import GUI
%need to finish sorting the names in alphabetical order
setscreen ("graphics:300;200,nobuttonbar")
put "Alpha Game"
var xpos, ypos, btn : int
var frame : int := GUI.CreateFrame (200, 70, 100, 170, GUI.LINE)
var x : flexible array 1 .. 1 of string
%get names
var fstream : int
open : fstream, "wordlist.txt", get
exit when eof (fstream)
get : fstream, x (upper (x))
new x, upper (x) + 1
end loop
var word : array 1..5 of string
word(1) := x(Rand.Int(1,26))
word(2) := x(Rand.Int(1,26))
word(3) := x(Rand.Int(1,26))
word(4) := x(Rand.Int(1,26))
word(5) := x(Rand.Int(1,26))
%bubble sort nooby but works
var temp : string
for i : 1 .. 4
for j : 1 .. i - 1
if ord (word (i) (1)) > ord (word (i + 1) (1)) then
temp := word (i)
word (i) := word (i + 1)
word (i + 1) := temp
end if
end for
end for
var word1x : int := 3
var word2x : int := 3
var word3x : int := 3
var word4x : int := 3
var word5x : int := 3
var word1y : int := 150
var word2y : int := 130
var word3y : int := 110
var word4y : int := 90
var word5y : int := 70
var word1 : int := GUI.CreateLabel (word1x, word1y, word (1))
var word2 : int := GUI.CreateLabel (word2x, word2y, word (2))
var word3 : int := GUI.CreateLabel (word3x, word3y, word (3))
var word4 : int := GUI.CreateLabel (word4x, word4y, word (4))
var word5 : int := GUI.CreateLabel (word5x, word5y, word (5))
var width1 : int := GUI.GetWidth (word1)
var width2 : int := GUI.GetWidth (word2)
var width3 : int := GUI.GetWidth (word3)
var width4 : int := GUI.GetWidth (word4)
var width5 : int := GUI.GetWidth (word5)
var height1 : int := GUI.GetHeight (word1)
var height2 : int := GUI.GetHeight (word2)
var height3 : int := GUI.GetHeight (word3)
var height4 : int := GUI.GetHeight (word4)
var height5 : int := GUI.GetHeight (word5)
var bool : int := 0
%drag and drop
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
locate (10, 1)
put xpos, ",", ypos
if btn = 1 and xpos >= word1x - 10 and xpos <= word1x + width1 and ypos >= word1y - 10 and ypos <= word1y + height1 then
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
word1x := xpos
word1y := ypos
GUI.SetPosition (word1, word1x, word1y)
exit when btn = 0
end loop
end if
if btn = 1 and xpos >= word2x - 10 and xpos <= word2x + width2 and ypos >= word2y - 10 and ypos <= word2y + height2 then
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
word2x := xpos
word2y := ypos
GUI.SetPosition (word2, word2x, word2y)
exit when btn = 0
end loop
end if
if btn = 1 and xpos >= word3x - 10 and xpos <= word3x + width3 and ypos >= word3y - 10 and ypos <= word3y + height3 then
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
word3x := xpos
word3y := ypos
GUI.SetPosition (word3, word3x, word3y)
exit when btn = 0
end loop
end if
if btn = 1 and xpos >= word4x - 10 and xpos <= word4x + width4 and ypos >= word4y - 10 and ypos <= word4y + height4 then
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
word4x := xpos
word4y := ypos
GUI.SetPosition (word4, word4x, word4y)
exit when btn = 0
end loop
end if
if btn = 1 and xpos >= word5x - 10 and xpos <= word5x + width5 and ypos >= word5y - 10 and ypos <= word5y + height5 then
mousewhere (xpos, ypos, btn)
word5x := xpos
word5y := ypos
GUI.SetPosition (word5, word5x, word5y)
exit when btn = 0
end loop
end if
if word1y > word2y and word2y > word5y and word5y > word3y and word3y > word4y then
if word1x > 100 and word2x > 100 and word3x > 100 and word4x > 100 and word5x > 100 then
put "you win"
end if
end if
end loop