Using mousewhere while using GUI
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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:12 pm Post subject: Using mousewhere while using GUI |
I am having some trouble and hope u can help me
The problem is i can not use ranges and mousewhere to act as a button for me it executes properly but when i click within that range nothing happens
I think this is because my program is also using GUI to create other buttons within the program but im am still not sure.
Here is my source code, it is not finished but what i need help on is there.
Just click on the lesson portion of main menu and click next within the lesson procedure
Turing: |
%This program will teach you about geometric shapes and test your knowledge with a quiz.
%Set screen up
import GUI
setscreen ("offscreensonly")
View.Set ("graphics")
%Declaration Section
var mainWin := Window.Open ("position:100;100,graphics:650;400")
var rangeX, rangeY, button : int
%Program Title
procedure title
locate (1, 32)
colour (15)
put "Geometric Shapes"
end title
%Program goodBye
procedure goodBye
%Animated Circle
for x : 60 .. 315
drawfilloval (x - 1, 220, 50, 50, 0)
drawfilloval (x, 220, 50, 50, 70)
delay (10)
end for
colour (83)
locate (22, 28)
put "This program was written by:"
locate (23, 33)
put "???????"
exit when hasch
end loop
Window.Close (mainWin )
end goodBye
%Program Quiz
procedure userInput
put "Quiz time"
end userInput
%Program Lesson
procedure display
colour (86)
locate (4, 30)
put "Lesson 1: Circles"
colour (103)
locate (7, 10)
put "1)The perimeter of a circle is known as it's circumference"
locate (9, 10)
put "2)The measure which runs along the centre of a circle is the diameter"
locate (11, 10)
put "3)Circles were used as the basis for creating wheels"
locate (19, 40)
put "Next"
colour (86)
locate (13, 10)
put " Associated word: Circumference"
drawbox (300, 82, 360, 114, 86)
mousewhere (rangeX, rangeY, button )
if button = 1 then
if (rangeX >= 300 and rangeX <= 360) and (rangeY >= 82 and rangeY < 114) then
colour (86)
locate (4, 30)
put "Lesson 2: Squares"
end if
end if
end display
%Program mainMenu
procedure mainMenu
%Main menu background
drawfilloval (20, 300, 10, 10, 86)
drawfilloval (200, 230, 10, 10, 92)
drawfilloval (50, 200, 10, 10, 70)
drawfilloval (200, 380, 10, 10, 70)
drawfilloval (500, 200, 10, 10, 86)
drawfilloval (520, 360, 10, 10, 92)
drawfilloval (440, 110, 10, 10, 70)
drawfilloval (580, 140, 10, 10, 92)
drawfilloval (300, 40, 10, 10, 92)
drawfilloval (150, 120, 10, 10, 86)
drawfilloval (400, 360, 10, 10, 86)
drawfilloval (405, 250, 10, 10, 92)
%Circles & Faces
drawfilloval (30, 30, 23, 23, 86)
drawfilloval (20, 30, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (40, 30, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (30, 20, 3, 3, 62)
drawfillbox (27, 22, 33, 25, 62)
drawfilloval (93, 363, 23, 23, 86)
drawarc (83, 363, 4, 3, 0, 180, 22)
drawfilloval (105, 363, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (94, 355, 3, 4, 62)
drawfillbox (90, 355, 97, 360, 62)
%Squares & Faces
drawfillbox (10, 60, 50, 100, 70)
drawline (15, 90, 24, 85, 22)
drawline (24, 85, 15, 80, 22)
drawline (45, 90, 36, 85, 22)
drawline (36, 85, 45, 80, 22)
drawfilloval (30, 75, 4, 4, 86)
%Ovals & Face
drawfilloval (610, 370, 28, 23, 86)
drawarc (620, 370, 4, 3, 0, 180, 22)
drawarc (600, 370, 4, 3, 0, 180, 22)
drawfilloval (610, 360, 3, 3, 62)
drawfillbox (607, 360, 613, 363, 62)
drawfilloval (545, 30, 28, 23, 70)
drawfilloval (535, 30, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (555, 30, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (545, 20, 3, 3, 86)
%Rectangle & Face
drawfillbox (580, 10, 640, 50, 68)
drawline (590, 40, 599, 35, 22)
drawline (599, 35, 590, 30, 22)
drawfilloval (620, 35, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (610, 20, 5, 3, 86)
drawfillbox (590, 340, 635, 270, 70)
drawfilloval (603, 320, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (622, 320, 3, 6, 22)
drawfilloval (612, 300, 4, 4, 86)
drawfillbox (608, 300, 616, 305, 86)
%Triangle & Face
var x : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (10, 40, 70)
var y : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (340, 390, 340)
Draw.FillPolygon (x, y, 3, 92)
drawline (32, 365, 37, 360, 22)
drawline (37, 360, 32, 355, 22)
drawline (45, 360, 50, 365, 22)
drawline (45, 360, 50, 355, 22)
drawfilloval (41, 350, 3, 3, 86)
drawfillbox (38, 350, 44, 355, 86)
%Main menu buttons
var lessonButton : int := GUI.CreateButtonFull (285, 250, 0, "Lesson", display, 0, '^L', false)
var quizButton : int := GUI.CreateButtonFull (287, 200, 0, "Quiz!", userInput, 0, '^Q', false)
var quitButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (292, 150, 0, "Exit", goodBye )
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end mainMenu
%Program Introduction
procedure introduction
colour (103)
locate (3, 22)
put "Learn about various geometric shapes"
locate (4, 28)
put "and test your knowledge"
locate (5, 35)
put "with a quiz"
var menuButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (280, 50, 0, "Go to Menu", mainMenu )
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
end introduction
%Main Program
userInput |
Mod Edit: Syntax tags are better then quote tags to post code code: | [syntax="turing"]Code Here[/syntax] |
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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:17 pm Post subject: RE:Using mousewhere while using GUI |
Don't use the built in GUI. Make your own buttons. They look nicer and work more often than the GUI. |
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:32 pm Post subject: RE:Using mousewhere while using GUI |
you are using mousewhere just once (it's not inside a loop). |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:20 pm Post subject: Re: Using mousewhere while using GUI |
it's gotto look like this:
Mod Edit: Don't just post the solution. Thanks |