (x4, y4, s, s, green) %draws the 2nd one
%check to see if oval gose off the screen
%for oval 1
if x3 <= 0 then %check to see if it gose off the bottom
nx3 := 1 %chages the direction
elsif y3 <= 0 then %check to see if it gose off to the left
ny3 := 1 %chages the direction
end if
if x3 >= maxx then %check to see if it gose off the top
nx3 := - 1 %chages the direction
elsif y3 >= maxy then %check to see if it gose off to the right
ny3 := - 1 %chages the direction
end if
%check to see if oval gose off the screen
%for oval 2
if x4 <= 0 then %check to see if it gose off the bottom
nx4 := 1 %chages the direction
elsif y4 <= 0 then %check to see if it gose off to the left
ny4 := 1 %chages the direction
end if
if x4 >= maxx then %check to see if it gose off the top
nx4 := - 1 %chages the direction
elsif y4 >= maxy then %check to see if it gose off to the right
ny4 := - 1 %chages the direction
end if
%this if checks to see if the ovals have hit each other
if x3 + s > x2 - s and x2 - s < x2 + s and y2 + s > y2 - s and y2 - s < y2 +
s then
%chages the direction of all the ovals
nx3 := nx3 * - 1
ny3 := ny3 * - 1
nx4 := nx4 * - 1
ny4 := ny4 * - 1
end if
%this part adds the chage in qroadents to the
%quradents and makes the ovals move
x3 += nx3
y3 += ny3
x4 += nx4
y4 += ny4
delay (0)
end loop |