% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% %% PETER'S PONG v.1.12 %%
% %% Programed by Peter Do %%
% %% Background Music by Aaron Liblong %%
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
const RADIUS : int := 10
const SLOWMAX : int := 500
const ACCELERATION : real := 0.2
const UP_ARROW : char := chr (200)
const LEFT_ARROW : char := chr (203)
const RIGHT_ARROW : char := chr (205)
var keys : array char of boolean
var right, left, Speed : int := 1
var RSpeed : real := 0.1
var a, b, c, d, m, s, x, y, cheats, cheats2, cheatsyes : int := 0
var rx, ry : real := 0.0
var BoxX1, BoxY1, BoxX2, BoxY2, WallPosition, Box2X1, Box2Y1, Box2X2, Box2Y2 : int := 200
var answer, answer2, answer3, answer4, Score, buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int := 0
var Score2, Score3 : string
var SlowMotion : int := 1000
var WallSpeed : int := 5
var RSlowMotion : real := 0
function Right (x : int) : int
result x + Speed
end Right
function Left (x : int) : int
result x - Speed
end Left
function Up (y : int) : int
result y + Speed
end Up
function Down (y : int) : int
result y - Speed
end Down
function RealRight (rx : real) : real
result rx + 0.1
end RealRight
function RealLeft (rx : real) : real
result rx - 0.1
end RealLeft
function RealUp (ry : real) : real
result ry + 0.1
end RealUp
function RealDown (ry : real) : real
result ry - 0.1
end RealDown
procedure CentreFont (s : string, x, y, f, clr : int)
var w : int := Font.Width (s, f)
Font.Draw (s, x - w div 2, y, f, clr)
end CentreFont
procedure YouLose
var answer, AX1, AX2, BX1, BX2, Y1, Y2 : int
Score2 := intstr (Score)
Score3 := "Your score is " + Score2
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("YOU LOSE!", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 25, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), c)
CentreFont (Score3, maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 22, Font.New ("Impact:30"), c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("YOU LOSE!", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 25, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), black)
CentreFont (Score3, maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 22, Font.New ("Impact:30"), black)
AX1 := 275
AX2 := 315
BX1 := 325
BX2 := 365
Y1 := 115
Y2 := 135
delay (1000)
for decreasing c2 : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Would you like to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + -50, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c2)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 80, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c2)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, c2)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, c2)
delay (50)
end for
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, black)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, black)
var x, y, b : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, b)
if x > AX1 and x < AX2 and y > Y1 and y < Y2 then
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer3 := 1
end if
elsif x > BX1 and x < BX2 and y > Y1 and y < Y2 then
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer3 := 2
end if
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, black)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, black)
end if
end loop
for c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("YOU LOSE!", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 25, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), c)
CentreFont (Score3, maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 22, Font.New ("Impact:30"), c)
CentreFont ("Would you like to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + -50, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 80, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, c)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, c)
delay (50)
end for
m := 0
end YouLose
procedure SureQuit
var answer, AX1, AX2, BX1, BX2, Y1, Y2 : int
AX1 := 275
AX2 := 315
BX1 := 325
BX2 := 365
Y1 := 195
Y2 := 215
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Are you sure you want to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + +30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, c)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
CentreFont ("Are you sure you want to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + +30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, black)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, black)
var x, y, b : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, b)
if x > AX1 and x < AX2 and y > Y1 and y < Y2 then
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer2 := 1
end if
elsif x > BX1 and x < BX2 and y > Y1 and y < Y2 then
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer2 := 2
end if
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, black)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, black)
end if
end loop
if answer2 = 1 then
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Are you sure you want to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + +30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, c)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, c)
delay (50)
end for
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Are you sure you want to quit?", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + +30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Yes No", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (AX1, Y1, AX2, Y2, c)
Draw.Box (BX1, Y1, BX2, Y2, c)
delay (50)
end for
end if
m := 1
end SureQuit
procedure menu
var X1, X2, AY1, AY2, BY1, BY2, CY1, CY2 : int
X1 := 270
X2 := 370
AY1 := 225
AY2 := 245
BY1 := 195
BY2 := 215
CY1 := 185
CY2 := 165
if m = 0 then
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Play", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
elsif m = 1 then
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Play", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
end if
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
CentreFont ("Play", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
var x, y, button, middle : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, button)
left := button mod 10
middle := (button - left) mod 100
right := button - middle - left
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys (RIGHT_ARROW) and keys (LEFT_ARROW) and left = 1 then
cheats := 1
end if
if x > X1 and x < X2 and y > AY1 and y < AY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, brightred)
if button = 1 then
answer := 1
end if
elsif x > X1 and x < X2 and y > BY1 and y < BY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, brightred)
if button = 1 then
answer := 2
end if
elsif x > X1 and x < X2 and y < CY1 and y > CY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, brightred)
if button = 1 then
answer := 3
end if
elsif x >= 0 and x <= 3 and y <= 3 and y >= 0 then
cheats2 := 1
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, black)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, black)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, black)
end if
end loop
if answer = 1 or answer = 2 then
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Play", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Play", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
end if
m := 0
cheatsyes := 1
end menu
procedure GameMenu
var X1, X2, AY1, AY2, BY1, BY2, CY1, CY2, DY1, DY2 : int := 0
X1 := 270
X2 := 370
AY1 := 225
AY2 := 245
BY1 := 195
BY2 := 215
CY1 := 185
CY2 := 165
DY1 := 155
DY2 := 135
if m = 0 then
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Continue", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Restart", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 60, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
elsif m = 1 then
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Continue", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Restart", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 60, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
end if
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
CentreFont ("Continue", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Restart", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 60, Font.New ("Impact:14"), black)
var x, y, b : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, b)
if x > X1 and x < X2 and y > AY1 and y < AY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer4 := 1
end if
elsif x > X1 and x < X2 and y > BY1 and y < BY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer4 := 2
end if
elsif x > X1 and x < X2 and y < CY1 and y > CY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer4 := 3
end if
elsif x > X1 and x < X2 and y < DY1 and y > DY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer4 := 4
end if
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, black)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, black)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, black)
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, black)
end if
end loop
if answer4 = 1 or answer4 = 2 or answer4 = 3 then
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Continue", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Restart", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 60, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold,underline"), black)
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Continue", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Restart", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
CentreFont ("Quit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 60, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, BY1, X2, BY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, CY1, X2, CY2, c)
Draw.Box (X1, DY1, X2, DY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
end if
m := 0
end GameMenu
procedure Help
var X1, X2, AY1, AY2 : int
X1 := 270
X2 := 370
AY1 := 75
AY2 := 96
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 110, Font.New ("Impact:16:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Control the two paddles with the mouse.", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 90, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("Try to stop the ball from passing your", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("paddles. The more you hit the ball with", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 50, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("the paddle the more it speeds up. Your", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("score is the amount of times you hit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 10, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("the ball. Pressing the left mouse button", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 10, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("makes you go into slow-motion. The green", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("bar on the right is the amount of time", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 50, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("that you can go into slow-motion. Right", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 70, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("clicking brings up the in-game menu", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 90, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("Return", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 120, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, black)
var x, y, b : int := 0
mousewhere (x, y, b)
if x > X1 and x < X2 then
if y > AY1 and y < AY2 then
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, brightred)
if b = 1 then
answer := 1
end if
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, black)
end if
end if
end loop
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong Help", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 110, Font.New ("Impact:16:bold,underline"), c)
CentreFont ("Control the two paddles with the mouse.", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 90, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("Try to stop the ball from passing your", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 70, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("paddles. The more you hit the ball with", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 50, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("the paddle the more it speeds up. Your", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 30, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("score is the amount of times you hit", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 10, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("the ball. Pressing the left mouse button", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 10, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("makes you go into slow-motion. The green", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 30, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("bar on the right is the amount of time", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 50, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("that you can go into slow-motion. Right", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 70, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("clicking brings up the in-game menu", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 90, Font.New ("Impact:12"), c)
CentreFont ("Return", maxx div 2, maxy div 2 - 120, Font.New ("Impact:14"), c)
Draw.Box (X1, AY1, X2, AY2, c)
delay (50)
end for
m := 0
end Help
procedure Credits
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Programmed by Peter Do", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Programmed by Peter Do", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), black)
delay (200)
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Programmed by Peter Do", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Music by Aaron Liblong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Music by Aaron Liblong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), black)
delay (200)
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Music by Aaron Liblong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:20:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
for decreasing c : 31 .. 16
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), black)
delay (200)
for c : 16 .. 31
CentreFont ("Peter's Pong", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font.New ("Impact:70:bold"), c)
delay (50)
end for
end Credits
procedure Restart
%These randint statements randomize the direction(a and b) and the location (x and y)
randint (x, 220, 420)
randint (y, 1, 200)
randint (a, 0, 1)
randint (b, 0, 1)
rx := x
ry := y
c := 1
s := 0
Speed := 1
RSpeed := 1
SlowMotion := SLOWMAX
RSlowMotion := SLOWMAX
end Restart
procedure CheckHit1
if y >= 400 - RADIUS then
b := 0
c := (c + 1) mod 15
elsif y <= RADIUS then
b := 1
c := (c + 1) mod 15
end if
end CheckHit1
procedure CheckHit2
if x <= RADIUS + BoxX2 + 1 then
if y <= BoxY2 + RADIUS and y >= BoxY1 - RADIUS then
a := 0
Score += 1
c := (c + 1) mod 15
if Speed <= 2 then
Speed := round (RSpeed)
end if
end if
end if
end CheckHit2
procedure CheckHit3
if x >= maxx - 3 - RADIUS then
if y <= Box2Y2 + RADIUS and y >= Box2Y1 - RADIUS then
a := 1
Score += 1
c := (c + 1) mod 15
if Speed <= 2 then
Speed := round (RSpeed)
end if
end if
end if
end CheckHit3
procedure MoveWall
var x, y, button, middle : int
Input.KeyDown (keys)
mousewhere (x, y, button)
left := button mod 10 % left = 0 or 1
middle := (button - left) mod 100 % middle = 0 or 10
right := button - middle - left % right = 0 or 100
if left = 1 and cheats = 1 and cheats2 = 1 then
SlowMotion := SLOWMAX
WallSpeed := 2
Speed := 0
s := 1
elsif left = 1 and SlowMotion > 0 then
RSlowMotion := RSlowMotion - 2
SlowMotion := round (RSlowMotion)
WallSpeed := 2
Speed := 0
s := 1
elsif left = 0 or SlowMotion <= 0 then
WallSpeed := 5
Speed := round (RSpeed)
s := 0
end if
if y < WallPosition - 2 or y > WallPosition + 2 then
if y > WallPosition then
WallPosition := WallPosition + WallSpeed
elsif y < WallPosition then
WallPosition := WallPosition - WallSpeed
end if
end if
if WallPosition >= maxy - 50 then
WallPosition := maxy - 50
end if
if WallPosition <= 50 then
WallPosition := 50
end if
end MoveWall
setscreen ("offscreenonly, nobuttonbar,nocursor")
buttonchoose ("multibutton")
if answer = 1 then
elsif answer = 2 then
elsif answer = 3 then
if answer2 = 1 then
end if
end if
end loop
if right = 100 then
if answer4 = 1 then
elsif answer4 = 2 then
elsif answer4 = 3 then
elsif answer4 = 4 then
if answer2 = 1 then
end if
end if
answer4 := 0
end loop
end if
%This regenerates the slow motion bar if the player is not in slow motion and the slow motion is not full
if left not= 1 and SlowMotion < SLOWMAX then
RSlowMotion += 0.5
SlowMotion := round (RSlowMotion)
end if
%This checks if the player is in slow motion and if he isn't then it makes real x become x and
%real y become y
if s not= 1 then
rx := x
ry := y
end if
%This draws the ball
Draw.FillOval (x, y, RADIUS, RADIUS, c)
%This positions the left paddle
BoxX1 := 3
BoxY1 := WallPosition - 50
BoxX2 := 6
BoxY2 := WallPosition + 50
%This positions the right paddle
Box2X1 := maxx - 3
Box2Y1 := WallPosition - 51
Box2X2 := maxx
Box2Y2 := WallPosition + 51
%This draws the left paddle
Draw.FillBox (BoxX1, BoxY1, BoxX2, BoxY2, black)
%This draws the right paddle
Draw.FillBox (Box2X1, Box2Y1, Box2X2, Box2Y2, black)
%This draws the slow motion bar
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 2, round (SlowMotion * 0.8), green)
%This draws a grey line between the slow motion bar and
Draw.Line (3, 0, 3, 400, grey)
%This checks if the ball hit the wall
%This checks if the ball hit the left paddle
%This checks if the ball hit the right paddle
%This checks if the player is in slow motion
if s = 1 then
%This makes the ball move left in slow motion
if a = 1 then
rx := RealLeft (rx)
x := round (rx)
%This makes the ball move right in slow motion
rx := RealRight (rx)
x := round (rx)
end if
%This makes the ball move left normally
if a = 1 then
x := Left (x)
%This makes the ball move right normally
x := Right (x)
end if
end if
%This checks if the player is in slow motion
if s = 1 then
%This makes the ball move up in slow motion
if b = 1 then
ry := RealUp (ry)
y := round (ry)
%This makes the ball move down in slow motion
ry := RealDown (ry)
y := round (ry)
end if
%This makes the ball move up normally
if b = 1 then
y := Up (y)
%This makes the ball move down normally
y := Down (y)
end if
end if
%This makes sure the colour of the ball is not white
if c = 0 then
c := 1
end if
%This erases everything but the ball on the screen so that the ball leaves a trail behind it
if s not= 1 then
Draw.FillBox (BoxX1, BoxY1, BoxX2, BoxY2, white)
Draw.FillBox (Box2X1, Box2Y1, Box2X2, Box2Y2, white)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 2, round (SlowMotion * 1.6), white)
end if
%This checks if the ball hit the wall
if x <= RADIUS + 3 then
Score := 0
Speed := 1
RSpeed := 0
cheats := 0
cheats2 := 0
if answer3 = 1 then
end if
end if
%This checks if the ball hit the wall
if x >= maxx - RADIUS then
Score := 0
Speed := 1
RSpeed := 0
cheats := 0
cheats2 := 0
if answer3 = 1 then
end if
end if
end loop
end loop